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2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы после текста.

1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of video conferencing?

2) What problems can users have with video conferencing?

3) Why do companies use video conferencing?

4) Why can video conferencing be expensive?

3. Какие предложения являются верными?

1) The key driver behind the use of video conferencing is time.

2) Companies have to realize that the technology is not free.

3) Video conferencing systems are getting cheaper and less reliable.

4) Video conferences also enable us to bring together people who would never meet if the technology was not there.

4. Дополните предложения.

1) Companies are recommended to invest in ________for their staff who will meet each other digitally.

2) Consultants provide training, where they ________ users and get them to notice their nervous tics on screen.

3) _________ predict that in the next ten years, video conferences will replace as much as 20 % of business travel.

4) Video conferencing systems are getting ___________ and more reliable.

5. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

Видео конференция, командировка, инвестировать, поначалу, обсуждать проблемы.

принятие решения, европейские страны, бюджет, распространить информацию, иностранный язык.

Вариант 2

1. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 4 абзацы. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1 и 2 абзацы.

Building intercultural bridges for reaching business agreements

1. More and more companies are increasing their language training budgets to equip staff for global business. But language alone isn’t always enough. Companies from different countries can usually deal with language differences by learning foreign languages. But they also need to be able to deal with cultural differences. That is where intercultural training comes in.

2. Differences between northern and southern European countries are well documented. Executives from Germany who want to do business in Italy or Spain need to understand the ground rules. Meetings are rarely used to solve problems and reach agreement in these countries. Instead, meetings are used to spread information about decisions which have already been made.

3. Similarly, business people need to understand the cultural systems of respect and deference when they meet up with Asian counterparts. For example, senior executives from Japan will only discuss business with people from the same management level. The message for companies here is, don’t send anybody but senior people to meetings with Japanese counterparts. In south-east Asian cultures it’s the group that’s important in decision making. An individual will seldom agree to something until a consensus has been reached among colleagues.

4. Companies are still investing more money in improving foreign language skills. Analysts want to see a situation where investment in intercultural awareness is on the same level as language training. Only then will the companies be able to send out well-prepared executives capable of building business bridges in the global environment. Training in intercultural awareness – as well as languages – is the key to overcoming the communication gap.