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Genomic Imprinting and Uniparental Disomy in Medicine

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Genomic Imprinting and Uniparental Disomy in Medicine: Clinical and Molecular Aspects

Eric Engel, Stylianos E. Antonarkis

Copyright # 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. ISBNs: 0-471-35126-1 (Hardback); 0-471-22193-7 (Electronic)

Chapter 10

Genomic Imprinting

in the Mouse

Contributed by Robert Lyle, Ph.D., Division of Medical Genetics, University of Geneva Medical School.

Mammals are diploid for all autosomal genes and the majority of genes are assumed to be expressed from both alleles within the cell. However, a number of different mechanisms exist for ensuring that some genes are only expressed monoallelically. For example, X inactivation in female mammals involves silencing a large number of genes on the X chromosome (Lyon, 1999), olfactory cells express a single receptor subtype from the thousands of genes possible (Chess et al., 1994), and certain genes involved in the development of the immune system are expressed from only one allele (Holla¨nder et al., 1998; Nutt et al., 1999; Rivie`re et al., 1998).

In addition, a subset of genes is expressed from only one allele in a parentspecific manner. Such genes are subject to the phenomenon of genomic imprinting. The study of genomic imprinting in mice and humans has been complementary through a number of different observations and experimental approaches. From the manipulation of early mouse embryos to the observation of parental effects in human genetic disease, work on both species has contributed to an understanding of imprinting and its clinical effects. This chapter will focus on some of the data that led to the identification of imprinting in both mice and humans and discuss how the study of imprinted genes in both species continues to provide insights into the molecular basis of imprinting.


The manipulation of mouse embryos in vitro to produce diploid embryos with only maternal or paternal genomes provided the first clear evidence for the phenomenon



of gametic imprinting. Initially, the production of parthenogenetic embryos, in a number of vertebrate species, indicated that normal development could occur with only a maternally derived diploid genome. However, the demonstration that mammalian parthenogenotes are not viable suggested this was not true for all species (Kaufman et al., 1977). A number of reasons were postulated for this failure to complete development: homozygosity for recessive lethal alleles, lack of an extragenetic contribution from the fertilizing sperm, or nonequivalence of the parental genomes (Graham, 1974).

Experiments to distinguish between these alternatives used nuclear transplantation to create embryos with different parental constitutions (Figure 1). Neither parthenogenotes (Kaufman et al., 1977) nor diploid biparental gynogenetic (Surani and Barton, 1983) or androgenetic (McGrath and Solter, 1984a) embryos develop to term. Both androgenetic and gynogenetic embryos can develop to the blastocyst stage, but die shortly after implantation. The fact that these embryos were derived from inbred mice rules out the possibility that the lethality was due to homozygosity for recessive mutations. Since the only difference between parthenogenotes and gynogenotes is that gynogenotes have been activated by contact with sperm, the demonstration that gynogenetic embryos develop to the same stage as parthenogenotes suggested that it was not a cytoplasmic contribution from sperm that led to the developmental failure (Surani and Barton, 1983). This was confirmed by experiments in which eggs were injected with pronuclei from fertilized eggs: Only those eggs that obtained a male pronucleus developed to term; those that obtained a female pronucleus did not. Thus, the cytoplasm of activated eggs is capable of supporting development (Surani et al., 1984). Nuclear transplantation experiments with pronuclei derived from Thp mice (a maternal effect mutation on mouse chromosome 17) (Johnson, 1974) also confirmed that the phenotypic effect was nuclear and not cytoplasmic. A Thppronucleus injected into an anucleate egg derived from wildtype mice did not produce viable offspring, whereas the reciprocal nuclear transfer was viable (McGrath and Solter, 1984b).

The conclusion from these experiments was that the parental genomes are not equivalent in the information they contribute to the embryo. From this it follows that one or both parental genomes must be marked in some way to modify their genetic information (McGrath and Solter, 1984a; Surani et al., 1984). This mark that confers parental ‘‘memory’’ has become known as the imprint. The imprint has been shown to remain on the parental chromosomes after cell division: Transplantation of nuclei from haploid early preimplantation embryos (two to eight cells) back into fertilized eggs, from which one pronucleus had been removed, develop to term, only if the donor nucleus was derived from the opposite sex of the remaining pronucleus. This demonstrated that the imprinting mark is heritable (Surani et al., 1986). During early development, gynogenotes and androgenotes are generally much smaller than normal littermates (Surani and Barton, 1983). In addition, the parental genomes do not contribute equally to the tissues of the developing embryo, apparently fulfilling complementary functions. Androgenotes have relatively poorly developed embryonic tissue, but well-developed extraembryonic membranes and trophoblast (Barton et al., 1984), gynogenotes have a small but relatively normal embryo,


Figure 1 Manipulation of early embryos to produce androgenotes, gynogenotes, and parthogenotes. The ability to distinguish male and female pronuclei in a fertilized egg means that they can be removed before pronuclear fusion. Subsequent injection of different pronuclei allows generation of diploid embryos with genomes derived from only paternal or maternal contributions.


whereas the extraembryonic tissues are not well developed (Barton et al., 1985; Surani and Barton, 1983; Surani et al., 1984). The paternal genome thus contributes more to extraembryonic tissues and the maternal genome to postimplantation development of the embryo. This conclusion was tested, and confirmed, by constructing chimaeras between androgenetic and parthenogenetic cells: Androgenetic cells preferentially contribute to the extraembryonic tissues and gynogenetic cells to the embryo proper (Mann et al., 1990; Surani et al., 1987). Further analysis of chimaeras has shown that parthenogenetic, androgenetic, and gynogenetic cells also contribute unequally to the embryonic organs (Barton et al., 1991; Hardy and Handyside, 1996).

Naturally occurring equivalents of androgenetic and parthenogenetic mouse embryos exist in humans. Hydatidiform moles, like androgenotes, are diploid for the paternal genome and arise through fertilization of an anucleate oocyte (Jacobs et al., 1980). These moles are similar to androgenetic embryos in that they show hypertrophy of extraembryonic structures and lack embryonic tissue. Ovarian teratomas are benign embryonal tumors that develop with only a diploid maternal genome and are thus parthenogenetic (Surti et al., 1990). Similar to mouse parthenogenotes, ovarian teratomas have embryonic tissues but do not contain extraembryonic structures.


More detailed analyses of the regions of the genome that contribute to parentdependent phenotypic effects have been made possible by the use of translocation strains of mice that show a high rate of nondisjunction. Offspring derived from these mice often show uniparental disomy (UPD) for specific chromosomes; they are diploid but a region of the genome is of maternal or paternal origin only (Cattanach and Kirk, 1985; Figure 2). Selective breeding in mice has allowed the analysis of most of the genome (Cattanach and Beechey, 1990), and naturally occurring cases of UPD have allowed similar, although less definitive, analyses in humans (Ledbetter and Engel, 1995). The phenotypes of UPD mice range from embryonic lethal to postnatal growth effects (Cattanach and Beechey, 1990). For some chromosomal regions, the opposite, complementing phenotypes are produced dependent on the parent-of-origin of the UPD, reminiscent of the results from androgenotes and parthenogenotes. For example, for proximal chromosome 11, paternal UPD results in growth enhancement and maternal UPD in a growth decrease, suggestive of a paternally expressed growth enhancer or a maternally expressed negative regulator of growth mapping to this region. Such studies have shown that the effects observed in experiments with parthenogenetic, gynogenetic, and androgenetic embryos are attributable to a relatively small subset of the genome [reviewed in (Cattanach and Beechey, 1990)]. Large chromosomal regions have been identified that appear to show no imprinting effects (Beechey and Cattanach, 1996; Cattanach et al., 1993). So far, 15 regions of the mouse genome have been identified that display parentalspecific effects [see (http:==www.mgu.har.mrc.ac.uk=imprinting=imptables.html.


Figure 2 Mice with UPD for specific chromosomal regions can be generated using strains that show a high degree of nondisjunction. Marker genes (indicated by and þ and coat color) can be used to identify the UPD progeny. Only progeny showing UPD are indicated in the figure.


impregs) for an updated list]. Presumably, such screens will miss certain regions associated with mild phenotypes, or those modified by genetic background. In humans, UPD has been associated with a number of diseases that have been used to construct a similar imprinting map (Ledbetter and Engel, 1995; see Chapter 5). Such a map, although not as detailed as the mouse map, also reveals that not all chromosomes show parental origin effects, and that the identified chromosomes have homology of synteny with the regions identified in the mouse. Interestingly, three out of the four regions defined by Ledbetter and Engel (1995) as showing certain imprinting effects (on chromosomes 7, 11, and 14) are associated with a growth abnormality phenotype, as are the corresponding regions in mice (Figure 3).

In conclusion, the nuclear transplantation and genetic experiments demonstrate that maternal and paternal genomes make different contributions to the developing embryo, and indicate that a subset of genes within the genome display parent-of- origin effects.


The first imprinted gene to be identified was the maternally expressed mouse insulinlike growth factor type-2 receptor (Igf2r), which was isolated by positional cloning as the gene responsible for the T maternal effect (Tme) phenotype, a naturally occurring mouse mutant known to display parental origin effects (Barlow et al., 1991; Lau et al., 1994; Wang et al., 1994). This was quickly followed by the paternally expressed Igf2, which was shown to be imprinted by examining the phenotypes of progeny from reciprocal crosses heterozygous for a targeted mutation (DeChiara et al., 1991). The abnormal phenotype was observed only when the mutant gene was inherited from the father, demonstrating that Igf2 is expressed only from the paternal allele. Thus, the first real evidence for the existence of imprinted genes came from studies of mice. Since these discoveries almost a decade ago, a number of approaches have been taken to identify more imprinted genes in both mice and humans. The most successful method so far has involved genetic mapping data. Imprinted genes have been identified both by testing genes that map close to known imprinted genes, e.g., the mouse H19 gene (Bartolomei et al., 1991), and by identifying and testing novel genes within imprinted regions, e.g., within the PWS=AS region in humans (Lee and Wevrick, 2000).

In addition to mapping strategies, systematic screens have been made to identify imprinted genes. Two strategies involving detecting methylation differences between alleles of an imprinted locus have been used: restriction landmark genome screening (RLGS; Hatada et al., 1993) and methylation-sensitive representational difference analysis (RDA; Kelsey et al., 1999). Both these strategies rely on the use of restriction enzymes that have the same recognition sequence, but differ in their sensitivity to CpG methylation to identify regions of the genome that have one methylated and one unmethylated allele. Potentially expressed sequences associated with these differentially methylated regions (DMRs) then have to be identified and


Figure 3 Phenotypes of mouse UPD strains [adapted from Beechey, 2000; http:==www.mgu.har.mrc.a-

.mgu.har.mrc.ac.uk=imprinting=imptables.html#impregs)]. Also shown are imprinted genes identified in mice and humans. Mm, mouse chromosome; Hs, human chromosome; PWS, Prader-Willi syndrome; AS, Angelman syndrome; BWS, Beckwith-Wiedeman syndrome. Dark gray and light gray bars on mouse chromosomes indicate paternal and maternal UPD effect, respectively. Genes in dark gray and light gray are paternally or maternally expressed, respectively.


tested for monoallelic expression. Other approaches have involved direct identification of differentially expressed genes (Kaneko-Ishino et al., 1995) or proteins (Bowden et al., 1996) from normal and parthenogenetic embryos. With the increasing availability of sequence information, bioinformatic approaches have also been used to identify potential imprinted genes (Wylie et al., 2000).

At least 49 imprinted genes have now been reported, and imprinting seems to be very well conserved between mice and humans, with only a few of the studied genes not imprinted in both species (Table 1, Figure 2). It is difficult to estimate the total number of imprinted genes present in mice and humans but, based on mouse mutants (either natural or engineered knock-outs) that display parental effects, 100–200 have been estimated (Barlow, 1995). Thus, if this estimate is accurate, a significant proportion of the total number of imprinted genes has already been identified.

Imprinted genes are often assumed to be monoallelically expressed in all tissues at all times, but this is not true for all imprinted genes, and perhaps not for any. Generally, expression studies analyse only a few tissues or developmental stages and thus do not give a complete picture of the patterns of expression of imprinted genes. This information is obviously important, as illustrated by two examples, kvLQT1 and UBAE3A. Mutations in KVLQT1, a potassium channel, cause long QT syndrome (LQT; a cardiac arrhythmia) and Jervell and Lange-Nielsen cardioauditory syndrome (JLN) (Neyroud et al., 1997). Neither of these syndromes show evidence of imprinting effects. Interestingly, KVLQT1 maps within the BWS region and is imprinted except in heart (Lee, 1997). In contrast, UBE3A was originally excluded as a candidate for Angelman syndrome (AS) because it was shown to be biallelically expressed in lymphocytes and fibroblasts (Nakao et al., 1994). However, subsequently mutations were found in UBE3A in AS patients (Kishino et al., 1997). This apparent paradox was resolved when it was shown that UBE3A is expressed only from the maternal allele in the brain (Vu and Hoffman, 1997). Thus in both these cases detailed knowledge of the tissue-specific imprinted expression was necessary to evaluate their involvement in disease.

The high degree of conservation of imprinted genes between mice and humans suggests that a comparison of sequence data can be used to identify conserved elements important for imprinting. Onyango et al. compared over 1 Mb of sequence from the human 11p15 region involved in Beckwith-Wiedeman syndrome (BWS) with the orthologous mouse chromosome 7 region and showed overall structural conservation of the region in terms of genes and CpG islands, but also identifed potentially novel regulatory elements (Onyango et al., 2000). However, differences are important too. For example, recent work on the gene IMPACT, which is imprinted in mice but not humans, indicates that it is the presence of a differentially methylated intronic CpG island which is necessary for imprinting (Okamura et al., 2000). This observation is strikingly similar to the results obtained in a mouse model of imprinting at the Igf2r locus, where transgenes were used to show that an intronic CpG island was necessary to imprint Igf2r (Wutz et al., 1997).

Most imprinted genes in humans and mice map to regions previously identified as displaying UPD effects (Figure 3). However, some imprinted genes map outside

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