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Words and word combinations to be remembered

caloric – теплота

transfer – переносить, перемещать

dense – плотный

source – источник

to be due to – быть вызванным ч-л.

convection currents – конвекционные потоки

linear expansion –линейное расширение

perform – исполнять, выполнять, совершать

unequal heating – неравномерное нагревание

superficial expansion – поверхностное расширение

require – требовать

internal – внутренний

conductor – проводник

transmit – передавать, проводить

wave – волна

Ex. 1. Are these statements right or wrong?

1. Heat is an invisible substance called caloric. 2. Some scientists began to think that heat phenomena were due to the motion of molecules. 3. Lomonosov made many carefully performed laboratory experiments. 4. Lomonosov’s theory laid the foundation of the present-day theory of gravitation. 5. Heat is a form of energy. 6. The chemical energy can be transformed into heat energy. 7. The motion of the coal molecules is transformed to the motion of wheels by which the train is moved. 8. Radiation can’t travel through a vacuum. 9. Convection currents may be set up in liquids by unequal heating. 10. Metals generally are much better conductors of heat than wood or stone.

Ex. 2. Make up and write all possible questions to the following sentences:

1. We regard heat as a form of energy.2. We must indicate temperature in numerical terms. 3. The Celsius scale was devised by Celsius in 1742.

Ex. 3. Copy these sentences selecting the proper word in the blank:

1. … take place only in liquids and gases. (radiation, convection, conduction). 2. Transmission of … from molecule to molecule is called conduction of heat. (light, sound, heat). 3. Radiation can … through a vacuum (absorb, travel, warm). 4. Convection currents may be set up by … (transmitting, falling, heating).

Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Heat can never be produced without the expenditure of …. .

  2. Because of this we regard heat itself as a form of … .

  3. When a lump of lead is vigorously hammered, it becomes hot – mechanical energy is changed to … .

  4. If coal is burned, chemical energy … .

  5. An electric current passing through the element of an electric wire produces heat from … .

  6. On a fine summer day the radiant energy warms us as we bask in …

  7. So long as the lead is hammered, fuel used, electric current passed and so on, heat energy … .

  8. Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton began to think about heat in terms of… .

  9. Lomonosov stated that heat phenomena were due to… .

  10. Convection currents may be set up in … .

  11. When one end of an iron rod is held in flame, the other end of the rod will soon be too hot to be held comfortable. Such transmission of heat from molecule to molecule is called … .

  12. Radiant heat is the name given to … .

Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:

  1. Who began to think about heat in terms of molecular motion? 2. What is heat known to be today? 3. What was heat considered to be? 4. How was it called? 5. Which Lomonosov’s statement was the result of many carefully performed laboratory experiments? 6. What did Lomonosov’s theory lay the foundation for? 7. How can heat be transmitted? 8. Where does convection take place? 9. What is conduction of heat? 10. What can radiation travel through?

Ex. 6. Translate this dialogue into English:

- Теплота – форма энергии. Какими способами она может передаваться.

- Она может передаваться различными способами. Например, с помощью проводимости.

- Верно. Это способ передачи тепла. Кстати, что является лучшими проводниками тепла?

- Металлы. Они передают тепло от молекулы к молекуле. Говоря, что они проводят тепло.

- Вы правы. А что Вы знаете о конвекции?

- Это тоже способ передачи тепла. Оно передается благодаря движению нагретых масс.

- Радиация – это тоже способ передачи теплоты, не так ли?

- Да, конечно.

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