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I. Water Supply.doc
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Part I Unit 1 Water



to bond – связывать aquifer – водоносный слой

state – состояние solvent – растворитель

vapour – пар to facilitate - способствовать

glacier – ледник

Water is the chemical substance with chemical formula H2O: one molecule of water has two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom.

Water appears in nature in all three common states of matter and may take many different forms on Earth: water vapor and clouds in the sky; seawater in the oceans; icebergs in the polar oceans; glaciers and rivers in the mountains; and the liquid in aquifers in the ground.

Water covers 70.9% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life.

Water plays an important role in the world economy, as it functions as a solvent for a wide variety of chemical substances and facilitates industrial cooling and transportation. Approximately 70% of the fresh water used by humans goes to agriculture.


1) resource ресурс

2) ice лёд

3) hail град

4) fog туман

5) vapor пар

6) cloud облако

7) happen случаться, происходить

8) sea море

9) contain содержать (в себе), вмещать

10) still тем не менее, всё ещё

11) salt соль

12) move двигать(ся), передвигать(ся)

13) leave оставлять, покидать

14) behind сзади, позади

15) lake озеро

16) rise (rose, risen) подниматься; подъём

17) cool охлаждать(ся), холодный

18) fall (fell, fallen) падать, понижаться

19) store запасать, накапливать

20) source источник

21) precipitate выпадать (об осадках)

22) distribute распределять

23) surface поверхность

24) inch дюйм (= 2,54 см)

25) quantity количество

26) provide снабжать, обеспечивать

27) accelerate ускорять(ся)

28) rapid быстрый

29) measure мера; измерять

30) available доступный; пригодный

31) waste бесполезная трата; отходы, отбросы

32) improve улучшать(ся)

33) efficient эффективный


  1. Guess the meaning of the words.

natural, form, atmosphere, ocean, cycle, mile, cubic, condensation, globe, planet, material, industry, irrigation, container, reservoir, climate, topography, region, kilometer, problem

  1. Translate the following word combinations:

resource, natural resources, water resources; ice, thin ice, thick ice, icy wind; fog, thick fog, a foggy day; vapor, water vapor; sea, sea water, sea plants; salt, harmful salts, salty water; to contain, to contain harmful salts, to contain information; to move, to move to the ocean, the movement of water; to evaporate, to evaporate water, evaporation from the land surface; to leave, to leave home, to leave salts behind; to rise, to rise into the air, to rise early; to fall, to fall to the land, to fall down; to cool, to cool in the air; to store, to store water, water stored in the atmosphere; source, a source of water, a source of information; to precipitate, precipitated vapor, the amount of precipitated vapor; quantity, a great quantity of water; waste, waste of water

  1. Match the word and its synonym.

1) vapor

2) happen

3) still

4) store

5) quantity

6) rapid

7) available

8) contain

9) leave

10) important

11) accelerate

  1. quicken

  2. however

  3. significant

  4. take place

  5. include

  6. usable

  7. steam

  8. amount

  9. walk out

  10. accumulate

  11. quick

  1. Fill in the gaps choosing the words from the box. Translate the sentences.

efficiently, quantity, require, sky, evaporate, contain, water, resource, condense, globe, purposes

      1. Water is an important natural …

      2. Rain, snow, ice, hail, vapor, fog are various forms of …

      3. Three fourths of … are covered with water.

      4. Sea water … salts harmful to most plants.

      5. Water … from the surface of the ocean and into the air.

      6. Water vapor … and falls to the Earth.

      7. About 95,000 cubic miles of water are moving between earth and …

      8. Our homes, agriculture and industry … great quantities of water.

      9. We need water to support our lives, to grow our crops and for many other …

      10. The … of fresh water available to man is very small.

      11. We have to use water more …

  1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world's supply of clean, fresh water is steadily decreasing.

  2. Over two thirds of fresh water is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.

  3. The total quantity of water available at any given time is an important consideration.

  4. Water is present in the atmosphere in solid, liquid, and vapor states.

  5. Water is responsible for a large amount of processes that occur on the surface of the earth.

  6. Water vapor condensing from the air precipitates to earth or ocean.

  7. Sea water contains about 3.5% salt on average, plus smaller amounts of other substances.

  8. To avoid a global water crisis, industry and cities find ways to use water more efficiently.

  9. A large amount of the Earth's water is contained in oceans.

  1. Match the English and Russian proverbs.

A a) Water is a boon in the desert, but the drowning man curses it. b) To go through fire and water. c) To take to something like a duck to water. d) To fish in troubled waters. e) A lot of water has flown under the bridge since. f) To muddy the water. g) To pour cold water over someone. h) To get into hot water. i) A drop in the ocean. j) To be in low water. k) To make someone’s mouth water. l) Like water off a duck’s back. m) After us the deluge!

B 1) Сесть на мель. 2) Слюнки текут. 3) Попасть как кур во щи. 4) Окатить холодной водой.5) Мутить воду. 6) Много воды утекло. 7) Ловить рыбу в мутной воды. 8) Как с гуся вода.9) Как рыба в воде. 10) Пройти огонь и воду. 11) Капля в море. 12) Вода – это жизнь, но тонущий её проклинает. 13) После нас – хоть потоп!

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