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Задание 1. Прочтите текст и напишите ответы на вопросы. 1 балл


1. Where was Samuel Clemens born? 2. What were the great-great parents of Mark

Twain? 3. What were the streets and lanes of Florida paved with? 4. What was the

author's attitude toward slavery? 5. Where did the author begin his journalistic




After Mark Twain

1. I was born on the 30-th of November 1835 in the village of Florida, Missouri.

My father was John Marshal Clemens.

2. According to tradition some of my great-great parents were pirates and slave

traders — a respectable trade in the 16-th century. In my time I wished to be a pirate


3. Florida contained a hundred people and when I was born I increased the

population by one per cent. It had two streets and a lot of lanes. Both the streets and

the lanes were paved with the same material — black mud in wet times, deep dust in

dry. Most of the houses were of wood — there were none of brick and none of stone.

Everywhere around were fields and woods.

4. My uncle was a farmer. I have never met a better man than he was. He was a

middle-aged man whose head was clear and whose heart was honest and simple. I

stayed at his house for three months every year till I was thirteen years old. Nowhere

else was I happier than at his house. He had eight children and owned about fourteen

Negro slaves whom he had bought from other farmers.

5. My uncle and everyone on the farm treated the slaves kindly. All the Negroes on

the farm were friends of ours and with those of our own age we were playmates.

Since my childhood I have learned to like the black race and admire some of its fine

qualities. In my school days nobody told me that it was wrong to sell and buy people.

It is only much later that I realized all the horror of slavery.

6. The country school was three miles from my uncle's farm. It stood in a forest

and could take in about twenty five boys and girls. We attended school once or twice

a week. I was a sickly child and lived mainly on medicine the first seven years of my


7. When I was twelve years old my father died. After my father's death our family

was left penniless. I was taken from school at once and placed in the office of a local

newspaper as printer's apprentice where I could receive board and clothes but no


8. For ten years I worked in print shops of various cities. I started my journalistic

life as a reporter on a newspaper in San-Francisco. It was then that I began to sign my

publications by my penname Mark Twain.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты. 0,5 балла


По традиции; увеличил на один процент; обращался хорошо; жил на

лекарствах; без гроша.

Задание 3. Перепишите предложения и прокомментируйте их 0,5 балла

словами True (правильно) или False (неправильно) в

соответствии с содержанием текста.


1. When a child Mark Twain wanted to be a pirate. 2. Florida was a small town and

most of the houses were of stone. 3. Mark Twain’s uncle was an honest man. 4. Mark

Twain’s uncle was the father of a large family. 5. Mark Twain started his journalistic

life as a reporter on a newspaper in Los Angeles.

Задание 4. Переведите пятый абзац письменно. 0,5 балла

Задание 5. Расскажите другу о себе в электронном письме

(письмо личного характера).

2 балла


Задание 1 Тема 1: Местоимение 1 балл

а) Замените слово в скобках соответствующим местоимением. (0,1×4)

1. We know (Mary) well. 2. (The bird) is singing lovely. 3. Cats like (their, theirs)

kittens. 4. This flat is (ours, our).

б) Выберите соответствующее местоимение. (0,1×6)

1. I don’t like this dog, I like (those, that) one. 2. I washed (some, any) apples. 3.

Intuition is defined as a way of knowing (something, somebody) conscious. 4. (Who,

What) is there? Mike is. 5. Chris knows (what, that) Dad wants to speak to him about

the accident. 6. (What, That) we saw surprised us.

Задание 2 Тема 2: Оборот there + be 1,5 балла

а) Переведите предложения. Поставьте их в Past и Future Simple, добавляя,

где необходимо, слова last/next week, last/next year, tomorrow, yesterday и

т.д. (0,1×6)

1. There is a lot of snow on the roofs. 2. There are a lot of people at the airport.

б) Опровергните данные утверждения. Напишите по одному общему и

специальному вопросу к каждому предложению. (0,1×9)

1. There is a restaurant in this hotel. 2. There are some buses in the street. 3. Twenty

years ago there were very many tourists here.

Задание 3 Тема 3: Степени сравнения прилагательных и


1 балл

Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в соответствующую степень

сравнения. (0,1×10)

1. She is the (pretty) girl I have ever known. 2. The boy is as (tall) as his father. 3. He

makes (many) mistakes than you do. 4. She has the (difficult) job of all. 5. I think

dogs are (intelligent) than cats. 6. He drives (slowly) than his father. 7. Pete plays the

piano very well, but Bob plays (well). 8. Helen translated this article much (easily). 9.

Laura was the (nervous) in the exam. 10. The (soon) you take your medicine, the

(well) you will feel.

Задание 4 Тема 4: Структура английского предложения 2 балла

а) Составьте предложения из следующих слов и переведите их. (0,1×4)

1. Carry out / students / practical / work / in / laboratories / well-equipped. 2. Take /

long / did / how / it / homework / do / you / your / to?

б) Переведите предложения. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.


1. I watch television every day. (2) 2. He entered the institute last year. (2) 3. We will

have finished dinner by the time you come. (3)

в) Закончите разделительные вопросы и переведите их. (0,1×6)

1. He isn’t a full-time student, …? 2. You didn’t go to the party yesterday, …? 3.

Now she is watching TV, …?

Задание 5 Тема 5: Формы английского глагола. Система

времен в действительном и страдательном залоге

2 балла

а) Переведите следующие глаголы и дайте остальные три формы. (0,1×10)

Cost, copy, say, finish, offer, plug, graduate, seem, burn, forget.

б) Определите видовременную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого. Переве-

дите предложения. (0,1×10)

1. That problem was discussed at our meeting. 2. Students are provided with hostels,

well-equipped laboratories and libraries. 3. She lost her job as a bookkeeper when her

company went bankrupt. 4. I was walking home when I met my friend. 5. We haven't

heard about her since 2008.

Задание 6 Тема 6: Согласование времен. Косвенная речь 2 балла

Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь, соблюдая правило

согласования времен. (0,2×10)

1. I said, “I have never been to the theatre.” 2. Mr. Brown said, “I spent my summer

vacation in Moscow.” 3. She said my mother, “Will Nick call you on the way to the

university?” 4. He said, “Did you go to school yesterday?” 5. The head hunter asked,

“Who has any experiments in this field?” 6. He asked, “Why have you cut down the

amount of money?” 7. He asked, “Who saw the explosion on the well?” 8. She said,

“Don’t give it as a present.” 9. She said, “I’m very tired.” 10. They said, “He can pay

the fare.”


Задание 7 Тема 7: Дополнение 0,5 балла

Перепишите предложения и подчеркните дополнения. (0,1×5)

1. The teacher translated the text to us. 2. Where did you celebrate your birthday? 3.

I want to watch TV. 4. Don’t give you this English book. 5. Pass it to him.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык