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1.1 Find Russian equivalents to the underlined expressions in the text & make up a short situation trying to use as many lexical units as it is possible.

1.2 Give synonyms for the words in the left column & explain the differences in meaning for the words in the right column.

  1. junior- 1.older-elder

  2. adult- 2.stare-watch

  3. identical- 3.denote-define

  4. boring- 4.community-society

  5. odd- 5.authority-power

1.3 Find in the text English equivalents to the expressions below . Конфликт поколений; музейные экспонаты; стать нормой; быть естественным; самостоятельно принимать решения ; окончательное решение; быть авторитетом в данном вопросе


Form adjectives according to the patterns

V+able e.g. argue-arguable

Rely, regret, reason, accept, enjoy, prefer, predict, depend, respect, question

N+ful e.g. care-careful

Help, hurt, trust, faith, sin, hope, success, respect, doubt, regret

N+al e.g.norm-normal

Occasion, season, option, person, nature, form, ration, exception, education, emotion, profession

1.5 Make the adjectives you formed in 1.4 negative, using the prefixes un-, im-, in-, ir- where possible. E.g. comfortable-uncomfortable

1.6 Find in the text sentences with emphatic structures (inversion).

1.7 Make the following sentences emphatic according to the model:

The parents satisfied the kidnapper’s demands.---The parents did satisfy the kidnapper’s demands.

  1. I believe men and women are equal.

  2. Kids have problems; but most eight-to-seventeen-year-olds get on well with their parents.

  3. The judge made a mistake, and an innocent man suffered.

  4. It’s really kind of you .I appreciate it!

  5. Leave her alone if she wants some privacy.

  6. Eunice looks very pretty in long skirts.

  7. When Americans went to war they believed they were fighting for ideas.

  8. I like a woman who knows her own mind.

1.8 Translate into English

1.Я на самом деле хочу поселиться в деревне

2 Она действительно нашла утешение в детях.

3. Ты же заботишься о детях, тебе нечего стыдиться.

4. Мы действительно навещали её время от времени.

5. Непременно скажите им о свадьбе.

6. Зависть действительно портит человеческие отношения.

Соседние файлы в папке 03-03-2015_19-00-49