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2. Дайте ответы на вопросы

1.Economics is a social science studying production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and cervices. 2.Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, business enterprises, and governments try to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select. 3. Such fields of study as psychology and ethics focus on the same problems as economics. Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed; history records changes in human objectives; sociology interprets human behaviour in social contexts. 4.Psychology try to explain how objectives are formed; history records changes in human objectives; 5.Sociology interprets human behavior in social contexts. 6.The two major fields in economics are: microeconomics and macroeconomics. 7.Microeconomics explains how supply and demand in competitive markets create prices, wage rates, profit margins, and rental changes. 8.Microeconomics assumes that people behave rationally. 9.Entrepreneurs seek as much profit as they can extract from their operation. 10.Macroeconomics deals with modern explanations of national income and employment. 11.The beginning of the macroeconomics was a book:"The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1935), by the British economist John Maynard Keynes. 12.John Maynard Keynes explains that prosperity and depression is based on the total or aggregate demand for goods and services by consumers, business investors, and governments.

3. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний в тексте

1-production 2-distribution 3-consumption 4-business enterprises 5-efficiently 6-field 7-supply 8-demand 9-competitive markets 10-profit 11-consumers 12-wage rates 13-profit margins 14- income, profit 15-maximise 16-utility 17-entrepreneurs 18-extract 19-employment 20-prosperity 21-objective 22-aggregate demand

4. Переведите на английский язык

А)I went to the cinema last sunday.I shall have written the letter by ten o'clock tomorrow. I had written the letter when he came. He read the book by ten pm yesterday. The person sitting behind the desk- is our teacher. I met my old friend on the way home.-( можно еще и так- I met my old friend while i was walking home).Children must/should listen to their parents. You should enroll the Institute. She had to stay home. The train was to arrive by 8 pm. He would always help me. 12.Can I help you?-Yes, you can.( можно еще и так- May i help you?- yes, you may.)13. He must have known about it. They will let him take the book. You have to speak English. He is known to be a good engineer. I saw him coming in the house. English is spoken in many countries. By the time(when)we got to the airport, the airplane had already landed. By the time (when) I came, he had already read the book and was watching tv. We are going to Moscow on the 22of July. I have already written the letter. The book was purchased by me. The letter was sent yesterday. This issue was being discussed last week. The students are being taught by teachers in schools. This book was published long time ago. Now, as i have passed exams, i am free.I go to school every day. They are never late to work.

B)1.Economics is a social science studying production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and cervices.2.Other social sciences also try to study the behavior of people, business enterprises and government.3. Business enterprises try to achieve efficiently any objectives they select. ( any selected objectives.)4.Sociologists try to interpret human behavior in society. 5. Economics is divided into 2 major fields : Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. 6. Microeconomics assumes that people behave rationally.7.Consumers try to spend their income in order to get complete satisfaction.8.Entrepreneurs seek to get as much profit as possible from their operation.9. Macroeconomics concentrates on national income and employment. The theory of John Maynard Keynes is based on aggregate demand for goods and services.

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