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Unit nine

Grammar: Gerundial Construction (§ 15).

Functions of that, those (§ 21).

  • Word-formation: Prefixes over-, en-.

  • Individual Work: Lab Work "Gerundial Construction".


Pre-text Exercises

I. Practise the reading of the following words:

increasingly [In'kri:sINli], particularly [pq'tIkjqlqli], adjust [q'GAst], executive [ig'zekjqtIv], enormous [inO:mqs], launch [lO:ntS], vehicle ['vi: qkl], science ['saIqns], purpose ['pE:pqs], access ['xkses], scholar ['skPlq (r)], ancient ['einS(q)nt], guide [gaId], image ['ImIG].

II. Make sure if you can read these words correctly and say what words in the Russian language help you to guess their meaning:

control, product, operation, architectural, structure, biological, physical, social, model, system, chemist, physicist, laboratory, instrument, astronomer, telescope, photographic, process, planet, specialist, music, poem, generate, artist, style, literature, civilization.

III. Give the initial forms of the following words:

increasing, factories, turns, advanced, launching, deals, processed, giving, provides, transmitted, fields, purposes.

IV. State to what parts of speech the words in black type belong:

1. What is the number of the group your friend studies in? 2. We may group these substances according to their specific gravity. 3. The results of the experiment will be better if he changes the speed of the reaction. 4. Above certain critical temperature changes take place in the molecular structure of a metal. 5. Artificial satellites travel round the earth like planets. 6. In order to send up a manned spaceship it was necessary to solve the problem of the return travel. 7. Scientists may send any order to a radio-controlled rocket. 8. After manned spaceships return from the Moon, much valuable information will be added to that known about its composition and atmosphere. 9. Radio waves are like light waves. 10. We like working in our institute labs because we can always get help in case we need it.

V. a) Form verbs adding the prefixes a) over– and b) en– to the given words and translate them:

Example: a) to load – грузить b) large – большой

to overload – перегружать to enlarge – увеличивать

  1. to heat, to estimate, to charge, to work, to fill, to fulfil, to cool, to grow, to balance, to hear, to supply, to simplify, to use, to develop, to value;

  2. rich, sure, due, feeble, noble, close.

VI. Define the function of that (those) in the following sentences and translate them:

1. Computers are devices that are capable of very rapid and accurate calculations. 2. The experimental technique was similar to that described previously. 3. You know that light waves pass through glass more easily than heat waves. 4. This control system is more efficient than that described in that journal. 5. The atoms and molecules that make up all the forms of matter are in constant thermal motion. 6. We know that automation ensures better working conditions in operation. 7. The masers can operate at other frequencies than those used in the microwave region. 8. On that day the radiotelegraphy was converted from an abstract theoretical problem into a real fact. 9. One positive charge is now called a proton and this charge is equal to that of one electron. 10. The first solar battery demonstrated in 1954 operated with semiconductor crystals similar to those used in transistors. 11. Since that time Maxwell wrote a great number of works which were the results of his experiments and calculations. 12. The antenna for the receiver is constructed in the same manner as that for the transmitter.

VII. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Gerundial Construction:

1. I've heard of their experiment being successfully completed in the nearest future. 2. Mr. Smirnov's taking part in the design of the new data processing system was of great help to us. 3. We were told about their having studied a number of problems connected with the development of computing machinery. 4. Mankind is interested in atomic energy being used only for peaceful purposes. 5. Benjamin Franklin's having invented the first lightning conductor is a well established fact. 6. We all know of their designing a new type of computer. 7. He mentioned his having shown these slides at the conference. 8. Your having worked at the plant helped you to master technical subjects. 9. Kurchatov's having devoted all his life to nuclear physics is known to everybody. 10. I know of their being shown the new device. 11. We remembered having mentioned the works of this scientist. 12. We know of the Curies' having discovered some new radioactive elements. 13. We know of Rutherford's having investigated the nature of alpha-particles. 14. We insisted on the experiment being repeated. 15. There was no hope of their solving this complex engineering problem so soon.

VIII. Match up the words which are similar in meaning:

a) to turn on, enormous, calculation, a researcher, to work, information;

b) data, to operate, an investigator, tremendous, to switch on, computation.

IX. Try to memorize all word-groups:

■to play an important role – играть важную роль ■ developed countries – развитые страны ■ to adjust – регулировать ■ executive – служащий; сотрудник ■ advanced technological problems – передовые технологические проблемы (задачи) ■ with relative ease – с относительной легкостью ■ to be of tremendous help – оказывать большую помощь ■ information science – информатика ■ in various ways – различными способами ■ to solve (tackle) problems – решать задачи ■ in the form of mathematical equations – в виде (форме) математических уравнений ■ in many scientific fields – во многих научных областях ■ experimental data – экспериментальные данные ■ an efficient means – эффективное средство ■ in either case – в любом случае.


I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions:

1. How do computers help in engineering? 2. What role do they play in the sciences? 3. How are computers used in the fine arts?

II. Study text A. Try to understand all details. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Text A

Uses of the Computer

1. Computers play an increasingly important role in society, particularly in industrially developed countries.

Numerous factories use computers to control machines that make products. A computer turns the machines on and off and adjust their operations when necessary. In most major industries, computers help researchers and executives make important decisions.

2. Without computers, it would be impossible for engineers to perform the enormous number of calculations needed to solve many advanced technological problems. Computers help in the building of spacecraft, and they assist flight engineers in launching, controlling, and tracking the vehicles1. Computers also are used to develop equipment for exploring the moon and planets. They enable architectural and civil engineers to design complicated bridges and other structures with relative ease.

  1. Computers have been of tremendous help to researchers in the biological, physical, and social sciences. They also have a major role in the field of information science. Information science deals with how information is collected, processed, and transmitted. It brings together knowledge from many fields of study2. Researchers' using computers helps them to solve problems in the biological and physical sciences. One method used for certain problems provides exact solution in the form of mathematical equations.

  2. In many scientific fields, researchers use computers to construct mathematical models of devices, systems and theories. The models consist of equations that describe the possible relations between the parts or processes of a subject.

  3. Chemists and physicists rely on computers3 to control and check sensitive laboratory instruments and to analyze experimental data. Astronomers use computers to guide telescopes and to process photographic images of planets and other objects in space.

  4. Computers provide an efficient means of storing and locating scientific research data for reference purposes4. Their storing records of thousands of articles and reports gives specialists quick access to the latest development in their field.

  5. Computers can be used to compose music, write poems, and produce drawings and paintings. A work generated by a computer may resemble that of a certain artist in both style and form, or it may appear abstract or random. In either case, however, any creativity in the work is basically that of the person who programmed the computer.

  6. Computers are also used in the study of the fine arts, particularly literature. They have also been programmed to help scholars identify paintings and sculptures from ancient civilizations.


1. computers help in tracking the vehicles – компьютеры помогают следить за полетом ракет

2. information science brings together – информатика объединяет 3. rely on computers – используют компьютеры

4. for reference purposes – для библиографических целей

III. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1. Computers play an important role in society. 2. Without computers it would be possible to perform the enormous number of calculations. 3. Researchers don't use computers to construct mathematical models of devices, systems and theories. 4. Computers provide an efficient means of storing and locating scientific research data for various purposes.

IV. Answer the following questions on paragraphs 1 and 2:

1. What can computers do in most major industries? 2. Computers enable engineers to design complicated structures, don't they?

V. Find the place in paragraph 3 containing the description of information science. Say this to your group-mate.

VI. In paragraphs 1 and 2 find the English equivalents of the following words:

многочисленный; управлять; включать, (выключать); регулировать; главный (основной); исследователь; служащий; решение; выполнять; огромный; вычисление; передовой (прогрессивный); помогать; запускать; летательный аппарат (ракета); следить; оборудование; исследовать.

VII. Translate paragraphs 4 and 5.

VIII. Write out of the text words and word combinations for describing the use of computers in engineering and the sciences.

IX. Find Russian equivalents to the words given in the boxes of the logical diagram.


to be used

numerous factories

space technology

architectural and civil engineering

information science

mathematical models

chemistry, physics, astronomy

fine arts

X. Make an outline of the text.

XI. Speak about the application of the computer using your outline and the words from the logical diagram.


I. Look through the list of English words and their Russian equivalents. You '11 need them for better understanding of text B:

sequence – последовательность; to deliver – выдавать; to refer to – ссылаться на; software – программное обеспечение (средство) ; hardware – аппаратное обеспечение (средство); high-level language – язык высокого уровня; low-level language – язык низкого уровня; to require – требовать; to suit – подходить; to add – прибавлять, складывать; to subtract – вычитать; to represent – представлять; sign – знак; assembly language – (входной) язык ассемблера; compiler – компилятор, компилирующая программа; assembler – ассемблер, компонующая программа.

II. Skim through the text and try to formulate the main idea (you are given 10 minutes).

Text В

Programming a Digital Computer

Programming involves the preparation and writing of detailed instructions for a computer. These instructions tell a computer exactly what data to use and what sequence of operations to perform with the data. Without such programs, a computer could not solve problems or deliver any other desired result.

In most cases, computer scientists and other computer specialists called programmers write the instructions. They refer to programs as software because the instructions have no physical parts. The term hardware is applied to the computer itself, including its electronic circuits and peripheral equipment.

A programmer writes the instructions for a computer in a programming language. Such a language consists of letters, words, and symbols as well as rules for combining those elements. Some programming languages closely resemble the language of mathematics. Others enable programmers to write instructions in simple, everyday expressions, such as "READ", "ADD", and "STOP". Programming languages of this kind are called high-level languages.

The language that a programmer uses depends largely on the job to be done. If a task involves processing business data, the programmer would most likely use COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language)1. However, preparing a computer to solve complicated scientific problems might require the use of ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language)2, which is a mathematically oriented programming language.

Some high-level languages can be used for business, technical, or scientific programming. Such languages include FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation)3; APL (A Programming Language)4; and PL/1 (Programming Language One)5.

Another commonly used programming language is BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction. Code)6. BASIC is well suited for writing relatively simple programs for minicomputers and microcomputers.

Some computer programs may be written in an assembly language. This kind of language is harder to use than a high-level language because it involves symbols as well as words. For example, an assembly language might use the symbols AD for add and S for subtract.

A computer cannot work directly with a program written in a high-level or assembly language. The instructions have to be translated into a machine language composed of binary digits that represent operation codes, memory addresses, and various symbols, such as plus and minus signs. Machine language is also known as low-level language. Special programs called compilers and assemblers translate high-level and assembly languages into machine language.


1. COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) – КОБОЛ (язык, ориентированный на выполнение общих экономических расчетов)

2. ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language) – АЛГОЛ (алгоритмический язык)

3. FORTRAN (FORmuia TRANslation) – ФОРТРАН (перевод формулы)

4. APL (A Programming Language) – АПЛ (язык программирования)

5. PL/l (Programming Language One) – ПЛ/1 (язык программирования/1)

6. BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) – БЭЙСИК (многоцелевой язык символических инструкций для начинающих)

III. Answer the following questions on the contents of the text:

1. What does programming involve? 2. Who writes the instructions? 3. What does a programming language consist of? 4. What programming languages do you know? 5. What is a machine language composed of?

IV. Give the main points of text В in some sentences.

V. Speak about high-level and low-level languages.


I. Look through the list of English words and their Russian equivalents facilitating reading text C:

advantage – преимущество; weight – вес; load – груз; pay-load – платный груз; to apply – применять; response – ответ, реакция; blind landing – посадка по приборам; flight – полет; immediate – немедленный; vehicle – летательный аппарат, ракета; reliability – надежность; solid-state device – твердотельное устройство; square inch – квадратный дюйм; complicated patterns – сложные схемы , human brain – мозг человека; reason – причина; component – элемент; dimension – размер; cost – стоимость; to save – экономить.

II. Scan text C looking for answers to the following questions:

1. What are the advantages in making computers as small as one can? 2. What is the problem of further miniaturization of computers?

Text С