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Task 9. Give English equivalents for:

основатель, учредитель;

заменитель различных искусственных материалов;

присоединить свой голос;

стимулировать интерес к;

усилия сторонников конопли;

убедить работников сельского хозяйства выращивать коноплю на коммерческой основе;

по Британским законам, выращивание конопли вне закона;

распространенное и ценное сырье;

составляет основу целого ряда продуктов от одежды до лекарств;

конопля полностью разлагается;

не требует энергозатратных производственных процессов;

натолкнуться на неожиданное противодействие;

высказать аргументы в пользу чего-либо;

обвинять в безответственном поведении;

равнодушно относиться к вопросам, связанным со злоупотреблением наркотиками;

выращивать коноплю в качестве альтернативной культуры;

большинство людей выступают решительно против возвращения к конопле;

на данный момент / в настоящее время.

Task 10. The passive

Complete the following passage with the appropriate passive forms of the verbs in brackets.

A new campaign 1 was launched(launch) earlier this year by the UK government which aims to reduce the amount of domestic waste. Households 2____________________ (encourage) to recycle certain waste products and to sort and prepare others for collection at specific sites. From there they 3_________________________(take) to special waste treatment plants where special machinery will process them for reuse as recyled material, in Britain today, when the contents of the average household dustbin 4_________________(analyse), we find that, in terms of weight, 35% of the total 5_______________(compose) of paper and cardboard, 22% of kitchen waste, 12% of plastics with glass, dust and ashes each representing a further 10%.

There are in fact only a few items of domestic waste that cannot 6______________(recycle). One common example is disposable nappies which, as their name suggests, 7______________(design) to be thrown away after use. However, a lot of progress could 8_____________(make) to reduce the amount of kitchen waste most of which can 9_________________ (transform) into a useful garden fertiliser. Indeed, if more people chose to do this then the weight of the average dustbin 10_____________(reduce) quite significantly.

In terms of glass products, the situation is more encouraging as nearly 20% of all the glass that 11_________(use) every year in the country 12 ________(take) back for recycling.

Nonetheless, it is clear that the mountains of domestic waste will only decrease if efforts 13 _____________(make) both by individual households and local government authorities. Special equipment such as collection trucks must

14 ___________(purchase) and people must 15 _____________(make) aware of how they can contribute to improving the situation. This 16 _______(achieve) with increasing success in a number of regions in Europe during the last few years, a trend that 17 ______________(expect) to continue in the future.

Read the text again and answer the questions:

What campaign was launched in the UK?

How could it be done?

Why are waste products collected at specific sites?

What is the purpose of special machinery?

What is the average household dustbin in Britain composed of?

What items of domestic waste cannot be recycled?

How can the amount of kitchen waste be reduced?

In what case would the weight of the average dustbin be significantly reduced?

Why is the situation more encouraging in terms of glass products?

In what case will the mountains of domestic waste decrease?

What measures should be taken to improve the situation?

What trend is expected to continue in the future?

Sum up the information about the new environmental campaign in the UK.

Do you know anything about similar campaigns in Russia?

If so, speak about it.