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7. A. Read the text and choose the most suitable title.

    1. The Future of the Internet

    2. The Internet Services

    3. The Internet users

The mobile technologies are expanding the horizons of communication. By making the Internet mobile we could communicate both inside the city and the country as well as with other countries of the world.

What can the Internet give to people? How has it changed our life? With its help we can exchange news, play different interactive games and get news we are interested in. Using the Internet one can also make financial transactions or even get acquainted with other people, sometimes finding a husband or a wife. Nobody knows exactly how many customers may be involved into the web in some years. But according to the information statistics their number might get one billion or even more.

When developing the Mobile Internet service we should understand that users will be able to carry their computer terminals anywhere and access all the services they need in every place and in each time.

B. Answer to the questions given in the text.

8. A. Look through the following text, define the information presented in it and entitle the text.

Universities have generally been quick to adopt new technologies, often even before their educational value has been proven. Throughout its history, higher education has experimented with technological advances as diverse as the blackboard and the personal computer. Some technologies have become permanent parts of the higher education enterprise. Others, such as the slide rule and the 16-millimeter movie projector, have been replaced as more sophisticated or more cost-effective technologies have emerged to take their place.

Technology has the potential to revolutionize the traditional teaching and learning process. It can eliminate the barriers to education imposed by space and time and dramatically expand access to lifelong learning. Students no longer have to meet in the same place at the same time to learn together from an instructor.

Computers and telecommunications are the principal Due to advances in each of these domains, electronic mail, fax machines, the World Wide Web, CDROMs, and commercially developed simulations and courseware are altering the daily operations and expanding the missions of universities.

B. Expand the following statements:

        1. Universities have generally been quick to adopt new technologies.

        2. Some technologies have become out of date.

        3. Students no longer have to meet at the classrooms.

        4. New technologies reshaping higher education.

Part II Word Formation Словообразование

Образование глаголов путем конверсии.



change – изменение

lecture – лекция

to change – менять

to lecture – читать лекцию



empty – пустой

to empty – опустошать

clean – чистый

to clean – чистить

Образование глаголов путем изменения места ударения.



export /'ekspLt/ – экспорт

increase /'InkrJs/ – увеличение

to export /Ik'spLt/ – экспортировать

to increase /In'krJs/ – увеличивать

Образование глаголов путем чередования звуков.



use /jHs/ – употребления

to use /jHz/ – употреблять

belief /bI'lJf/ – вера, убеждение

to believe /bI'lJv/ – верить, думать

Образование глаголов путем присоединения префиксов.

противоположное действие:




«неверно, неправильно»:


«снова, заново, вновь»:


«сверх, чрезмерно»:


«перед, ранее»:


для образования глагола:


to connect – соединять

to trust – доверять

to lock – запирать

to code – кодировать

to apply – использовать

to hear – слышать

to attach – присоединять

to write – писать

to load – грузить

to charge – заряжать

large – большой

circle –круг

to disconnect – разъединять

to distrust – не доверять

to unlock – отпирать

to decode – декодировать

to misapply – неверно использовать

to mishear – ослышаться

to reattach –повторно присоединять

to rewrite – переписать

to overload – перегружать

to precharge – предварительно заряжать

to enlarge – увеличить

to encircle –окружать

Образование глаголов путем присоединения суффиксов.





active – активный

simple – простой

short – короткий

strength – сила

character – характер

to activate – активизировать

to simplify – упрощать

to shorten – укорачивать

to strengthen –усиливать

to characterize – характеризовать

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