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Английский для бакалавров

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Однако имеется тенденция строить заводы и фабрики вдали от крупных промышленных центров, ближе к источникам сырья и рынкам.

США ведут торговлю со многими странами. Ведущими статьями экспорта являются электронное оборудование, изделия химической промышленности, текстиль, железо, уголь, нефтепродукты, зерно и другие товары.

Одной из ведущих отраслей американской промышленности является военная промышленность.

V. Speak about the economy of Great Britain, USA or any other country. Use the offered scheme.

1. ...is rich (poor) in natural resources. 2. It imports (exports) ... from (to) ... 3. It is a highly industrialised country. (It is an agricultural country.) 4. Its industry is located... 5. Nearly (Over) ... workers are employed in manufacturing work. 6. Special emphasis is being placed on the development of such industries as ... 7. In recent years new branches have been added to the traditional industries of the country, such as ... .

8. It is (not) profitable for the country to produce... because it has a lot of (very few) raw materials. 9. Great attention is also paid to the development of... 10. The country's share in the world industrial output has (greatly) increased (decreased) in the past few years. 11. It trades with... 12. The main articles of its import (export) are... 13. The demand for its products is (great; increasing with every passing year; decreasing). 14. It is very profitable for... to trade with... 15. The main crops grown in the country are

... .

VI. Answer the questions about the economy of the country you are interested in.

1. Is... rich in natural resources? What are its main natural resources? 2. Does it import raw materials from other countries? What raw materials does it import? From what countries? 3. What are its main industries? Where are the main industrial centres located? 4. Is it profitable for the country to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles? Why is it (not) ...? 5. Are many workers employed in manufacturing? How many ...? 6. Does ... trade with other countries? What countries ...? 7. Does it depend financially and economically on any other country? 8. Is the policy of its government influenced by any other country? By which country ...? 9. What is being done to intensify production and increase labour productivity? 10. What is being done to make the farmer's work more productive? 11. How is management training organised?

VII. Your friend has just come from the country you are interested in. Question him about the economical situation of this country.


Read the following dialogues. Reproduce them in pairs.


Talking Business


"I should like to speak to Mr. Grey." "Have you an appointment?"

"No. But here is my card."

II "Good morning, Mr. Grey. What can 1 do for you?"

"I've got a proposal to make. I think you know our firm."

"Yes, I do, but I've never had the pleasure of doing any business with you."

"Our firm has a great distributing business with branches in several countries. We suggest that you should act as our agents and handle our business in this country." "What about the terms of payment and other conditions?"

"We propose to allow you 2.5% (two and a half per cent) commission on all business transacted."

"I think it would suit us, but I've got to consult my partners first."


"We wish to inform you, Mr. Brown, that we are ready to give you technical assistance in the construction of the project."

"I am glad to hear it. Let's discuss the terms in detail."


"We've reached agreement on the main points: the cost of equipment, the terms of payment and the terms of delivery."

"Well, let's consider the matter settled."


"We have carefully studied your draft contract and we believe the terms could be acceptable. Only we'd like to clear up some points."

"What particular points would you like to clear up?"

"The main point is the price of the equipment. It seems too high. Could you make it lower?"

"My partners and I will look into the matter again and in a couple of days we'll be ready to resume our discussions."


"You have received our claim, haven't you? You are responsible for the delay in commissioning the plant."


"I think I've got to give you some explanation. The matter is that you failed to deliver the right material in time and that delayed us for several days, so we decline your claim."





зд. визитная карточка


do business with smb.

иметь деловые отношения с кем-л.

handle smb.'s business

вести чьи-л. дела


terms of payment (delivery, etc.)

условия оплаты (доставки и т. п.)


комиссионное вознаграждение

draft contract (resolution, etc.)

проект контракта (резолюции и т. п.)





commission smth.

вводить что-л. в эксплуатацию

give an explanation to smb.

давать разъяснение кому-л.

deliver smth.

доставлять что-л.


delay smb. (smth.)

задерживать, мешать кому-л. сделать





decline smb.'s claim (an invitation,

откладывать, заменять что-л.





(приглашение т. п.)



I. Read the following utterance. Express your opinion about it.

The secret of economy is to live as cheaply the first few days after pay-day as you lived the last few days before.

II. Read and translate the following jokes. Choose the joke you like most and retell it to your friend.


An economical housewife was told that by using a certain stove she would save half the quantity of coal.

“ Oh, that’s very good,” she said, “I’ll have two and save the whole lot.”



"Why have you written the word 'bank' in the middle of a sentence with a capital 'B'?" asked the teacher.

"Because my pa said a bank was no good unless it had a large capital."


“I will save you $1,000," said an adventurer.

“You mean to give your daughter $10000 as a marriage portion” "Yes, I do."

"Well, sir, I will take her with $9,000."


Unit 10

G r a m m a r:

1.Sequence of Tenses

2.Direct and Indirect Speech

T e x t s:

A.Information Age: For and Against

B.Computer System

C.A message from the President

D.Hard Disk Troubles

E.The new way of looking at things: Multi Sync monitors

C o n v e r s a t i o n:

Let's dream of AI

Г р а м м а т и ч е с к и й м а т е р и а л

1. Sequence of Tenses (Согласование времен)

Правило согласования времен заключается в зависимости времени придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени главного. Если сказуемое в главном предложении стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, в придаточном предложении употребляется любое время, которое требуется по смыслу, например:

I suppose he is there.

Я полагаю, что он там.

I suppose that you were present at

Я полагаю, что вы

the last conference.

присутствовали на прошлой

I suppose that you will be present at


Я полагаю, что вы будете

the conference.

присутствовать на конференции.

Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм прошедшего времени, то сказуемое дополнительного придаточного предложения должно быть выражено глаголом в одной из форм прошедшего времени.

а) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает действие (или состояние), одновременное с действием глагола в главном предложении, то глагол придаточного предложения ставится в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.

На русский язык глагол придаточного предложения, передающий одновременность действия, переводится глаголом в настоящем времени:


Не said that he worked much.

Не said that he was working at his design.

Он сказал, что много работает. Он сказал, что работает над своим проектом.

б) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает действие, которое предшествовало действию, выраженному глаголом главного предложения, то глагол придаточного предложения употребляется в форме Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous и переводится на русский язык глаголом в прошедшем времени:

Не said that he had finished his

Он сказал, что (уже) закончил


свой проект.

Не said that he had been working

Он сказал, что он уже работал

for more than an hour when we

более часа, когда мы пришли.




Если время совершения действия придаточного предложения точно определено (год, число, день, неделя), то глагол в придаточном предложении может стоять и в Past Indefinite, например:

Не said he arrived at 7.

Он сказал, что приехал в 7 часов.

в) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает действие, будущее по отношению к глаголу главного предложения, то он употребляется в одной из форм Future-in-the-Past:

Не said he would translate the

Он сказал, что переведет статью.



Не said he would be translating it

Он сказал, что будет переводить

till 5 o'clock.

ее до 5 часов.

Не said he would have translated

Он сказал, что переведет этот

this text by the end of the lesson.

текст к концу урока.

2. Direct and Indirect Speech

Прямая речь

Не says, "We are reading." He said, "We are reading." I said, "She will come at 5."

Косвенная речь

He says (that) they are reading. He said (that) they were reading.

I said (that) she would come at 5.


Запомните !

1)При переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, соблюдаются все правила последовательности времен.

2)При переводе прямой речи в косвенную глагол to say, имеющий при себе дополнение с предлогом to, обычно заменяется глаголом to tell, за которым всегда следует беспредложное дополнение:

She said to me, "I have finished my work."

She told me she had finished her work.

3) Если прямая речь представляет собой общий вопрос, то в косвенной речи дополнительное придаточное предложение имеет прямой порядок слов и вводится союзами whether или if:

Не asked me, "Do you know

He asked me whether (if) 1 knew



She asked him, ''Are you busy?"

She asked him whether (if) he was



4) Если прямая речь представляет собой специальный вопрос, то в косвенной речи дополнительное придаточное предложение имеет прямой порядок слов и присоединяется к главному при помощи вопросительных слов, которые становятся союзными словами:

Не asked, "Where do you live?"

She asked them, "What are you doing?"

I asked him, "When will you go there?"


He asked me where 1 lived.

She asked them what they were doing.

I asked him when he would go there.

В дополнительных придаточных предложениях, вводимых союзом when, будущее время не заменяется настоящим, как в придаточных предложениях

условия и времени.

5) Если прямая речь представляет собой побудительное предложение, то в косвенной речи глагол, стоявший в повелительном наклонении, употребляется в форме инфинитива, причем приказание обычно выражается глаголами to tell, to order, to offer, а просьба - глаголами to ask, to beg, to implore:

The teacher said to us, "Stop

The teacher told us to stop writing.



She said to Peter, "Take my book."

She offered Peter to take her book.



He said, "Give me this book,

He asked me to give him that book.



Запомните !

Кроме изменения формы глагола, в придаточном предложении при обращении прямой речи в косвенную происходит следующая замена наречий места, времени и указательных местоимений:

Прямая речь now сейчас

here здесь

this, these это, этот, эти today сегодня

tomorrow завтра

yesterday вчера

next week / year на следующей неделе / на будущий год

last week на прошлой неделе last year в прошлом году

Косвенная речь then тогда

there там

that/those то, тот, те that day в тот день

(the) next day, the following day на следующий день

the day before, the previous day


the next week / year, the following week / year на сле-

дующей неделе / в следующем году

the previous week за неделю до the year before за год до


I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the sequence of tenses.


1. He said that his friends lived near the railway station. 2. My friend said he had a good dictionary. 3. They knew that the students were organizing a meeting. 4. Our teacher said that the term "engineering" had many Russian equivalents. 5. The teacher was glad that the students were listening to him so attentively. 6. He was told that his friend was a good driver. 7. I thought you spoke Russian. 8. I knew he was a historical person. 9. I thought the seafront was a long way from the hotel. 10. He said the embankment was worth seeing. 11. I wasn't sure the book was worth reading. 12. The speaker said it was a historic discovery. 13. Did you say it was a historical novel ?


14. He asked where he could exchange dollars for the local currency. 15. He said the matter was hardly worth troubling about. 16. The buyers found that the goods met all their requirements. 17. They wrote that they required ten more machines.


1. I knew that the students had organized a meeting. 2. The students said they had finished all their drawings. 3. He told us that all his drawings had been signed. 4. The teacher wanted to know how many students had joined the English circle. 5. I didn't know Mr Carter had taken over as finance manager. 6. He told us they'd had a very useful exchange of opinions. 7. It was really surprising how the rate of exchange had gone up.


1. Everybody knew that the project would require a great effort. 2. They wrote that a new stock exchange would be established in the near future. *З. They said the reconstruction would require more time and money if a few changes weren't made in the project. 4. They wrote they would send another fax after they spoke to the representative of the sellers. 5. He was sure the matter would be settled after we had another discussion. 6. They told us they would let us know their decision as soon as their finance director came back from his holiday. 7. They said they wouldn't be able to give a definite answer till they received a telex from their partner.


Согласование времен распространяется и на временное или условное предложение, следующее за дополнительным придаточным.

Не said (that) he would phone us as soon as he got to London.

She said she would visit us if she had enough time.

Он сказал, что позвонит нам, как только приедет в Лондон.

Она сказала, что навестит нас,

если у нее будет время.

II.Use the verb in brackets in the correct tense form.

1.I thought that you (to arrive) at some decision. 2. We didn’t remember that he (to repeat) that speech from memory. 3. He believed that a fine memory (to be) absolutely necessary for that post. 4. He promised that he (to give) a lecture in the near future. 5. We know that you (to come) with excellent recommendations. 6. We agreed that the goods (to be packed) in wooden boxes. 7. The director hoped the film (to be) a success. 8. I wasn’t sure I (to get through – дозвониться) to them at once. 9. She thought we (to wait) for her. 10. He said he always (to remember) his first day at the University. 11. He told me that we (to install) a new computer of the latest model on the following day. 12. I thought I (to achieve) good results if up-to-date techniques were used. 13. He said the purpose of his visit (to be) to talk about cultural exchanges


for the next few years. 14. They were told the experiment (to begin) if nothing changed.

III.Translate into English.

1.Я думаю, что это хорошая идея. 2. Я подумал, что это хорошая идея. 3. Мы знаем, что эти культурные связи все еще существуют. 4. Мы знали, что эти культурные связи все еще существуют. 5. Они пишут, что поселились на берегу моря. 6. Они написали, что поселились на берегу моря. 7. Мы знаем, что этот форт все еще существует. 8. Мы знали, что этот форт все еще существует. 9. Он говорит, что строительство потребует много денег? 10. Он сказал, что строительство потребует много денег? 11. Он говорит, что это только предварительное решение. 12. Он сказал, что это только предварительное решение. 13. Он пишет, что у них уже были предварительные обсуждения. 14. Он сказал, что у них уже были предварительные обсуждения. 15. Они пишут, что сравнили результаты и обсудят их в ближайшем будущем. 16. Они написали, что сравнили результаты и обсудят их в ближайшем будущем. 17. Он говорит, что заменит сломанную деталь (part) новой. 18. Он сказал, что заменит сломанную деталь новой. 19. Он надеется, что установит новый мировой рекорд. 20. Он надеялся, что установит новый мировой рекорд. 21. Он был уверен, что они купят эту модель, если цена не будет очень высокой. 22. Он сказал, что мы поговорим об этом, когда он вернется из отпуска.

IV. Give the appropriate forms of the verbs instead of the infinitives.


1. We know that you (to come) with excellent recommendations. 2. We are glad to take this young specialist on as he (to have) some experience in lab techniques. 3. I know this professor quite well, as he (to be) my scientific adviser. 4. Before Erik came to the University, it never (to occur) to him to work in the field of nuclear physics. 5. By the time Haviland arrived at the Foxes' Maxwell (to tell) Erik about Haviland's work in England. 6. "When you arrive I (to take) the regular courses of classical physics and quantum mechanics," said Erik. 7. By the end of the next semester he (to take) his Ph. D. 8. Before Erik arrived at the Foxes' apartment, some members of the staff (to discuss) the schedule of work for all the assistants.


1. My adviser (to give) me excellent advice and I am going to follow it. 2. Yesterday he (to advise) me to meet the new members of the staff. 3. Last year he (to be) responsible for my undergraduate teaching. 4. By the end of the previous term the students (to master) the necessary lab techniques. 5. To-morrow Professor N. (to give) us a lecture on quantum mechanics. 6. By the time we began to do research we (to master) lab techniques.