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Лабы / Лабораторная работа.doc
6.68 Mб

Лабораторная работа 3.

В данной части изучается работа N-BaseCommunication.

Работа с telnet

В данной работе изучается возможности коммутатора по сбору сетевой статистики, которая позволяет анализировать работу сети и исключать.

MEGA_Switch_>get-eth-cnt 7

Ethernet Statistics for port 7


Transmit OK : 249172

Underflow Errors: 0

Exces Coll Errors: 0

Exces Fctrl Errors: 1

Receive EOF : 245338

Receive OK : 245288

Overflow Errors: 0

CRC Errors: 0

Alignment Errors: 0

Runt Errors: 0

Lost/Fctrl Errors: 51

Too Long Errors: 0


MEGA_Switch_>get-colls-cnt 7

Ethernet Collision Distribution for port 7


0 collison count : 248985

1 collison count : 2064

2 collison count : 199

3 collison count : 83

4 collison count : 18

5 collison count : 3

6 collison count : 1

7 collison count : 0

8 collison count : 0

9 collison count : 0

10 collison count : 0

11 collison count : 0

12 collison count : 0

13 collison count : 0

14 collison count : 0

15 collison count : 0

16 collison count : 0


MEGA_Switch_>get-br-cnt 7

Ethernet Switching Counters for port 7


Frm Received OK : 253517

Bytes Received : 32316242

Frm Filtered : 0

Frm to all ports : 427

Frm multicast : 425

Frm lost/fctrl : 51

Transmit OK : 257501

Forward to port : FRAMES BYTES


1 : 0 0

2 : 0 0

3 : 427 68156

4 : 427 68132

5 : 427 68158

6 : 239668 27125187

7 : 0 0

8 : 4704 806949



The device IP address is :


NBase Switch NH-208AT MegaSwitch

SNMP Agent Software - Version V3.9 Nov 27 1996 16:11:52

SNMP Object ID is : < . >

System MAC Address : 00-20-1A-01-0E-40

Total uptime(hundredths of seconds ): 1196242

Total uptime(days, hh:mm:ss format): 0 days, 3:19:22.42

i/f 1 -- description [ Port 1 - 100 BaseTX Ethernet Port] -- status [up]

i/f 2 -- description [ Port 2 - missing ] -- status [DOWN]

i/f 3 -- description [ Port 3 - 10 Mbps Ethernet Port] -- status [up]

i/f 4 -- description [ Port 4 - 10 Mbps Ethernet Port] -- status [up]

i/f 5 -- description [ Port 5 - 10 Mbps Ethernet Port] -- status [up]

i/f 6 -- description [ Port 6 - 10 Mbps Ethernet Port] -- status [up]

i/f 7 -- description [ Port 7 - 10 Mbps Ethernet Port] -- status [up]

i/f 8 -- description [ Port 8 - 10 Mbps Ethernet Port] -- status [up]


Management Port Counters


Frm Received : 11317

Bytes Received : 4894181

Frm Filtered : 99

Frm Received Bcast: 678

Frm Transmited : 33781

Frm Transmit Ucast: 10931

Frm Transmit Mcast: 22850

Frm Transmit Bcast: 30

Received from port: FRAMES BYTES


1 : 13 1380

2 : 0 0

3 : 5 1163

4 : 0 0

5 : 0 0

6 : 47 11263

7 : 10872 4837432

8 : 379 42883

Transmit to port : FRAMES BYTES


1 : 3289 197460

2 : 0 0

3 : 3289 197460

4 : 3289 197460

5 : 3290 197520

6 : 3290 197520

7 : 13939 5268014

8 : 3571 218388



IfIndex IpAddress MAC Address


7 00-C0-26-2B-67-BB

7 00-C0-26-2B-67-AC

7 00-C0-26-2B-65-9A

7 00-C0-26-2B-41-90


Management Port Counters


Frm Received : 12903

Bytes Received : 5366461

Frm Filtered : 99

Frm Received Bcast: 692

Frm Transmited : 36718

Frm Transmit Ucast: 12565

Frm Transmit Mcast: 24153

Frm Transmit Bcast: 37

Received from port: FRAMES BYTES


1 : 13 1380

2 : 0 0

3 : 5 1163

4 : 0 0

5 : 0 0

6 : 48 11506

7 : 12457 5309469

8 : 380 42943

Transmit to port : FRAMES BYTES


1 : 3484 209188

2 : 0 0

3 : 3471 208408

4 : 3484 209188

5 : 3484 209188

6 : 3484 209188

7 : 15767 5799785

8 : 3765 230056