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2 СЕМЕСТР ГМУ1 / Английский язык / УМКД ГМУ сокр / 04 Методические рекомендации.doc
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Вариант 2

Для экономических специальностей

1. Раскройте скобки. Употребите Present Simple Passive или Past Simple Passive.

1. Agatha Christie (to educate) at home. She didn't go to school.

2. The decimal system (to use) by people for scientific purposes

3. Dickens's works (to read) by millions of people and his name (to know) to every schoolboy.

2. Выпишите предложения, в которых используется Present Continuous Passive.

1. The secretary said that they would be called into the room.

2. The engineer is being shown a new type of computer now.

3. This electronic equipment is being designed for speeding up production.

4. People must obtain accurate results from controlled experiments.

5. A new economic reform is being worked, out by this scientist.

3. Выпишите предложения, в которых используется Passive Voice.

1. The material was very difficult for our students.

2. Several possible solutions will be chosen by the scientists of our department.

3. The delegates were asked if they themselves would select the schools they wanted to visit.

4. This scientific research was carried out many years ago.

4. Закончите предложения, употребив подходящие по смыслу прилагательные в сравнительной степени (older / more important etc.)

Пример. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter?

1. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be______.

2. Your work isn't very good. I'm sure you can do__________.

3.1 was surprised how easy it was to use the computer. I thought

it would be_____________.

4.You hardly ever phone me. Why don't you phone me______.

5. Заполните пропуски словосочетаниями с прилагательными в превосходной степени (the longest или the most interesting).

Пример. It's a very nice room. It is the nicest room in the hotel.

1. Spring is a very busy time for me. It is_________the year.

2. It is a very valuable painting. It's___________ the gallery.

3. She's a very good player. She's_____________the team.

4. He's a very dangerous criminal. He's ______ the country.

6. Прочтите и письменно переведите следующий текст.

Many islands have now become dependent on tourism as their main source of income. The principal industries were originally farming and fishing, with native islanders living off the land, but in contemporary society these activities have been largely ousted to cope with the growing demands of tourism. Attracted by their beaches, the heat and the relaxed atmosphere, islands have now become a popular destination for the sun - worshipping holiday - maker. Every aspectof island life has hence been affected by this influx of foreigners. Restaurants, bars, cafes, discos, hotels and souvenir shops depend on tourists, and in fact could not exist without them.

Obviously a lot of money can be earned from such a florishing industry. The six months of the peak season are a crucil time when the businessmen try to earn as much as they can. Apart from the commercial aspect, it can be said that islanders improve their ability to speak foreign languages. New buildings crop up to accomodate the ever-growing demands of tourists.