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"Little," "few"

Exercise 1. Use "much," "many," "few," "little," "a few," "a little, "a lot of":

1. I have ... questions to ask. 2. Is there ... furniture in your cottage? 3. Is there... fruit in the vase? 4. Is there... coffee in the pot? 5. Has he ... or... free time? 6. There were so ... people in I he room that we couldn't move. 7. She is a quiet person. She doesn't say .... 8. I put... salt in my soup, perhaps, too .... 9. I don't think Pat would be a good teacher. She's got ... patience with children. 10. There were ... new books in the library. 11. James has got ... work today. 12. Don't put... milk into his coffee. 13. Is there ... space in your room? — No, not very ... . 14. This town isn't very well-known and there isn't... to see, so ... tourists come here. 15. It cost me ... money to furnish the room. 16. Is there ... or ... to learn by heart? 17. She has ... beautiful dresses. 18. I know ... English traditions. 19. Do you know ... or ... about the Celts? 20. She is so lonely. She has ... friends. 21. She drinks ... coffee and... tea. 22. We learn... new English words every day. 23. They learnt ... information about this country. 24. There were ... pictures on the wall.

Exercise 2. Use "how much" or "how many":

1. ... milk is there in the bottle? 2. ... plates are there in the cupboard? 3. ... tea is there in the pot? 4. ... sugar is there in the sugarbasin? 5. ... forks are there on the table? 6. ... mistakes are there in your dictation? 7. ... friends have you got? 8. ... time is left? 9. ... effort do you need to do it? 10. ... places of interest have you visited? 11. ... money do you need? 12. ...fishes did he catch? 13. ... times did I tell you this? 14. ... have you read? 15. ... papers do you read every day? 16. ... ices are you going to eat? 17. ... feet is your room? 18. ... sheep has this farmer got?

Adjectives and adverbs. Degrees of comparison

Exercise 1. Use the following adjectives and adverbs in the appropriate place: red, beautiful, tasty, old, boring, bright, dark, big, loud, difficult, fresh, small, new, reasonable, brief, slowly, ever, angrily, very, shyly, often, safely.

1. A _________ car came __________ down the road.

2. The _________ cake looks __________ and __________.

3. __________ people seem __________.

4. Have you __________ visited London?

5. _________ light shone across the __________ room.

6. The __________ bear looked __________ at the zoo visitors.

7. The __________ noise was __________ annoying.

8. They smiled at each other rather __________.

9. She __________ goes to Oxford.

10. The test was ____________ .

11. ____________ flowers decorated the __________ room.

12. The vase looked ____________ .

13. The plane landed ____________ .

14. She gave a ______________ explanation.

15. She made a ______________ speech.

Exercise 2. Choose the right word:

1. There was a (happy, happily) smile on her face. 2. The (heavy, heavily) suitcase was killing him. 3. Ben won (easy, easily). 4. That's a (real, really) different question. 5. She had a (sweet, sweetly) dream. 6. The jacket is made of (real, really) wool. 7. The rain fell (heavy, heavily). 8. Meggie plays the piano (good, well). 9. Irene danced (happy, happily). 10. The young girl watched him (shy, shyly). 11. The dog looked at the meat (hungry, hungrily). 12. He writes (good, well). 13. There was a (terrible, terribly) storm. 14. She gave us a (general, generally) idea. 15. The poor puppy looked (hungry, hungrily). 16. This lake looks (clean, cleanly) enough to swim in. 17. We were (terrible, terribly) late. 18. Her (new, newly) made dress looked fantastic. 19. He doesn't do (good, well) at his English. 20. They moved (quiet, quietly) through the hall. 21. Our teacher gives us a test (occasional, occasionally). 22. I thought (high, highly) of the proposal. 23. When the snake strikes, its mouth opens (wide, widely). 24. This professor is (wide, widely) known at the University. 25. On my days off I wake up later than (usual, usually). 26. He had (regular, regularly) features. 27. Her (home, homely) appearance made me feel happy. 28. "Take it (easy, easily)," I said to my friend.

Exercise 3. Choose the right variant:

1. I hope you can see slightly (clearly, more clearly, most clearly). 2. I thanked him again even (heartily, more heartily, most heartily) than before. 3. They staged some of his (little, less, the least) known operas. 4. Her tears frightened him (much, more, the most) than anything that had ever happened to him before. 5. You know him (good, better, the best) than anyone else. 6. It is the land itself which suffers (bad, worse, the worst). 7. The ground heats up (little, less, the least) there. 8. The people needed business skills so that they could manage themselves (much, more, the most) efficiently. 9. For me, he is the man who rewrites these scripts (often, more often, the most often) and (convincingly, more convincingly, the most convincingly). 10. This building is (big, bigger, the biggest) than that one. 11. The man gave the (brief, briefer, the briefest) answer. 12. My dog soon became (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) of all. 13. He is the (dangerous, more dangerous, the most dangerous) man in the country. 14. Stonehenge is the second (popular, more popular, the most popular) tourist attraction in Britain. 15. You're just as (bad, worse, the worst) as your sister. 16. Prices were as (high, higher, the highest) as ever. 17. Oxford Road is not so (pretty, prettier, the prettiest) as Walnut Street. 18. The Union was (large, larger, the largest) by far. 19. He knew he was (little, less, the least) desired person at the party. 20. Her brother is five years (old, older, the oldest) than she. 21. This road is twice as (long, longer, the longest). 22. The (far, farther, the farthest) we swam into the sea the (beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful) the shore looked.

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the models:

Models: text A — easy — text В Text A is easier than text B.

car racing — dangerous — boxing Car racing is more dangerous than boxing.

1. January — cold — March

2. Bill — attentive — Kate

3. garden — beautiful — park

4. exercise 5 — big — exercise 7

5. bedroom — cosy — living room

6. teachers — poor — businessmen

7. students — cunning — professors

8. anecdote – funny — story

9. sweater — long — skirt

10. Jack — intelligent — Jill.

1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________









Model: boxing – dangerous - car racing Boxing is less dangerous than car racing.

1. reading — difficult — writing

2. amber — expensive — diamond

3. Bob — experienced — Mary

4. film — exciting – book

5. daughter — capable — son

6. the Americans - hospitable - the Russians

7. men — emotional — women

8. text 1 — difficult — text 2

9. coffee — tasty — cocoa

10. the Anglo-Saxons — ancient — the Celts

11. Parliament – influential - the President.












Model: Helen — Peter — run — fast Helen runs faster than Peter.

1. Alec — Ann — eat — often

2. Bob — Nick — drive — carefully

3. Betty — Mary — think — slowly

4. oak trees — pine trees — grow — fast

5. Ted — John — do — good in English

6. his sister — he — play the piano — bad

7. the film – the book — seem — boring

8. Steve — Pete — work — hard

9. your hair — mine — look — beautiful

10. the new secretary - the old one - work - efficiently.












Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1. Ее манеры значительно улучшились. ___________________________________________ 2. У них состоялся дружеский разговор.___________________________________________ 3. Она посмотрела на письмо внимательнее и узнала почерк.__________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Это самые дешевые туфли. ____________________________________________________ 5. Будьте осторожны при переходе улицы._________________________________________ 6. Очередь становилась все длиннее. ______________________________________________ 7. Ты слышала последние новости? _______________________________________________ 8. Она выгляде­ла разочарованной. ________________________________________________ 9. Еще слишком рано делать какие-либо выводы.___________________________________

10. Чем больше она его узнавала, тем меньше он ей нравился. ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

11. Она владеет английским достаточно хорошо, чтобы общаться с иностранцами._______ _____________________________________________________________________________

12. Дела шли все хуже и ху­же.___________________________________________________ 13. Ехать поездом намно­го безопаснее и в два раза дешевле. _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

14. Роман достаточ­но интересный, а фильм еще интереснее.__________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

15. Это интереснейший роман. ___________________________________________________

16. Она слишком молода, чтобы выходить замуж. А кроме того, он ее на 20 лет старше.___ _____________________________________________________________________________17. Вчера ты пришла в 11 вечера, а сегодня еще позднее._____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

18.Ты бы лучше говорил меньше, а делал больше.___________________________________ 19. Ночью вести машину менее опасно, потому что на дороге меньше транспорта. _______ _____________________________________________________________________________

20. Чем ско­рее закончим работу, тем больше у нас останется вре­мени._________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

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