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Home task:

1. Letter Writing: in Business Letter

  • Get ready for test 4.

  • Do ex. 7 p. 65.

2. Telephoning:

- Make up a dialogue ex. 2.6. Phone play. Act it out in class.

3. Conversation practice: Video Conference

- Learn and act out the conversation between Bob Davis and Ron Jacobs from

Unit 8. Time Out of Video Conference.

Lesson 17

Lesson Plan:

I. Letter writing

1.1. The right address

Listen to the recording and address each envelope correctly. (Later, you can check your answers in File 4)

1.2. Business Letter

  • Go over your home exercise – ex. 7 p. 65

  • Write Test N 4.

II. Telephoning

A. Listening practice (Basic telephone Training, Unit 23a)

2.1. Write the phone numbers you hear:

1. ……………………… 4. …………………………

2. ……………………… 5. …………………………

3. ………………………

2.2. Write the names of these countries:

1. ……………………… 4. ………………………..

2. ……………………… 5. ………………………..

3. ………………………

2.3. Circle the correct date:

1. 3/9/90 3/9/91 4. 21/3/73 31/3/73

2. 17/6/89 17/7/895. 5. 20/8/84 31/12/99

3. 14/10/92 4/10/92

2.4. Take down the Greek address from the tape:





B. Getting the Message (Basic Telephone Training, Unit 23 b)

2.5. Listen to the message on the tape and note down the important information.

To ………………………………. …… Date ………………………….

From …………………………………. Time …………………………







Message taken by ……………………………………………………………

2.6. C. Phone Play

Student A. Call Jeff Morris. Give your name. You can’t go to the restaurant with him today. You want to invite him tomorrow.

Student B. You are Jeff Morris’s secretary. Mr Morris is out all morning. You don’t know where he is. He is going directly to the Gourmand Restaurant at 12.30.

2.7. Role play (task 13)

III. Conversation practice

    1. Scan the vocabulary below. Make sure you know the meaning of the words and word-combinations.

Vocabulary List 8

  • What do you do in your free time?/ What do you like doing in your free time?

  • Do you play any (other) sports?

  • I play a little … (squash, golf, football, baseball)

  • I go …(swimming, jogging, dancing, hiking, camping, sailing)

  • I do … (yoga, aerobics, weight training)

  • I like / enjoy … (playing, swimming, camping …)

  • I’m (not) good at …(swimming)

  • I’m an indoor / outdoor person.

  • (Golf)… is very popular in …(Japan)

  • It’s very expensive to join a club.

  • Do you like living in … (Birmingham, Japan)?

  • How long have you lived there?

  • It’s a great place to live.

  • I don’t like commuting into the centre every day.

  • Have you had a holiday this year (yet)? Where did you go?

  • We are planning to go to … in … .


  • I’d like to buy … for …

  • I’m thinking of buying …

  • Could you show me what you have, please?

  • What sizes do you have?

  • Small, medium, large and extra-large.

  • What size are they?

  • They’re all the same. One size fits all.

  • What can you recommend?

  • How much is it?

  • It’s made of pure … (wool, lambwool, cashmere)

  • We have a range of colours.

  • We can give you a special price on three.

  • OK. It’s a deal.

  • Do you accept credit cards? Do you take American Express (Visa)?

  • If you could just sign here, please.

  • Do you take traveler’s checks?

  • Sure. Just sign and date it.

  • Here you are / There you go.

  • Would you like it gift-wrapped?

3.2. Listen to Units 37, 20, 46 of Basic Survival and do the exercises.

3.3. Act out the conversation between Bob Davis and Ron Jacobs from

Unit 8. Time Out of Video Conference.

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