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Fill in the gaps:

A. with the prepositions and connecting words, where it is necessary

1. It’ll take her a great deal……..time to get over his betrayal.

2. It was plain ……..everybody that Maude was not happy.

3. It’s plain……..day they are not going to sign this contract.

4. His joke about her divorce was……..the worst possible taste.

5. Add salt……..taste.

6. Even at a young age he had a taste……..books.

7. I asked for a plain ice cream, but the one you gave me tastes……..vanilla.

8. As a sign of gratitude, let me treat you……..a dinner in your favorite restaurant.

9. After the fire she was treated……..smoke inhalation.

10. She treated herself……..a nice hot bubble bath.

11. We all treated my grandfather……..the greatest respect.

12. I’m telling you, the best treatment……..depression is being with others.

13. Light concussion is usually treated……..bed rest.

14. He doesn’t have enough experience……..a classroom teacher.

15. They have enough……..uranium to build more than 30 000 bombs.

16. I read enough……..the article to get the main idea.

17. Don’t ask questions – there’ll be time enough……..that later.

18. I’m afraid we don’t have enough forks and knives……..everyone.

19. I can’t fasten my jeans – I’ll have to go……..a diet.

20. During the war, many people had to survive on a diet……..home-grown fruit and vegetables.

B. with words and set expressions from Word Power:

1. Nick was a good-natured guy who hated lying, that’s why he spoke everything……………. 2. Here is the golden rule which I always follow: “…………… others like you want them to……………you!” 3. She was undergoing……………for breast cancer. 4. ……..….are being sold in the lobby. 5. This is a……………opportunity to raise money for our new play ground. 6. I’ve never……………figs, but I heard they are very nice. 7. She has offered us a few……………snacks. 8. She’s a……………reader of biographies; I bet she will want to write her own biography soon. 9. With luck he would be back inside of Leicester’s within an hour, eating his favorite dish, the chicken breast, which …………… especially good with red wine. 10. Her CD collection was a……………selection of music. 11. Visitors will be able to……………different types of wine. 12. Poor……………can affect the unborn child. 13. There’s a……………difference in the attitudes of town and country people. 14. I’ve……………the milk and it’s definitely off. 15. The refugees have taken no……………for 24 hours. 16. “Would you like something more to eat?” – “No, thanks, I’ve had……………” 17. Speak……………and no one will misunderstand you. 18. I’ve had a……………argument with my girlfriend. 19. We……………the soup and found the flavor surprisingly delicate. 20. A wide variety of……………is available in the local market. 21. Hugh’s message was short, but the meaning was……………enough.

Exercise 19

Fighting fit. How much do you know about keeping fit? Read the following statements and say if they are True or False. Explain your point of view.

  1. If you take more exercise, your appetite will increase and keep you from losing weight.__________

  2. Exercises change fat into mussels._________

  3. A good way to lose weight is to take exercise which makes you sweat heavily.__________

  4. Vitamin pills can give an extra burst of energy.___________

  5. Workout is not necessary for losing weight. Dieting itself is enough.________

  6. To burn up the calories contained in a 4 oz (approx. 110 g.) bar of chocolate you must walk for over 2 hours at 4 m.p.h. (approx. 6.5 km.p.h.)._________

  7. A high protein, low carbohydrate diet is ideal for losing weight. ________

  8. People who do not eat meat, fish or poultry are not as healthy as those who do._________

  9. When dieting you should avoid starchy foods such as bread and potatoes._______

  10. Eating between meals is bad for you._______

  11. A large lunch won’t cause you to put on as much weight as a meal of the same size eaten in the evening.________

  12. If your diet is varied you must be getting proper nourishment._______

  13. A glass of wine or a glass of scotch will help you sleep tight.________

  14. People averagely need eight or nine hours of night sleep._________

  15. Sleeping less than five hours a night shortens your life expectancy._________

  16. Laughter helps to keep fit._________

Exercise 20

Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Ясно как день, что он плохо готовит. Его суп всегда очень соленый, говядина недожарена, а картошка очень жирная (много масла). Его чай на вкус как крепкий вкус кофе, а его кофе безвкусен. Он даже не знает, куда убирать посуду.

  2. Давайте побалуем себя обедом в морском ресторанчике. Я хочу настоящего пира. Мне хочется отведать жареный кальмар, вареных омаров, сырых мидий, свежих крабов и супа из акулы. Конечно, это дело вкуса, но морепродукты – моя любимая еда. Я угощаю.

  3. Многие специалисты не советуют питаться в ресторанах быстрого питания, а есть полезную пищу. Ваш стол должен быть разнообразен и питателен. Нужно кушать много овощей, зелени, творога и других молочных продуктов. Если вы хотите похудеть, необязательно садиться на диету, просто забудьте про приправы: горчицу и перец. Вместо растительного масла пользуйтесь яблочным уксусом. Десерты теперь тоже не для вас, вам лучше поесть черешни или ананаса, они сладкие, но от них не потолстеешь.

  4. Лена всегда одевается очень просто, но со вкусом. Даже ее квартира обставлена со вкусом. Там достаточно мебели, но она вся простая. Лена даже говорит простым понятным языком.

  5. Он заболел. Его лечат постельным режимом и лекарствами. Все за него переживают, а он замечательно проводит время. К нему теперь особое отношение. Однако, не носите ему вкусных блюд, у него особый режим питания.

Exercise 21

Read and answer the questions:

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