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Оллпорт Г.В. - Личность в психологии - 1998

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». «Liberalism and the motives of men»,

Frontiers of Democracy, 1940, 6: 136—37.

: . Werner, Comparative psychology of mental development ( E. B. Garside), New York: Harper, 1940;

, Chikago: Follett Pub. Co., 1948.



«Liabilities and assets in civilian morale», Ann. Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc Sci •' 1941,216: 88—94.

». «Psychological service for civilian morale», J. Consult. Psychol., 1941, 5: 235—39.


'* » ( . . E.

. ). «Personality under social catastrophe: ninety life-histories of the Nazi revolution» (with J. S. Bruner and E. M. Jandorf), Char. & Pers., 1941, 10: 1— 22. : . Kluckholn and H. A. Murray, Personality in nature, society, and culture, New York: Knopf, 1948, 25, . Kluckholn, . : Murray and D. M. Schneider, Personality in nature, society, and culture, New York: Knopf, in nature, society, and culture, New York: Knopf, 1953, 27.

». «Morale: American style», Christian Science Monitor (Weekly Magazine Section), Apr. 26, 1941, . 1—2, 13.


J. M. MacKaye, The logic of language, J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1941, 36: 296-97.


». «The nature of democratic morale», in G. Watson (ed.) Civilian morale, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942, 1.


«Defense seminars for morale study and morale building», J. Soc. Psychol., '^ SPSSI Bull., 1942, 15: 399-401.

— ». «Report on the third front: at home», Christian Science Monitor (Weekly Magazine Section), Sept. 5, 1942, - . 6, 14.

». «Morale and its measurement», in Public Policy, 4 Cambridge: Littauer School of Public Administration, 1942, 3: 3—17.


F. . Bartlett, Political Propaganda, Sat. Rev. Lit., 1942, 25:18.




». «Productive paradoxes of William James», Psychol. Rev., 1943, 50: 95—120.

«Test tube ». «Test tube for rumors». Coronet, 1943, 14: 136-40.


pa». «Psychological considerations in making the peace: editorial note»,

Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 38: 3-5.

» (

. ). «Do rosy headlines sell newspapers?» (with E. C. Winship), Pe Opin. Quart., 1943, 7: 205-10. : D. Katz, D. Cartwright Eldersveld and A. McG. Lee, Public opinion and propaganda, New York: Dryc Press, 1954: 271-74.

» (

. ). «Social psychology and the civilian war effort» (with H. Veltfort), J. Soc. Psychol., SPSSI Bull., 1943, 18: 165-233.

». «The ego in contemporc psychology», Psychol. Rev., 1943, 50: 451-78. : . Stacey and M. F. DeMartino (ed.), Understanding human motivation, Clevelai Howard Alien, 1958, . 140-58.

» (

. . ). «Morale research and its clearing» (with G. Schmeidler), Psychol. Bull., 1943, 40: 65-68.

». «Restoring morale in occupied territory», Publ. Opin. Quart., 1943, 7: 606-17.


E. P. Aldrich (ed.), As William James said, J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 19' 38:119-120.

M. D. Allers, The psychology of character, Amer. Sociol. Rev., 1943, 8: 73 36.

M.A. May, A social psychology of war and peace, Ann. Amer. Acad. P Soc. Sci, 1943, 229: 186-87.

A. A. Roback, William James: his marginalia, personality and contributic

New England Quarterly, 1943, 16; 143-44.

. Schrodes, J. van Gundy and R. W. Husband (eds.), Psychology throu> literature, J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1943, 38: 203 (No. 2, Clin. Suppl.).

D. C. Tolman, Drives toward war, J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1943, 38: 293—S


« »

(«Educatiori opportunities in greater Boston», Cambridge: Prospect Union Educatior Exchange, 1944), .

». «The quest of Nellie Wise Allport»,

, 1944.


». «The roots of religion». Advent. Paper, No. 1, Bosto Church of the Advent, 1944. «La radici della religion

G. Zunini), Orientamenti Pedagogici, 1958, 4: 158-74.

» [ . . —

]. «ABC's of scapegoating» (ed. and author of Foreword), Chicag Central YWCA College, 1944; , Freedom Pamphi

Series, New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1948;

, 1959. Treijagd auf Sbndenbucke

. . Knudsen), Berlin: Im Christian-Verlag, 1953.

: ». «This clinical number:editorial», J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1944, 39: 147-49.

» (

. . ). «Social psychology and the civilian war effort» (with G. R. Schmeidler), J. Soc. Psychol., SPSSI Bull., 1944, 20: 145-80.

». «The bigot in our midst». Commonwealth, 1944, 25:

582-86. : The Catholic Digest, 1944, 9: 93-96; Common Sense (Johannesburg, South Africa), 1945, 6: 154-56.

, New York: Community Relations Service, 1950.


». «The psychology of participation», Psychol. Rev., 1945, 52: 117-32. : Occup. Psychol. (London), 1946, 20: 5462; S. D. Hoslett (ed.), Human factors in management, Parkville, Mo., Park College Press, 1946; D. F. Sullivan (ed.), Readings in group work, New York:

Association Press, 1952, . 239-586 19.

». «Human nature and the peace», Psychol Bull., 1945, 42: 376-78.


«Is intergroup education possible?», Harv. Educ. Rev., 1945, 15: 83-86.

». «Catharsis and the reduction of prejudice», J. Soc. Issues, 1945, 1: 1-18.

» ( . ). «The basic psychology of rumor» (with L. Postman), Trans N. Y. Acad. Sci., Section of Psychology, 1945, 8: 61-81. : G. E. Swanson, . . Newcomb and E. L. Hartley (eds.), Readings in social psychology (rev.ed.), New York: Holt, 1952, II, b, . 160-71, E. E. Maccoby, T. M. Newcomb and E. L. Hartley (eds.), Readings in social psychology (3rd ed.), New York: Holt, 1958, . 54-65; D. Katz, D. Cartwright, S. Eldersveld and A. McG. Lee, Public opinion and propaganda, New York: Dryden Press, 1954, 394-404; W. Schramm (ed.), The process and effects of mass communication, Urbana, 111., University of Illinois Press, 1954, .141-55.


G. Galiup, A guide to public opinion, J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1945, 40: 113-14.




: ». «Personalistic psychology as a science: a reply», Psychol. Rev., 1946, 53: 132-35.

» ( . . —

) . «Controlling group prejudice» (ed. and author of Foreword), Ann. Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1946, vol. 244.


E. . ). «Psychology and social relations at Harvard University» (with E. G. Boring), Amer. Psychol., 1946, 1: 119-22.

» ( . . ).

«Some roots of prejudice» (with . . Kramer).

J. Psychol., 1946, 22: 9-39; , Roots of prejudice, New York: American Jewish Congress, Pamphlet Series Jewish Affairs, 1946,1:13.


». «Geneticism versus ego-structure in the theories of personality»,

Brit. J. Educ. Psychol., 1946, 16: 57-68.

: ». «Effect: a secondary principle of learning», Psychol. Rev., 1946, 53: 335-47.

« : ». E. Simmel (ed.), Anti-Semitism: a social disease. New York: International Universities Press, 1946.

». «The priest and the psychologist». Bull. Of General Theological Seminary, Sept. 1946.

» ( . ). «An analysis of rumor»

(with L. Postman), Publ. Opin. Quart., 1946-47, 10: 501-17.

Science Digest, 1947, 22: 58-61.

« ». Swami Akhilananda,

Hindu psychology. New York: Harper, 1946.


A. H. Leighton, The governing of men, J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1946, 41: 89-92.


». «Guide lines for research in international cooperation», J. Soc. Issues, 1947, 3: 21-37. : . H. Pear (ed.), Psychological factors of peace and war, London, Hutchinson & Co., 1950, 7.

« :

». . I. Rasey, Toward maturity, the psychology of child development,

New York: Hinds, Hayden and Eldredge, 1947.

». «The genius of Kurt Lewin», J. Pers., 1947, 16: 1-


10. : J. Soc. Issues, 1948, 4: 14-21.

». «Scientific models and human morale», Psychol. Rev., 1947, 54: 182-92.

«Modelos cientificos moral humana». Rev. Psicol. Gen. Apl. (Madrid), 1948, 3: 425-47;Modelos cientificos moral humana», Actas del Primer Congreso Argentine de Psicologia, I (Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Ministerio de Educacion de la Nacion), 1955.


. «


Foreword to . Lewin , Resolving social conflicts. New York: Harper, 1948.

». «Psychology», in College reading and religion, New Haven:Yale University Press, 1948, 3. |j|

» (

. . . ). «The religion of the post-war college student»

8| (with J. M. Gillespie and J. Joung). J. Psychol., 1948, 25: 3-33. : J. Seidman (ed.), The adolescent: a book of readings, New York: Dryden Press, 1953.


D.Jacobson, The affairs of dame rumor, Boston Sunday Post, Oct. 24, 1948.

E.Mayo, Some notes on the psychology of Pierre Janet, Survey Graphic, 1948,


F.Schweizer, The psychiatric study of Jesus, Christian Register, Apr. 1948. ^


R». «Psychology and the fourth R», New Republic, Oct. 17, 1949, . 23-26. .,

. Editorial note, J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1949, 44: 439-42.


« ». . G.

ROSS, Religious beliefs of youth. New York: Association Press, 1950.

?». «How should we evaluate teacghing?» in b. B. Cronkhite (ed.), A handbook for college teachers, Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1950, .

». «The role of expectancy», in H. Cantril (ed.), TensioriS that cause wars, Urbana, 111.: University of Illinois Press, 1950.

». . psychological approach to the study of love and hate», in P. A. Sorokin (ed.),



Explorations in altruistic love and behavior, Boston: Beacon Press, 1950, 5.

: ».

«Prejudice: a problem in psychological and social causation» (Kurt Lewin Memorial Lecture), J. Soc. Issues, 1950, Suppl. Series. : . Parsons and E. A. Shils (eds.), Toward a general theory of action, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951, 4, 1.


S. A. Stoffler et al., The American soldier (2 vols.), J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1950, 45: 168-73.

: » [

. Horkheimer and S. H. Flowerman, eds., Studies in prejudice (5 vols.), New York: Harper, 1950], Sci. Amer., 1950, 182: 56-58.


, : ».

«The situation we face: a psychological analysis» in A. W. Loos (ed.). Religious faith and world culture, New York: Prentice-Hall, 1951, . 35-48.

: New Outlook (Santa Monica, Calif.), 1955, 8: 82-87.


«Basic principles in improving human relations» in K. W. Bigelow (ed.), Cuitural groups and human relations, New York: Teachers College-Columbia Universi 1951,



». Foreword to . H. Wormser and Selltiz, How to conduct a community self-survey of civil rights. New Yoi Association Press, 1951.


». H. E. Kagan, Changing the attitude of Christian toward Jew, N< York: Columbia University Press, 1951.


». E. Powers and H. Witmer, An experiment in the prevention of delinquency, New York: Columbia University Press, 1951.


J. La Farge, S. J., No postponement, Thought, 1951, 26: 471-72, No. 102


AFSC », «An evaluation of AFSC volunteer work service camps in Germany» in H. W. Rieken, The volunteer work camp: a psychological evaluation, Cambridge: Addiso Wesley, 1952,

, . 185-220.

: ».


«Resolving intergroup tensions: an appraisal of methods» in L. A. Cook (ed.), Toward bett human relations, Detroit: Wayne University Press, 1952, 2.

». «The individual and his religion». The Andov Newton Bulletin, 1952, 3.

». «The resolution ofintergrw tensions» in Intergroup Education Pamphlet, New York: National Conteren of Christians and Jews, 1952.

». «The mature personality». Pastoral Psycho!., 1952, 19-


?». «What is on the student's mind?», M

American College Health Associatic Bulletin No. 32, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1952.

?». «Why do people join?», , Adi Leadership, 1952, 1:10-12.

». «Reading the nature of prejudice», Claremo College Reading Conference, Seventeenth Yearbook (Claremont, Calif.), 19£ . 51-64.


». «The trend in motivational theory» Amer. J. Orthopsychiat, 1953, 25: 107-19. : «Bemerkungen zu dem gegenwnrtigen Stand der Theorie der Motivation in den USA» ( H. von Bracken and Leo Canders), Psychol. Beit., 1953,1: 10-28; .. Moustakas (ed.), The self: explorations in personal grouth, New York: Harper, 1956; E. L. and R. E. Hartley, Outside readings in psychology, 2nd ed., New York: Crowell, 1957, 22; . L. Stacey and M. F. DeMartino (eds.). Understanding human motivation, Cleveland: Howard Alien, 1958, . 54-65.

». «The teaching-learning situation», Publ Hith Rep., 1953, 68: 875-79.

». «The psychological nature of personality». The Personalist, 1953, 34: 347-57.


H. G. Trager and M. R. Yarrow, They leam what they live, The Child, 1953,18-



». «Techniques for reducing group prejudice», in P. A. Sorokin (ed.), Forms and techniques of altruistic and spiritual growth, Boston: Beacon, 1954, 24.


«The historical background of modem social psychology», in G. Lindzey (ed.), Handbook of social psychology, Cambridge: Addison-Wesley, 1954, 1, 1.

« ». J. Evans, Three men, New York:



Knopf, 1954.

». «A psychologist views the Supreme Court ruling on segregation», Nieman Reports, 1954, 8: 12-13.

. . « ,

». J. L. Moreno, Transference, countertransference and tele: their relation to group research and group psychotherapy. Group Psychother., 1954, 7: 307-08.


( . M. ). Youth's outlook on the future (with J. M. Gillespie), New York: Doubleday, Doubleday Papers in Psychology, 1955 ( Random House).

». «The limits of social service», in J. E. Russel (ed.), National policies for education, health and social services (Columbia University Bicentennial Conference Series), New York:

Doubleday, 1955, . 194-213.


R.. Perry, Realms of value: a critique of human civilization, J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1955, 50: 154-56.

S.A. Stouffler, Communism, conformity, and civil liberties, Saturday Re' Lit., 1955, 28: 14-15.


». «Prejudice in mode? perspective». The memorial lecture, 1956, Durban, South Africa: Tl South Africa Institute of Race relations, 1956.

». «The participant citizen». The sixth annu George Denny lecture, September 4,1956, Durban, South Africa: Natal technic College.


M. Freeedman, A minority in Britain: social studies of the Anglo-Jewit community, Amer. Anthrop., 1956, 58: 401-02.


». «European and Americc theories of personality», in H. P. David and H. von Bracker (eds.), Perspectiv» in personality theory, New York: Basic Books, 1957, 1.


» ( . . ). «Cultural influence on the perception ( movement: the trapezoidal illusion among Zulus» (with T. F. Pettigrew), Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1957, 55: 104-13.



. A. Bertocci, Free will, responsibility, and grace, Religion in Life, 195 26: 612-13.


?». «What units she we employ?», in G. Lindzey (ed.). Assessment of human motives, New Yor Rinehart, 1958, 9. , Ne York: Grove Press, 1960.

« :

» ». G. V. Coelho, Changing imag» of America: a study of Indian students' perceptions, Glencoe, 111.: The Fr. Press, 1958.

M. . . ».

Mira Lopez (L. Bellak et al., eds.) M. K. P. Myokinetic Psychodiagnosis (n .), New York: Logos Press, 1958.

». «Perception and public health

Health Education Monographs, Oakland, Calif.: Society of Health Educator 1958, No. 2, . 2-15. : «Wahrnehmung und uffentlid Gesundheitspflege» ( L. Canders), Psychol. Beit., 1960, Heft 3-4/ 384-404.

» ( . . . . ). «Binocular resolution

, and perception of race in South Africa» (with T. F. Pettigrew and E 0 Bartlett) & Brit. J. Psychol., 1958, 49: 265-78, 4. 7

: ». «Personality: normal and abnormal».

The Sociological Review, 1958, 6: 167-80.

:, . Lafitte, The person in psychology : reality or abstraction?.

Contemn Psychol., 1958, 3: 105.


». «Normative - compatibility in the light of social science», in A. H. Maslow (ed.), New knowledge in human values, New York: Harper, 1959, . 137-50. ^ Relig. Educ., 1958, 62-68.

« ». V. . Franki, From death-camp to existentialism. Boston: Beacon, 1959 ( .). ,

». «Religion and prejudice», The Crane Review. 1959. 2: 1-10.


». «Uniqueness in students», in W. D. Weatherford, Jr. (ed.), The goals of higher education, Cambridge: Harvard University



Press, 1960. . 57-75.

». «Psychology and religion», in J. dark (ed.), The student seeks an answer, 2. Ingraham Lectures in Philosophy and Religion, Waterville: Colby College Press, 1960, . 35-49.

». «The open system in personality theory», J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 1960, 61: 301-310.

, : . . Hollander and R. G. Hunt (eds.), Current perspectives in social psychology, New York: Oxford University Press, 1963, . 151-162; «II sistema aperto nella teoria della personalita» ( P. G. Grasso), Orientamenti Pedagogici, 1060, 7: 664-682.


« : ». W. James, Psychology: the briefer course, New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1961.

« ». . . Lincoln, The black Muslims in America, Boston: Beacon Press, 1961.

« ». R. May (ed.), Existential psychology, 6, New York: Random House, 1961. s

( ). William Douglas (The man of the month), Pastoral Psychology, 1961, 12: 6 66.

» —

« (1950), «Approach to mental health», Sci. U Of Mind,1961, 34: 6-11; 37-42. [

« ». «Values and our youth». Teachers Coil Rec., 1961, 63: 211-219. : Image of man (Proceed. 196 Summer Conf.), Bellingham, Wash.: Western Washington State College Bull

1961. 3; R. E. Grinder (ed.), Studies in adolescence, New York: Macmillian, 1961 .17-27.

». «The psychologist's image of

>. Image of man (Proceed. 1961 Summer Conf.), Bellingham, Wash.: Westeri Washington State College Bull., 1961, 3.

». «Prejudice in perspective» (Lucile F Morrison Lecture), La Jolla, Calif.: Western Behavioral Sciences Institute, Repor No. 1, 1961.

», ( . 1953) :

. Menon (ed.), recent trends in psychology,Calcutta: Orient Longmans Ltd. 1961; Martha T. And S. A. Mednick (eds.), Research in personality, New York Holt, Rinahart and Winston, 1963, . 63-74; . . Birney and R. C. Teeval (eds.), Measuring human motivaiton, Princeton: Van Nostrand Insight Book

1962. .164-181.


» ( . .

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