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Developing in English

The combination of oil riches and foreign influence has changed the Gulf States from tribal kingdoms, with camels as the only form of transport, to modern slates with six-lane highways, in less than 50 years.

These countries did not have the technological expertise to exploit their new-found resource by themselves and largely depended on overseas companies. As a result, large numbers of skilled foreign workers are needed in the oilfields and for the many development projects. In Bahrain 60 per cent of working people are foreigners. They are from many countries, including Britain, the USA, India, Pakistan and the Philippines. Few speak Arabic, but all of them speak English as a first or second language. As a result, English is the daily working language of shops, offices and the oil industry. This may not be a permanent situation. Most foreigners are guest workers, useful only while the local people prepare to take over.

Arabic is the language of schools in the Arab Gulf States, but everyone in the region knows that they need English at the state universities, where courses like medicine and science are taught in English. Gulf governments provide scholarships for students to go to the USA or Britain.

Now satellites, cable TV and the Internet are spreading English throughout the Middle East. Not everyone is pleased at this. Many people complain that these programmes bring the corruption of the West into their homes.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What are the Gulf States famous for ?

  1. Why are skilled foreign workers needed in the oilfields of the Gulf States ?

  2. Why do Gulf governments provide scholarships for students ?

Banking and Finance

Banking and financial market operations in Britain involve a number of special institutions and financial markets which, as a result of deregulation and new legislative frameworks, are increasingly integrating. Many banking and financial institutions are unique to Britain and offer highly specialized services to individuals, companies and sovereign bodies all over the world.

The Bank of England

The Bank of England in the heart of the City of London is Britain's central bank. It is banker to the commercial banks and to the Government; manager of the National Debt; "lender of last resort"; regulator of monetary and credit conditions; and, not least supervisor of the banking system.

Commercial Banks

This is the broad title for institutions authorized under the Banking Act 1987 as deposit-taking institutions involved in the classic banking business of taking deposits and lending money, both in the retail and wholesale markets. In Britain, they include the retail banks and institutions which offer banking services. In June 1994 there were 518 authorized banks including retail banks,



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