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7.84 Кб
// Task : have to realize a magazin automat for constant declaration
// Syntax:  const <variable name> [ = <value> ] ;

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

// const
char	lenta [120];
char	*pread = lenta;
char	stek  [120];
char	*pstek;
char	priz  [120];
int	errkod;

// My declarations;
char	*ppriz;

char	s0[] = "111111222123      while(AIC)S";
char	s1[] = "1111111222123     switch(AIC)S";
char	s2[] = "112122213         doS(AIC)";
char	s3[] = "11113             null";

char	a0[] = "223               BM";

char    b0[]=  "13                a";
char    b1[]=  "13                b";
char    b2[]=  "13                c";
char    b3[]=  "13                d";
char    b4[]=  "13                e";
char    b5[]=  "13                f";
char    b6[]=  "13                g";
char    b7[]=  "13                h";
char    b8[]=  "13                i";
char    b9[]=  "13                j";
char    b10[]= "13                k";
char    b11[]= "13                l";
char    b12[]= "13                m";
char    b13[]= "13                n";
char    b14[]= "13                o";
char    b15[]= "13                p";
char    b16[]= "13                q";
char    b17[]= "13                r";
char    b18[]= "13                s";
char    b19[]= "13                t";
char    b20[]= "13                u";
char    b21[]= "13                v";
char    b22[]= "13                w";
char    b23[]= "13                x";
char    b24[]= "13                y";
char    b25[]= "13                z";
char    b26[]= "13                _";
char    b27[]= "03";

char	c0[] = "223               FD";

char	d0[] = "23                C";
char	d1[] = "03";

char	f0[] = "13                0";
char	f1[] = "13                1";
char	f2[] = "13                2";
char	f3[] = "13                3";
char	f4[] = "13                4";
char	f5[] = "13                5";
char	f6[] = "13                6";
char	f7[] = "13                7";
char	f8[] = "13                8";
char	f9[] = "13                9";
char    f10[]= "03";

char	z0[] = "13                a";
char	z1[] = "13                b";
char	z2[] = "13                c";
char	z3[] = "13                d";
char	z4[] = "13                e";
char	z5[] = "13                f";
char	z6[] = "13                g";
char	z7[] = "13                h";
char	z8[] = "13                i";
char	z9[] = "13                j";
char	z10[]= "13                k";
char	z11[]= "13                l";
char	z12[]= "13                m";
char	z13[]= "13                n";
char	z14[]= "13                o";
char	z15[]= "13                p";
char	z16[]= "13                q";
char	z17[]= "13                r";
char	z18[]= "13                s";
char	z19[]= "13                t";
char	z20[]= "13                u";
char	z21[]= "13                v";
char	z22[]= "13                w";
char   	z23[]= "13                x";
char   	z24[]= "13                y";
char	z25[]= "13                z";
char    z26[]= "13                _";
char	z27[]= "13                0";
char	z28[]= "13                1";
char	z29[]= "13                2";
char	z30[]= "13                3";
char	z31[]= "13                4";
char	z32[]= "13                5";
char	z33[]= "13                6";
char	z34[]= "13                7";
char	z35[]= "13                8";
char	z36[]= "13                9";
char    z37[]= "03";

char	i0[]  ="13                <";
char	i1[]  ="13                >";
char	i2[]  ="113               ==";
char	i3[]  ="113               !=";
char	i4[]  ="113               <=";
char	i5[]  ="113               =>";

char    m0[]  ="23                H";
char    m1[]  ="03";

char    h[]   ="223               ZN";

char    n0[]  ="23                H";
char    n1[]  ="03";

struct	prod
		int	m;
		char*	pr[63];
	}	S, A, B, C, D, F, I, M, H, Z, N;

void	sintx()
	S.m = 4;
	S.pr[0] = s0;
	S.pr[1] = s1;
	S.pr[2] = s2;
	S.pr[3] = s3;

	A.m = 1;
	A.pr[0] = a0;

	B.m = 27;
	B.pr[0] = b0;
	B.pr[1] = b1;
	B.pr[2] = b2;
	B.pr[3] = b3;
	B.pr[4] = b4;
	B.pr[5] = b5;
	B.pr[6] = b6;
	B.pr[7] = b7;
	B.pr[8] = b8;
	B.pr[9] = b9;
	B.pr[10] = b10;
	B.pr[11] = b11;
	B.pr[12] = b12;
	B.pr[13] = b13;
	B.pr[14] = b14;
	B.pr[15] = b15;
	B.pr[16] = b16;
	B.pr[17] = b17;
	B.pr[18] = b18;
	B.pr[19] = b19;
	B.pr[20] = b20;
	B.pr[21] = b21;
	B.pr[22] = b22;
	B.pr[23] = b23;
	B.pr[24] = b24;
	B.pr[25] = b25;
	B.pr[26] = b26;
	B.pr[27] = b27;

	C.m = 1;
	C.pr[0] = c0;

	D.m = 2;
	D.pr[0] = d0;
	D.pr[1] = d1;

	F.m = 10;
	F.pr[0] = f0;
	F.pr[1] = f1;
	F.pr[2] = f2;
	F.pr[3] = f3;
	F.pr[4] = f4;
	F.pr[5] = f5;
	F.pr[6] = f6;
	F.pr[7] = f7;
	F.pr[8] = f8;
	F.pr[9] = f9;
	F.pr[10]= f10;

	I.m = 6;
	I.pr[0] = i0;
	I.pr[1] = i1;
	I.pr[2] = i2;
	I.pr[3] = i3;
	I.pr[4] = i4;
	I.pr[5] = i5;

	H.m = 1;
	H.pr[0]= h;

	M.m = 2;
	M.pr[0] = m0;
	M.pr[1] = m1;

	N.m = 2;
	N.pr[0] = n0;
	N.pr[1] = n1;

	Z.m = 37;
	Z.pr[0] = z0;
	Z.pr[1] = z1;
	Z.pr[2] = z2;
	Z.pr[3] = z3;
	Z.pr[4] = z4;
	Z.pr[5] = z5;
	Z.pr[6] = z6;
	Z.pr[7] = z7;
	Z.pr[8] = z8;
	Z.pr[9] = z9;
	Z.pr[10] = z10;
	Z.pr[11] = z11;
	Z.pr[12] = z12;
	Z.pr[13] = z13;
	Z.pr[14] = z14;
	Z.pr[15] = z15;
	Z.pr[16] = z16;
	Z.pr[17] = z17;
	Z.pr[18] = z18;
	Z.pr[19] = z19;
	Z.pr[20] = z20;
	Z.pr[21] = z21;
	Z.pr[22] = z22;
	Z.pr[23] = z23;
	Z.pr[24] = z24;
	Z.pr[25] = z25;
	Z.pr[26] = z26;
	Z.pr[27] = z27;
	Z.pr[28] = z28;
	Z.pr[29] = z29;
	Z.pr[30] = z30;
	Z.pr[31] = z31;
	Z.pr[32] = z32;
	Z.pr[33] = z33;
	Z.pr[34] = z34;
	Z.pr[35] = z35;
	Z.pr[36] = z36;
	Z.pr[37] = z37;


prod*	nprod ( char* ps )
	switch ( *ps )
	case 'S' : return &S;
	case 'A' : return &A;
	case 'B' : return &B;
	case 'C' : return &C;
	case 'D' : return &D;
	case 'H' : return &H;
	case 'F' : return &F;
	case 'I' : return &I;
	case 'M' : return &M;
	case 'N' : return &N;
	case 'Z' : return &Z;
		cout << "error = 1" << endl;
		return (char*) 0;

void	razbor ( )

	prod*	pprod;
	int	i, j;
	errkod  = 0;
	pread   = lenta;
	pstek   = &stek[108];
	ppriz   = &priz[108];

	char*	psimvol;
	stek [109] = 'K';
	stek [108] = 'S';
	priz [108] = '2';

	while ( ( ( *pstek ) != 'K' ) && ( errkod == 0 ))
	switch ( *ppriz )
	case '1':
	 if ((*pstek) == ( *pread ))
	 else errkod = 1; break;

	case '2':
	 pprod = nprod ( pstek );
	 i = 0;
	 for ( j = 1; j <= (*pprod).m; j++)
	  psimvol = ( *pprod ).pr[j-1];
	  switch ( *psimvol )
	   case '1':
	   if ( (*(psimvol+18))!=(*pread))
	    i = j;
	    j = (*pprod).m;break;
	   case '2': case '0':
	   i = j;
	   j = (*pprod).m; break;
//	   default : cout << "error = 2" << endl;

	  if ( i == 0 )
		errkod = 2;

	  psimvol = (*pprod).pr[i-1];
	  ppriz ++;
	  pstek ++;

	  if ( ( *psimvol)!='0')
	    while ( (*psimvol)!='3')
	    while ( psimvol >= ( *pprod ).pr[i-1])
		(*ppriz) = (*psimvol);
		(*pstek) = (*(psimvol+18));
	  default :
		cout << "error = 3" << endl;
		errkod = 3;



void main()

	sintx ();
	pread = lenta;


	while ( *pread == 32 )
	for ( char x = (pread-lenta); x < strlen ( lenta ); x++)
	lenta [ x ] = lenta [ x+1 ];

	if ( errkod || *pread != '\0' )
	cout << endl << "The sentence has an error ";
	cout << pread;
	cout << endl << "Processed";

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