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Baleen whales – гладкие киты, усатые киты chinstrap – антарктический пингвин

9. Read the text and translate it.

The connection between the endangered species and biodiversity

The more endangered species the bigger the biodiversity loss, this is a pretty simple equation. The number of endangered species is sadly growing all the time, and if the current trend continues it will be impossible to stop biodiversity loss, and world will soon find itself on a one-way road towards the total disaster. The main reason why there are so many endangered species is habitat loss. The habitats of many animals are shrinking all the time because of the human population growth, and sadly humans are the main disruptive force responsible for destruction of many ecosystems around the globe.

Climate change is another reason to worry as scientists believe that many animals will fail to adapt to global warming, and many of them will likely forever perish from the face of the Earth which will add more impact to already huge biodiversity loss.

The diversity of life on our planet is currently in the state of rapid decline, and we are the main culprits for this state because our hunger for more resources, energy, and space has significantly grown in the last few centuries triggered by population explosion and the rapid industrialization.

We have the destiny of our planet in our own hands, and we already have to power to decide which species should be saved, and which should be considered as "unworthy" of conservation efforts. The main problem is that with such power also comes a great responsibility, and this responsibility is sadly so easily misunderstood by many people across the globe.

Basically, when you think about it the main link in connection between the endangered species and biodiversity are humans. The humans have the power to either stop biodiversity loss by protecting animals and plants from going extinct, or to continue the current trend of ignorance towards the environmental problem. What will it be?

Read the text again and answer the following questions:

1. Why is biodiversity under threat?

2. What is happening with the diversity of life on our planet?

3. What should be done by people to stop biodiversity loss?

10. Read the text and translate it.

How to save sharks from going extinct?

Sharks, the world most famous marine predators, are almost everywhere in the world in danger of going extinct. In many places of the world shark's meat is one of the top delicacies and this has led to significant decline in their population on global scale. According to the current estimates each year between 50 to 73 million sharks are killed by people in commercial and recreational fishing, and this number will likely continue in years to come if world fails to do anything about it.

What is the best solution to save sharks from going extinct? Many environmentalists are very fond of the shark sanctuary idea, and this is the idea that became quite popular since the time Palau's president Toribiong announced that his country will ban all commercial shark fishing in its waters, and provide 600,000 sq km (230,000 sq miles) of ocean to be free of shark fishing, at least till shark population recovers in numbers.

The latest example is Indonesia. Indonesia has recently declared large shark sanctuary area which will cover 46,000 square kilometres (17,760 square miles) of waters around the Raja Ampat islands in eastern Indonesia. This is one of the world's richest marine biodiversity areas, and hopefully shark population will not be the only species to prosper, as this is also the home of other famous endangered animals such as sea turtles and manta rays.

Sharks are on top of the marine food chain, and their extinction would cause irreparable damage to many marine ecosystems. Some shark species, for instance angel sharks and deep-water gulper shark, are already listed as critically endangered, and many more will follow unless we see a decent number of new shark sanctuaries around the globe.

The importance of this shark sanctuary in Indonesia is great because close to 80% of shark species in this area are threatened with extinction, mostly from overfishing. Shark fin soup is traditional dish in many Asian countries, and its consumption has risen dramatically with the middle class becoming more affluent, and with it shark meat is becoming even more sought after "merchandise".

People that enjoy in shark meat care very little about the fact that sharks are heading for extinction. Perhaps they'll care more once there won't be sharks left to satisfy their gourmand desires.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Популяция акул неуклонно снижается в глобальном масштабе, поэтому необходимо предпринимать срочные действия. Одним из лучших решений для защиты акул от исчезновения это увеличение числа заповедников. Проблема состоит в том, что многие страны начинают рассматривать этот вопрос, как только их внутренняя популяция акул испытывает резкое снижение, вместо того, чтобы предпринимать необходимые меры по сохранению популяции акул на оптимальном уровне.

2. По оценке Международного союза охраны природы и природных ресурсов около трети видов хрящевых рыб, к которым относятся и акулы, сегодня находятся на грани вымирания. Вопрос сохранения поголовья акул и сокращения масштабов их истребления становится острее с каждым годом, и правительства разных стран мира одно за другим подписывают законы, запрещающие вылов и торговлю плавниками хищников, популяция которых все ближе подходит к определению «исчезающей».

3. Крошечное островное государство Палау в Тихом океане намерено создать первый в истории заповедник для акул, запретив их коммерческий вылов в своих территориальных водах. Экологи приветствуют этот шаг, поскольку половина видов океанских акул находятся под угрозой исчезновения. Теперь же под защитой окажется акватория площадью 600 тысяч кв. километров, то есть примерно размером с Францию.