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ФФ I курс / словообразование_дляI_IIк_неяз_ф.doc
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Ex.1 Read the pairs of words. Mind the stress.

an`accent – to ac`cent, a`contract – to con`tract, a `content – to con`tent, a` contest – to con`test, a `convoy – to con`voy, a` convict – to con`vict, `perfect – to per`fect, a`record – to re`cord.

Ex.2Read and underline or highlight the stressed syllable in each of the words in bold. Translate the sentences.

1. Riverstransport much mud. There is muchtransportin large cities.

  1. The delegation present at our conference has come from Canada. They present an interesting example of word – building. I have a nice present for you. He’s very busy at present. He presented me with his new book.

  2. I wish I could record a hit record! This record is of great importance nowadays. We have a lot of records. Record, please this program for me.

  3. Japan exports many goods all over the world. We have many export goods to buy. Export of this country is about 50 per cent annually. We met a trader who exports goods to China. The exports of gold has been forbidden. Raw cotton is one of the chief exports of the United States.

  4. Russia exports mainly raw materials but imports much electronics and goods. Import goods are taxed in all the countries. The import of raw materials is extremely important for some countries as they haven’t their own ones. America imports raw silk from Japan. What does this news import? Imports exceeded exports in value last year. What is the import of his remarks?

  5. The students’ progress is usually determined by oral and written tests and examinations. His illness progresses very quickly. Human progress has reached the stage of intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy. They progress not so successfully as we’d like to.

7.There has been an increase in the price of petrol. The cost of living has greatly increased since 1917.

  1. All this upset over the wedding has really upset them.

  2. He saw the imprint of suffering on her face. He imprinted a postmark on a letter. Those ideas imprinted on his mind.


Словосложение – это объединение полнозначных слов или их основ в сложное слово. Вновь образованное сложное слово пишется слитно или через дефис:

airfield – аэродром (air – воздух, field – поле)

air-base – авиабаза (air- воздух, base – база)

airman – авиатор, (air – воздух, man – мужчина)

schoolday – школьный день (school –школа, day – день)

birthplace – место рождения (birth – рождение, place – место)

Сложные слова могут состоять из двух существительных, первое их которых приобретает значение прилагательного. В этом случае слова пишутся отдельно. Например: service dress – форменная одежда, одежда для службы (serviceслужба, dress – платье), shop window – витрина (shop – магазин, window – окно), skim milk – снятое молоко (to skim – снимать (накипь и т.д.), milk – молоко).

Ex.1 Read, analyse and translate these words.

bathroom, bathrobe, bookcase, bookshelf, note-book, fireplace, fireman, fire-bug, hairbrush, hair-do, hair-cut, ice-box, ice-boat, raincoat, raindrop, rainbow, waterfall, water-pot, snowfall, snowflake, snow-storm, money-box, hush-money, evergreen, godlike, handshake, toothpick, footprint, next-door, just-married, new-comer, peace-lover, bone-setter, sunshine, sunshade, sunstroke, sun-up.

Ex.2 It’s interesting. Read and try to guess the meaning of the following words which can characterize some features of a person.

open-hearted, sweet-hearted, feather-brained, empty-headed, grey-headed, bull-headed, even-minded, high-minded, high-handed, high-minded, high-spirited, low-spirited, low-born, higher-up, swift- handed, long-legged, snub-nosed, green-eyed, wide-shouldered, good-humoured, dog-tired, good-for-nothing, touch-me-not, well-to-do, cat-and-dog (life), strongly-built, chicken-hearted, one-eyed, stay-at-home, stone-blind, double-faced.

Ex.3 Combine the words in A with the words in B to form the following words. Write them down.

Новорожденный, глубоководный, овальный, разносчик газет, новомодный, смертность, красавец (амер.), дальтонизм, выставочный зал, окольный путь, очень высокий, линия горизонта, лунатик, пароход, кратковременный, вековой, лаконичный, раскаленный добела, бокал (рюмка), резчик по дереву, образное описание, ежегодник, водонепроницаемый.


1.deep- 13.steam- a)old m) spoken

2.year- 14.short- b)cutter n) shaped

3.word- 15.new- c)not o) looker

4.short- 16.good- d)walker p) blindness

5.water- 17.side- e)fashioned q) proof

6.new- 18.news- f)boy r) line

7.egg- 19.sky- g)sea s) ship

8.death- 20.white h)rate t) lived

9.colour- 21.wine- i)room u) glass

10.sky- 22.wood- j)way v) picture

11.age- 23.show- k)high w) book

12.sleep- l)born
