
- •Словообразование
- •Суффиксы имен существительных
- •Суффиксы прилагательных.
- •Суффиксы наречий.
- •Запомните их!
- •Образование глаголов. Основные суффиксы глаголов.
- •Наиболее употребительные префиксы и их значения
- •In-, il-, im-, ir-.
- •Конверсия.
- •Словообразование при помощи чередования ударения.
- •Ex.1 Read the pairs of words. Mind the stress.
- •Словосложение.
- •Ex.1 Read, analyse and translate these words.
- •Variant-I.
- •Variant – II.
Наиболее употребительные префиксы и их значения
Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение:
un- equal (равный) - unequal (неравный)
im- possible (возможный) - impossible (невозможный)
in- ability (способность) - inability (неспособность)
ir- regular (регулярный) - irregular (нерегулярный)
il- legal (легальный) - illegal (нелегальный)
dis- honest (честный) - dishonest (нечестный)
mis- to understand (понимать) - to misunderstand (неправильно понять)
non- interference (вмешательство) - non-interference (невмешательство).
Префиксы, которые придают слову противоположное значение или обозначают противоположное действие:
un- to tie (связывать) - to untie (развязывать)
dis- to appear (появляться) - to disappear (исчезать)
de- to control (контролировать) - to decontrol (освобождать от контроля)
anti- aircraft (самолет)- anti-aircraft (противовоздушный)
counter- to act (действовать)- to counteract (противодействовать)
Префиксы, имеющие значение "сверх", "пере", "чрезмерно":
over- to pay (платить) - to overpay (переплатить)
super- human (человеческий) - superhuman (сверхчеловеческий)
ultra- violet (фиолетовый) - ultra-violet (ультрафиолетовый)
Префикс, обозначающий повторное действие со значением "снова", "заново", "вновь", "пере-", “вос-“, “повторный”:
re- to construct (строить) - to reconstruct (перестроить)
Префиксы, обозначающие общность действия, имеющие значение "между", "взаимно":
сo- operation (действие) - co-operation (сотрудничество)
inter- national (национальный) - international (интернациональный)
Префиксы, которые переводятся как:
а) "перед", “ до”:
pre- historic (исторический) - prehistoric (доисторический)
war (война, военный) - pre-war (довоенный)
б) "после":
post- war (война) - post-war (послевоенный)
в) "недостаточно", "недо-":
under- to pay (платить) - to underpay (недоплачивать)
г) "под":
sub- division (разделение) - subdivision (подразделение)
д) "экс", "бывший":
ex- champion (чемпион) - ex-champion (бывший чемпион)
Префикс глагола, имеющий значение "делать":
en- large (большой) - to enlarge (увеличивать, делать больше)
danger (опасность) - to endanger (подвергать опасности)
force (сила) - to enforce (принуждать, настаивать)
circle (круг) - to encircle (окружать)
Ex 1 Give antonyms to the following words. Use the prefix un-.
Model: kind - unkind
happy, healthy, real, equally, stable, safe, natural, usual, friendly, timely, like, ready, changeable, favourable, reasonable, fortunately, limited, protected, improved, explored, to screw, to lock, to tie, to pack.
Ex.2 Give antonyms to the following adjectives. Use prefixes
In-, il-, im-, ir-.
Model: definite (a) - indefinite (a)
in-: active, human, complete, adequate, admissible, soluble,
sensible, soluble;
il-: liberate, legal, logical;
im-: personal, modal, possible, practical, perfect;
ir-: regular, rational, respective, reversible, revocable.
Ex.3 Form words from the verbs given by means of the prefix re-. Translate them.
Model: to read again - reread
to turn, to make, to tell, to store, to use, to appear, to construct, to produce, to distribute, to consider, to collect, to call again.
Ex.4 Translate the words. Consult a dictionary if necessary.
redistribution, reutilization, reprecipitation, resampling, readjustment, renovation, reproduction.
Ex.5 Read and translate these pairs of words.
to appreciate - to depreciate efficient - deficient
to increase - to decrease constructive - destructive
to accelerate – to decelerate
Ex.6 Give antonyms to the following words. Use prefix "de-". Translate the derivatives.
Model: to colour - to decolour
to range, to bark, to captivate, to grade, to nationalize, to naturalize, to generate, to class, to compound, to compose, to polarise, population, position, valuation, contamination, construction, generation.
Ex.7 Translate the words with the prefix semi-.
semidesert (desert - пустыня), semihumid (humid - влажный), semi-annual (annual -годовой), semiopaque (opaque -прозрачный). semi - automatic, semi- fabricate, semi-official, semiconductor (conductor - проводник), semidarkness, semitone, semi-final, semi-basement (basement -подвал), semicircular (circular -круглый)
Ex.8 Give Russian equivalents of the words given below.
self-government, self-help, self-regulation, self-organization, self-ingition, self-purification, self-monitoring (контроль), self-recording, self-opinion, self-service, self-study, self-criticism.
Ex.9 Give antonyms to the following words by means of the suffix dis-.
Translate the derivatives.
Model: to cover - to discover
ability, advantageous, comfort, honest, organization, to able, to affirm, to approve, to afforest, arrange, to believe, to charge, to close, to connect, to house, to qualify, to appear, to like.
Ex.10 Read and translate the words with the prefix over-.
Model: to pay - to overpay
to sleep, to spend, to work, to state, to value, to populate, peopled, crowded.
Ex.11 Read and translate the words with the prefix ultra-.
ultraviolet, ultrashort, ultramarine, ultrafashionable, ultramodern, ultrasound.
Ex.12 Read and translate the words with the prefix multy-.
multiracial, multistorey, multinational, multilevel, multicoloured, multiprocessing, multipoint, multifarious, multilateral, multimillionaire, multistage, multi-user, multi-tasking, multiprogramming, multimedia, multiplexor.
Ex.13 Read and translate the words with the prefix extra-.
extrasensory, extratime, extravagance, extrapolation, extraordinary, extracurricular.
Ex.14 Read and translate the words with bi- prefix.
bidirectional, bifurcation, bipolar, bistable, bilingual, bicarbonate, bicentenary, bigamist, bisexual, biannual, bifocals.
Ex.15 Read the words given below. Mind the stress. State what part of speech each word belongs to. Translate the words into Russian.
verb - `verbal; `listen - `listener; com`bine - combi`nation; `write-`writer; `easy - `easily; slow - `slowly; re`peat - repe`tition; `common - `un`common; `product - pro`ducer - pro`ductive - produc`tivity; act - `actor - `action; true - `un`true, -`truly; `usual - `un`usual; bi`ology - bio`logical - bio`logically; `physics - `physical - physicist; `period - peri`odic - peri`odical - peri`odically; `color - `colourless; for`get - for`getful; `make - re`make; `large - en`large; com`pose - comopo`sition; aim - `aimless; doubt - `doubtful - `doubtless; `organise - `organiser - organi`zation; help - `helper - `helpful - `helpless; trans`form - transfor`mation; e`xist - e`xistence - `co-e`xistence; `limit - limi`tation; im`portant - im`portance; de`pend - de`pendent - de`pendence - `inde`pendence; as`sociate - associ`ative - associ`ation; e`ffect - e`ffective - e`ffectiveness - `une`effective.
Ex. 16 Read the words given below. State what part of speech each word belongs to. Translate the words into Russian.
a)to drain - drained - drainage; consequent - consequently - consequence; eliminate - eliminating - eliminated - elimination; to explode - exploding - unexploded - explosion - explosive - explosives; to flood - flooded - this flood - floodable; deteriorate - deteriorating - deteriorated - deterioration; devastate - devastating - devastated - devastation; to destroy - without destroying - destruction - destructive.
b) complete - completely -to complete - uncompleted - completeness; must protect - protected -unprotected - by protecting - protection - protective; similar- dissimilar - similarly - similarity; worsen - worsening - worse; principal - principally -; contaminate - contaminated - contaminating - contamination - contaminant; to add - addition - additional - additionally; irreversible - reversible - reversibility - nonreversibility; to erode - eroded - erodibility - erodible - erosion.
c) distribute - by distributing - while distributing - distribution; unevenly - uneven - evenly - even; frequency - frequent -frequently; contradictory -contradiction - will contradict; definite - definitely - indefinite - definition - to define; precise - precisely - precision; extraction - to extract - extractable - extractives.