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Unit 6 Ударные и безударные слова в предложении

18. В предложении следующие слова всегда являются ударными:

Глаголы, e.g. 'help

Существительные, e.g. 'town

Прилагательные, e.g. 'quick

Глаголы с послелогами, e.g. 'look 'out

Вспомогательные и модальные глаголы в отрицательной форме, e.g. 'don’t, 'can’t

Вопросительные местоимения, e.g. 'what, 'why

19. Как правило, следующие слова являются безударными в предложении:

местоимения, e.g. your

глагол to be

вспомогательные и модальные глаголы в положительной форме, e.g. do, can

союзы, e.g. and, or

предлоги, e.g. to, from

  • 1. Listen and repeat according to the pattern. What words are unstressed? Why?

a)  □ ■

What’s your name? Close the door.

Tom was right. Wait and see.

Dogs can swim. Go to bed!

b)  That man.

 □ ■ That’s the man.

 □ □ ■ That was the man.

 □ □ □ ■ That could be the man.

  • 2. Listen and repeat the chants where all the words are stressed.

■ ■, ■ 

Don’t move! Take care!

Keep calm! Stay there!

■ ■ ■

Go straight on!

Don’t look down!

Go straight on!

Don’t turn round!

■ ■, ■ □ ■

Don’t stop! Carry on!

Run! Run! Get away!

Quick! Quick! Hurry up!

  • 3. Complete these chants with the words from the box. Mind the stress pattern. Then listen, check and repeat.

down be stay stand take

1) Don’t sleep! awake!

Get dressed! Don’t late!

2) still! Stay there!

Don’t move! care!

3) Say please! Don’t rude!

Sit ! Eat your food!

4. Put stresses in these small texts then read them aloud. Mind stressed and unstressed words and pauses at the end of the sentences.

1) We don’t like coffee breaks. I mean we just get a coffee or tea and take it back to our desks. But it’s dangerous. People sometimes knock the drink over the computer, you know.

2) I didn’t go to the concert because I lost my ticket. I didn’t actually lose it, it was in my jeans pocket and I put it in the washing machine. So, I went to the door of the theatre and they said it was no good.

3) I can never guess the weather right. If I wear a warm shirt, the weather’s hot. If I wear cool clothes, there’s a cold wind. When I don’t take my umbrella, does it rain? Of course, not! Then I leave it in the bus!

5. Letters and Sounds (revision). Put these words in the correct square in the table. Do not write in the shaded squares.

Boy here share shy she toy

Beer hair high he bore pier

Bear buy be pour tea tie

Pair deer pea we die pie

Dare door fear four wear why

Fair wore tear















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