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English_2 / юниты / 08 Unit 07.doc
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4.Translate the following word-combinations paying attention to the use of nouns as attributes.

a) the theory of field - the field theory

the speed of light – the light speed

the forces of gravitation – the gravitation forces

the study at the University – the University study

the clerk at an office – an office clerk

b) the thoughts of a boy – the boy’s thoughts

the knowledge of the scientist – the scientist’s knowledge.

The advice of the scientist – the scientist’s advice.

c) Magnetism of the Earth – the Earth’s magnetism

the energy of the Sun – the Sun’s energy

the economy of the country – the country’s economy

a newspaper of yesterday – yesterday’s newspaper.

5.Use the Imperative Mood and translate the sentences:

Turn on the radio.

Model: (to turn on) Don’t turn on the radio.

(not to turn on) the radio

  1. (to define) and (to explain) the terms of this equation.

  2. (to draw) a line and (to divide) it into three equal parts.

  3. (not to change) the speed of the motor motion.

  4. (to present) your paper in time.

  5. (not to begin) your experiment now. It’s already late.

6.Use the Imperative Mood in the following sentences and translate them:

Model: Say it again (she). Let her say it again.

Don’t say it again (they).Don’t let them say it again.

1.Ask the professor about the difference between the metric and imperial systems (we).

2.Don’t solve this equation (he).We have already the answer.

3. Freeze the liquid in the tube and then measure its volume (they).

4. Illustrate my explanation with an example (she).

5. Help him in his laboratory work (I).

7. A. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of some and same:

  1. These two elements have different colours but their chemical properties are the same. Some of them are very important.

  2. There is some gas in these pipes. We use the same gas in both pipes.

  3. The engineers of the research laboratory developed some new methods of work. The same methods are of great importance for our plant.

b. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of for:

  1. The unusual phenomenon occupied the boy’s thoughts for hours.

  2. For a few years Albert Einstein lived in Prague.

  3. Einstein’s work on relativity was a great surprise for the scientists all over the world.

  4. In 1922 Einstein got his Nobel Prize not for relativity but for a logic explanation of photo-electric effect.

  5. Einstein always answered all students’ questions for there were no foolish or simple questions for him.

  1. Translate the following sentences using the words and word-combinations given below:

1.А.Эйнштейн був видатним фiзиком 20 столiття.2.Вiн мав незвичайнi здiбностi до математики i фiзики.3.На протязi кiлькох рокiв Ейнштейн мешкав у Празi i викладав фiзику в унiверситетi.4.У 1905 роцi вiн зробив декiлька наукових вiдкриттiв.5.Його iдея вразила усiх вчених.6.У 1922 роцi Ейнштейн отримав Нобелiвську премiю.7.Сьогоднi кожен студент технiчного вузу вивчае теорiю вiдносностi.8.Вивчiть бiографiю Ейнштейна, i ви побачите, що вiн вiддав свое життя науцi.

To get the Nobel Prize, to make some discoveries any college student, to be a great physicist of the 20th century, to study Einstein’s biography, to give his life to.., for a few years..,to teach physics..,to have an unusual ability to ..,to surprise all scientists

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