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1. Перевести с помощью словаря тексты, сходные по тематике с текстами, пройденными за данный период обучения в количестве 1500 п. знаков за определенный период времени (30 мин.);

2. Высказаться по одной из пройденных грамматических тем, предложенной преподавателем.

1 курс (2 семестр)

Контрольная работа №2.

1. Present Perfect/Past Simple. Раскройте скобки, употребляя the Present Perfect or Past Simple в предложениях.

1. George has gone (to go) to the store at ten o’clock this morning.

2. Have you ever had (to have) any serious illness?

3. I have come (to come) to school without glasses. I can’t read the text. ‘

4. Who ate (to eat) all the apples?

5. So far we had (to have) no troubles.

6. Jane moved (to move) to a new flat a month ago.

7. We often wondered (to wonder ,often) where he got his money.

8. I used (to use) to swim every day when I was young.

9. How often have you fallen (to fall) in love?

10. I’m delighted to tell you that you have passed(to pass) your exam.

11. Susan used (to use) to sit in her room and play the piano for hours.

12. Some people think that ‘The twelfth night’ wasn’t written (not to be written) by Shakespeare.

13. I already broke (to break, already) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?

14. I’m not sure we have met (to meet) before.

15. You have always been (to be, always) my closest friend.

16. When have you gone (to go) to Brazil?

17. It’s two months since I started (to start) driving my car.

18. This is the first time I have eaten (to eat) so many hamburgers.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous. (глаголы поставлены в правильные времена, вариант ответа указан в скобках с каждым инфинитивом глагола)

A) Past Simple; B) Past Continuous; C) Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.

1. The workers were being (to be B) on a strike for three weeks when the agreement on pay was reached (to be reached A).

2. When she got the results of her medical tests, she realised that she had been feeling (to be feeling C) ill since she had been (to be C) on holiday.

3. She wondered (to wonder A) who left (leave A) the door open.

4. He was playing (to play B) football when the ball hit (to hit A) his head.

5. He was driving (to drive B) to work for half an hour when suddenly his car broke (to break A) down.

6. When arrived at the office he discovered (to discover A) that he have left (to leave C) all the necessary papers at home.

7. Susan was typing (to type B) some letters when the boss asked (to ask A) her into his office.

8. She looked tired. She had to type (to type C) letters all morning.

9. Yesterday afternoon it still was raining (still to rain B) when I got (to get A) home.

10. He was cleaning (to clean B) the car when the phone rang, so he didn’t answer (not to answer A) it.

11. When I was (to be A) little my mother used (to use A) to feed me.

12. Jane’s clothes were wet. She had washed (to wash C) her dog.

13. Jerry was (to be A) nervous, for he had never flown (never to flow C) in an aeroplane before.

14. I never liked (never to ‘like A) going to the cinema on my own when I was a teenager.

15. Kate was dancing (to dance B), but when she saw a new-comer she stopped (to stop A).

3. Найдите ошибку в предложениях. (ответы даны после самого предложения. Если после предложения стоит исправленное, значит ответ - В)

A) right; B) wrong.

1. We are here since April. A

2. Have you been crying? – No, I’ve been chopping onions. (Were you crying? – No, I was chopping onions)

3. I wonder what will happen if he push this button. (I wonder what will happen if he pushes this button)

4. How long are you working for this company? A

5. It was a lovely day so we decided to stroll in the park for an hour. (It was a lovely day so we decided to have a stroll in the park for an hour)

6. This is the smallest dog I’d ever seen. A

7. I know you are just pretending to read, because you’ve got the book upside down. A

8. Can you think of any other songs? We have sang all the ones we know. (We have sung all the ones we know)

9. The recipe was not good, but the soup tasted of sour. (The recipe was good, but the soup tasted sour)

10. I have ever been to Jamaica. (I have never been to Jamaica)

11. Someone has been stealing my bicycle. (Someone has stolen my bicycle)

12. The students were working for two hours when the teacher told them to stop writing. A

13. I already saw this film twice, but I’d like to see it again. A

14. He looks angry! Had he been arguing? (Was he arguing?)

15. She is cleaning her teeth at the moment. A

16. The dog won’t bother you unless you teased him. (The dog won’t bother you unless you tease him)

17. We hadn’t seen her at the party last night. A

18. The more you study, the better results will be. A

19. He isn’t exactly a stranger. I had met him once before. A

4. Раскройте скобки. (глаголы поставлены в правильные времена, вариант ответа указан в скобках с каждым инфинитивом глагола)

A) Future Simple; B) Present Simple.

1. If I am free (to be free B) tomorrow night, I will go (to go A) to the concert.

2. He says he will look (to look in A) to see us before he leaves (to leave B) our town.

3. Jane will stay (to stay A) at home until she feels (to feel B) better.

4. When will you visit (to visit A) your grandma? – Probably next year.

5. When my brother finishes (to finish B) school he will go (to go A) to college.

6. I will tell (to tell A) you as soon as I know (to know B).

7. I’d like to know when Dan is back (to be back B).

8. Give my love to Laura if you see (to see B) her.

9. I don’t know (not to know B) when she takes (to take B) her exam.

10. I don’t think we will finish (to finish A) our work in time unless you help (to help B) us.

11. I will give (to give A) you my bike for tomorrow providing you will bring (to bring A) it back the day after tomorrow.

12. Mothers says we will have dinner (to have dinner A) after she unpacks (to unpack B) our things.

13. Don’t get off the train until it stops (to stop B).

14. You may take this book so long as you won’t keep (not to keep A) it too long.

15. Your boss gives (to give B) you the day off on condition that you will work (to work A) on Saturday morning.

16. Provided that they won’t do (not to do A) anything stupid, they will win (to win A) tonight’s match easily.

17. Unless he arrives (to arrive B) soon, we will go (to go A) without him.

18. I wonder (to wonder B) if they will follow (to follow A) our advice.

5. Прочитайте диалоги, обращая внимание на употребление времен. (после каждого предложения даны времена использованные в нем в той же последовательности, в которой были использованы)

1. “What are you doing?”(Past Continuous) “I’m translating an article as you see” (Past Continuous + Present Simple). “Since when have you been translating it?” (Past Perfect Continuous) “Since morning”.

“Have you done much?” (Past Perfect) “Not much, I’ve only translated half of it” (Past Perfect).

2. “Where is Douglas?” (Present Simple) “He’s left for London”. (Past Perfect) “Really? When did he leave?”(Past Simple) “Let me think ... He left in June”. (Present Simple + Past Simple) “Oh, that means that he’s been living abroad for three months now”. (Present Simple + Past Perfect Continuous) “Right you are”. (Present Simple)

3. “What were you doing when your brother came?”(Past Continuous + Past Simple) “I was working in the garden” (Past Continuous). “How long had you been doing it before he came?” (Past Perfect Continuous + Past Simple)

“For about two hours”. “You have been working for about four hours now, haven’t you?” (Past Continuous) “Yes”. “Are you tired?” (Present Simple) “A bit”.

4. “What are you doing here?” (Present Continuous) “I’m waiting for my wife”. (Present Continuous) “Have you been waiting long?” (Past Perfect Continuous)“No, I’ve just come”. (Past Perfect)

5. “Is Jane still ill?” (Present Simple) “Yes”. “Peter said she had been ill since Saturday”. (Past Simple + Past Perfect Continuous) “That’s right”.(Present Simple) “She’s been ill nearly a week”.(Past Perfect Continuous) “Quite

so”. “Tell her I’ve been missing her”. (Present Simple + Past Perfect Continuous) “I will”. (Future Simple)


Контрольные работы являются частью самостоятельной подготовки студентов-заочников, обучающихся по специальности «Юриспруденция». Студенты первого курса заочной формы обучения в соответствии с учебным планом обязаны написать контрольную работу по курсу «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции». По содержанию и оформлению контрольная работа должна отвечать всем требованиям, предъявляемым к работам подобного рода. Контрольная работа должна быть набрана на компьютере и распечатана на листах формата А 4. В виде исключения контрольная работа может быть исполнена в рукописном варианте. Каждое задание выполняется отдельно. Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена и сдана для проверки не позднее чем за 5 дней до официальной даты сдачи. Оформление контрольной работы начинается с титульного листа, на котором указывается название министерства, вуза, кафедры, на которой она выполняется. В центре титульного листа помещается название контрольной работы. В правой части нижней половины титульного листа, как правило, указываются имя, отчество и фамилия автора работы, его курс и группа, домашний адрес с почтовым индексом. Все страницы должны быть пронумерованы. Титульный лист включают в общую нумерацию, но номер «1» на нем не ставится. Таким образом, первым напечатанным или написанным номером будет номер «2» на втором листе работы, на котором помещается план с указанием страниц, с которых начинаются параграфы. Отсюда следует, что основной текст работы начинается как минимум на третьей странице (листе). Номера страниц необходимо проставлять сверху в середине листа либо в правом верхнем углу листа (страницы), между номером и текстом желательно оставлять пустую строку. Необходимо оставлять поля для замечаний преподавателя. Если контрольная работа при рецензировании не зачтена, слушатель обязан представить ее на повторную рецензию.

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