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1. 33 Million inhabitants 2. 28 million inhabitans 3. 37 million inhabitans


The name Canada is believed to come from the Huron-Iroquois word k'anata, which means

1. boat                                 2. settlement                       3. nature


What is the capital of Canada ?

1. Montreal                           2. Toronto                       3. Ottawa


What is, what are, the official language (es) in Canada ?

1. Only English                          2. French and English                  3. Only French


What is the name of the world’s tallest building which is situated in Toronto?

1. CN Tower                             2. Petronas Tower                      3. Sears Tower


Canada is the second, the third or the fourth largest country in total area in the world?

1. Second largest                       2. Third largest                         3. Fourth lagest


How many provinces does Canada have?

1. Eight provinces                        2. Ten provinces                       3. Six provinces


Get some extrapoints by naming the provinces of Canada. Write them on a piece of paper and find out how many you did know.

The Provinces of Canada


All together you were able to get 17 points.

I hope you had fun looking for the right answer!!!


Canada (pronounced ['kʰænədə] in English and [känä'dä] in French) is the world's second-largest country by total area, occupying most of northern North America. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and northward into the Arctic Ocean, Canada shares land borders with the United States to the south and to the northwest.

Inhabited first by Aboriginal peoples, Canada was founded as a union of British and former French colonies. Canada gained independence from the United Kingdom in an incremental process that began in 1867 and ended in 1982.

Canada is a federal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Comprising ten provinces and three territories, Canada is a bilingual and multicultural nation, with both English and French as official languages at the federal level. A technologically advanced and industrialized nation, Canada maintains a diversified economy heavily reliant on trade—particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and complex relationship—and abundant natural resources.

По площади Канада является самой большой страной, занимающей большую часть Северной Америки. Простираясь от Атлантического до Тихого океана на севере, Канада граничит с Объединенным Королевством на юге и северо-западе.

Изначально заселенная аборигенами, Канада была основана как союз британских и бывших французских колоний.


  • Canadian Heritage (2002). Symbols of Canada. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Government Publishing. ISBN 0-660-18615-2. Similar publication online here.

Ross, David & Hook, Richard (1988). The Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1873-1987. London: Osprey. ISBN 0-85045-834-X.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_symbols_of_Canada"

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Canada"

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa"

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