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Литра и семинары к теор грам

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Рекомендуемая литература

1. Ильин Б. А. Структура современного английского языка. - Л., 1971.

2. Блох М. Я. Курс теоретической грамматики английского языка. - М., 1983.

3. Смирницкий А. И. Морфология английского языка. - М., 1959.

4. Смирницкий А. И. Синтаксис английского языка. - М., 1960.

5. Корнеева Е. А. Очерки по морфологии английского языка. - Л., 1976.

6. Хайлович Е. С., Роговская Б. И. Курс по английской грамматике. - М., 1967.

7. Иванова И. П., Бурлакова В. В. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. - М., 1981.

8. Бархударов Л. С. Очерки по морфологии английского языка. - М.. 1983.

Дополнительная литература

1. Йоффин Л. П., Чахоян Л. П. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка. - Л., 1972.

2. Иртеньева Н. Ф. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. Синтаксис. - М., 1969.

3. Бархударов Л. С. Структура простого предложения современного английского языка. - М., 1966.

4. Блох М. Я. Теоретические основы грамматики. - М., 1986.

Планы семинарских занятий

Seminar I. The main grammatical units and notions

I. The main units of the language .

1. A morpheme. Types of morphemes.

2. Allomorphs. Types of allomorphs.

3. Words. The word-definition problems.

4. A phrase. Types of phrases.

5. A sentence. The main characteristic features of the sentence.

6. Super-segmental units .

II. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations.

III. The main grammatical notions.

1. The grammatical meaning.

2. The grammatical form .

3. The grammatical category. Types of grammatical categories.

The notion of opposition. Types of oppositions.

4. The oppositional reduction: neutralization and transposition.


B. Ilyish. p.6-7

М. I. Blokh. p. 14-23, 25-26

B. S. Khaimovich. p.7-10, 11-20, 22-25

И. П. Иванова стр. 9-13

Л. С. Бархударов стр. 6-16; 22-25; 27-32

А. И. Смирницкий стр. 8-10

Sеminar II. Principles of Word-Stock Division

I. The history of the problem .

II. The main criteria of parts of speech classification.

III. The traditional classification of parts of speech.

IV. The word-stock division, suggested by Charles Fries, as a representative of structural linguistics.

V. The problem of formal and notional words.


  1. Е. А. Корнеева и др. стр.5-25

  2. А. С. Бархударов стр. 49-57

  3. И. П. Иванова и др. стр.14-19

  4. Blokh. р. 37-49; 62-74

  5. В.S. Khaimovich. р. 22-51

  6. B. Ilyish. р. 27-35

  7. В. А. Корнеева упр.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 стр. 25-28-32

  8. Chakhoyan. р. 43-60

Seminar III. The Category of Case

I. Noun. The general characteristics. The cannon-ball problem.

II. Definition of the category of case. Various case systems, suggested for Modern English.

III. The two-case system. The form and the meanings of the common case. The scope of the meanings of the Possessive (Genitive) Case.

IV. The theory of positional and prepositional cases.

V. The theory denying the existence of cases in Modern English.


B. Ilyish p.41-47

B. S. Khaimovich. р. 51-54; 59-65

M. I. Blokh. р. 49-53; 57; 62-74

И. П. Иванова стр.25-29

В. А. Корнеева стр.47-58

А. И. Смирницкий стр.92-98; 124-149

Г. Н. Воронцова стр.168-180

В. А. Корнеева упр.1, 2, 3 стр.55-57

Seminar IV. The Verb. The Category of Aspect

I. Definition of the Category of Aspect . The problems, connected with this

category .

II. The category of Aspect in Russian.

III. The category of Aspect in English.

IV. The difference b/w English and Russian aspects.

V. Different interpretations of the category of aspect in English.


В. А. Корнеева стр. 92-97

Л. С. Бархударов стр. 113-116

И. П. Иванова стр. 57-60

B. Ilyish p.82-91

B. S. Khaimovich p. I34-I37

K. I. Blokh Сh. 15

А. И. Смирницкий стр. 316-327

В. А. Корнеева упр. 1, 2, 3 стр.98-102

Seminar V. The Category of Tense

I. Definition of the category of tense .The system of tenses suggested for Modern English.

II. The Present Tense. The invariant meaning of the Present. The variants of its meaning.

III. The problems connected with the Future Tense in English.

IV. The problems connected with the Future-in-the-Past. The category of posteriority.

V. The two-fold tense system, suggested by some grammarians.

VI. Perfect forms .Different interpretation of perfect forms.


А. И. Смирницлий стр. 299-308; 328-341

И. П. Иванова стр. 56-65

Л. С. Бархударов стр. 118-125

В. А. Корнеева стр. 77-92

B. Ilyish p. 92-95; 100-104

M. I. Blokh p.I37-I55

B. S. Khaimovich р. 142-148; 157-176

Seminar VI. The Сategory of Mood

I. Definition of the category of mood. Mood and modality. Different conceptions of the category of mood. Objective reasons for the existing controversy. The role of the meaning and form in the classification of Moods.

II. The Indicative Mood. Definition. Peculiarities of the use of the Indicative Mood.

III. The Imperative Mood. Its morphological peculiarities. The theory rejecting the existence of the Imperative Mood. The problem of the analytical imperative.

IV. The Subjunctive Mood. Different conceptions of the Subjunctive Mood.


А. И. Смирницкий стр. 342-352

М. I. Blokh p. 185-203

E. S. Khaimovich p. 150-157

B. Ilyish p. 105-110; 115-116

Л. С. Бархударов стр. 165-166

И. П. Иванова стр. 68-74

В. А. Корнеева упр. 1, 2, 3 стр.103-112; 113-115

Seminar VII. The Category of Voice

I. Definition of the category of voice. The opposition representing this category.

II. The main problems, connected with the category of Voice. The problem of reflexive and reciprocal voices. The problem of middle voices.

III. The problem of differentiating the analytical passive voice forms and the forms of the compound nominal predicate with Participle II as a predicative.

IV. The comparative use of the Passive Voice in English and Russian.


M. L. Blokhp. 176-185

B. Ilyish p. 114-I23

B. S. Khaimovich p. 125-130

Л. С. Бархударов стр. 85-96

Иванова И. П. стр. 74-80

Б. А. Корнеева стр. 117-131

В. А. Корнеева упр. 1, 2, 5, 8. стр. 165-171

Вопросы к экзамену

1. Difference between theoretical and practical grammar.

2. The main levels and units of the language.

3. Morphemes, types of morphemes. Allomorphs.

4. The main grammatical notions (the meaning, form and category).

5. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. Types of syntactical syntagmas.

6. Means of form-building.

7. Principles of world-stock division.

8. Classification of parts of speech, suggested by structural grammars.

9. The Noun. The general characteristics. The category of number. The problem of articles.

10. The Noun. The category of case.

11. The Adjective. The general characteristics. Degrees of comparison. Substantivized adjectives.

12. The Statives.

13. The Verb. The general characteristics. The category of person and number.

14. The Verb. The Category of Tense.

15. The Verb. The Category of Correlation.

16. The Verb. The Category of Aspect.

17. The Verb. The Category of Voice.

18. The Verb. The Category of Mood.

19. Phrases. Definition. The difference between a phrase and a sentence.

20. Types of phrases. Syntactical relations between the components of a phrase.

21. Sentence. Definition.

22. Communication. Types of sentences.

23. Syntactical types of sentences.

24. The actual division of sentences.

25. The Subject.

26. The Predicate.

27. The Object.

28. The Attribute.

29. The Adverbial modifier.

30. Simple sentences. The analysis of sentences according to immediate constituences.

31. Paradigmatic structure of simple sentences.

32. Composite sentences as polypredicative constructions.

33. Complex sentences. Different types of subordinate clauses.

34. Semi-complex sentences.

35. Semi-compound sentences.

36. Compound sentences.

37. Sentence in the Text.

38. Сверхфразовые единства.