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Using English at Work1 / UEAW_Guide.doc
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Using English at Work

Episode 4 - Working at My Desk

I open my filing cabinet and take out two files and a manila envelope that has the information I need in them. I look around for the pad of paper I used to jot down some ideas yesterday, and take out the paper clips, stapler, and Scotch tape I know I'll also need. Now I have everything in front of me so I can get down to business.

The first thing I have to do is get organized. I scan the information I have in front of me and take notes on the things I want to include in the report. Before I analyze the data for the report, I need to skim the background information to make sure I haven't missed anything. I was making good progress but I'm feeling thirsty, so I decide to take a quick break.

[end of script]

I hope listening to this story about working at your desk has taught you some new vocabulary that you can use when you're working in your own office. Our fourth lesson is now complete, and in the next lesson, number five, I'm going to talk about taking a break and eating lunch - my favorite parts of the day!

This course has been a production of the Center for Educational Development, in beautiful Los Angeles, California. Visit our website at eslpod.com.

This course was produced by Dr. Jeff McQuillan and Dr. Lucy Tse. Copyright 2008.


Using English at Work

Episode 5 - Taking a Break and Eating Lunch


I want to get some coffee, so I walk into the break room. My coworkers, Diana and Van, are standing next to the water cooler talking about a show on TV last night. I pick up the coffee pot and pour myself a mug of coffee. I am feeling really hungry, too, so I walk over to the vending machine. I'm looking over the candy bars and potato chips when Diana says, "We're taking an early lunch. Do you want to join us?" I say, "Yes!" and the three of us walk across the street to a restaurant.

I'm happy that we came early because we beat the rush. The hostess seats us at a table and takes our drink orders. Our server comes over with our drinks and we place our food orders. I choose the lunch special and so does Diana. Van picks the all-you-can-eat soup and salad bar. While Diana and I wait for our orders to arrive, Van goes to the soup and salad bar and gets a really big plate of food. "Do you mind if I start?" he asks. "Of course not," Diana and I say.

When we finish eating, the server comes over to clear our plates and to give us our bill. We forgot to ask for separate checks so we all pay together. That was a good lunch. It was certainly better than the bag lunch I usually bring from home!


break room - a room in an office building where employees can rest when they aren't working, usually with food, coffee, a microwave, refrigerator, comfortable chairs, and tables

* I wish that they had healthier snacks in the break room, but it's always full of cookies and soda.

water cooler - a machine with a large container of water that keeps water cold for drinking

* Drinking water from the water cooler is free for the employees, so it's much better than buying bottled water each day.

coffee pot - a large container that holds coffee and keeps it warm so that people can fill their coffee cups with hot coffee whenever they want it

* The coffee pot with a black lid is for regular coffee and the coffee pot with an orange lid is for decaffeinated coffee.


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