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урок Inventions in our life 11 класс_1.docx
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Тема урока: Inventions in our life.

Цель: Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической формах в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников.


  1. Формировать и совершенствовать грамматические навыки учащихся в употреблении структур страдательного залога в устной речи; развивать умения и навыки учащихся выражать согласие или несогласие с использованием речевых функций dis/agreeing, giving time to think, asking for preference, asking for further information, warning.

  2. Развивать познавательный интерес учащихся к науке и важнейшим изобретениям в мире и в англоязычных странах (создание условий для «диалога культур»); познакомить с выдающимися изобретателями и их изобретениями, используемыми в повседневной жизни.

  3. Воспитывать чувство уважения и интерес к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка; воспитывать потребность в практическом применении языка.

Тип урока: Повторительно-обобщающий урок.

Формы проведения: Экскурс в историю, интерактивная беседа, ролевая игра.

Формы работы: фронтальная, парная, индивидуальная.

Методы обучения: метод устных упражнений, повседневное наблюдение за учебной работой учащихся.


  1. прием использования различий в точках зрения (в соответствии с этим приемом стимулом для иноязычного общения являются естественные различия в жизненном опыте и точках зрения на проблемы, обсуждаемые учащимися в процессе обучения);

  2. прием совместного решения партнерами по общению предлагаемых им задач;

  3. прием ролевой игры;

  4. прием использования речевых опор;

  5. прием использования языковых игр.

Учебное пособие: В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова Английский язык: учебник для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Unit 7. (М.: Просвещение, 2006).

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

  • Приветствие.

  • Сообщение задач урока.

At our previous English lessons we spoke about different inventions which were made by great people lived in the past. And to begin with I’d like to hear how well you can sustain the conversation devoted to this the problem ‘INVENTIONS’.

  1. Речевая разминка.

First scan the key words of Card 1 and try to restore the information about the outstanding people of the past who made it possible to use their inventions in the 21st century as commonplace (учитель раздает речевые опорыкарточка1). Thanks to your students’ book you are aware of the information contained in Card 1 but there are no ready-made sentences in it so I want you to make up short dialogues to present the given information in the right way.

Карточка 1


  • to pioneer photography (Nicephore Niepce, France; 1829)

  • to invent telephone (Alexander Graham Bell; an American engineer; 1876)

  • to produce the world’s first petrol driven motor car (Karl Benz, Germany; 1885)

  • to open the world’s first cinema (the Lumiere brothers; France; Paris; 1895)

  • to design the first Russia’s automobile (P. A. Frez and E.A. Yakov1ev; Russia; to have been built by 1896)

  • to build the first airplane (Wilbur and Orville Wright; the USA; 1903)

  • to develop the first personal stereo — Sony Walkman (Akita Morita; Japan)

  • to build the first vacuum cleaner (James M Spangler; the USA; 1908)

  • to create the world’s first car assembly line (Henry Ford; an automobile manufacturer; the USA; 1908)

  • to invent television (John Logie Baird; 1926; Scotland)

  • to design the first artificial satellite (Sergei Korolyev; Russia; 1957)

  • to create Microsoft-DOS or Disk Operating System (Bill Gates; the USA; 1980)

  • to develop the idea of cloning (Ian Wilmat; Scotland; 1997)

Начинается речевая зарядка, которую учитель проводит в режимах [TP1P2P3] (фронтальной беседы), [TP1→P2] (управляемого диалога) и [P1P2] (диалога учащихся). Речевые опоры с обсуждаемой на уроке информацией способствуют активизации речепорождающей мыслительной деятельности учащихся, которые для выражения мысли на изучаемом иностранном языке обдумывают еще и важнейшие грамматические явления английского языка, являющейся основой их грамотной речи.

T: Ask each other what inventions were made in the l9th and the 20th centuries and who their inventors were. Look at Card 1 and choose any invention you like.

P1: When did photography appear? Who was the pioneer in photography?

P2: As we know now Nicephore Niepce from France pioneered photography in 1829. And it’s natural that nowadays it has become commonplace and people can’t do without it. We can’t live without telephone either. But what do you know about this invention?

P1: Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, an American engineer, in 1876. But what about Karl Benz? What did he invent?

P2: Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol driven motor car. It was in Gennany in 1885. But there was also another invention connected with cars. What was it?

P1: I suppose it was Ford’s car assembly line. It was the world’s first car assembly line created by Henry Ford, an automobile manufacturer of the USA, in 1908.

T: And what about Russia’s automobile building? Ask each other who were the first to design the first Russia’s automobile.

P1: What do know about the designers of the first Russia’s automobile?

P2: The first Russia’s automobile was designed by P. A. Frez and E. A. Yakovlev. And I should say it had been built by 1896.

T: All right. Thank you. But let the other students join the conversation too. (Учитель обращается к другим учащимся.) Ask each other questions about some other inventions.

P3: I’d like to dwell upon cinematography. And my question is as follows. Who were the first to start shooting films? Do you know?

P4: Card 1 gives me some information about it and I can say the Lumiere brothers were the first to start doing it. In 1895 they patented their cinematography and opened the world’s first cinema in Paris. And no doubt cinema now is also commonplace for everybody, isn’t it?

T: Ask each other about the other invention which gives people - - F nowadays brilliant opportunity to see favourite films at home without going to the cinema.

P4: Do you know anything about the invention which gives people rich opportunities to see their favourite films at home without going to the cinema? What is it? Do you know its inventor?

P3: It’s television which is commonplace now. And nobody I believe can live without it. And we know now that television was invented by John Logie Baird from Scotland in 1926 and compared with the cinema has its advantages nowadays too.

T: There were many other inventions in the 20th century. Will you speak about them too? (Учитель предлагает другим учащимся класса продолжить разговор.)

P6: Who developed the first personal stereo — Sony Walkman? Do you know?

P5: It was Akita Morita from Japan. What do you know about cloning?

P6: The idea of cloning was developed by Ian Wilmat from Scotland in 1997. And I don’t think it has become commonplace nowadays.

T: But there is such an appliance of our everyday life which is difficult to imagine as an invention. Can you guess what I mean?

P5: It’s a vacuum cleaner, I suppose. This appliance was first built in 1908 by James M. Spangler from the USA. And what is Bill Gates, an American inventor, famous for?

P6: Bill Gates is an American who created Microsoft Disk Operating System in 1980. This system is known all over the world now.

T: And there was an invention at the beginning of the 20th century that made it possible for a very convenient way of travelling to appear nowadays. And as you know a lot of people accept it as commonplace with pleasure. What is it?

P5: It’s travelling by air. But who was the first to build the first airplane?

P6: The first airplane was built by Wilbur and Orville Wright from the USA. It was in 1903. But in 1957 the first artificial satellite flew into space. Who was its designer?

P5: All Russian people are proud I’m sure that it was our compatriot. It was Sergei Paviovich Korolyev who designed the first artificial satellite in 1957. Many years have passed but the 4’ of October 1957 - the day when the world’s first artificial satellite flew into space will be remembered by all Russian people.

T: We are proud of it you are right. You see many of the inventions we have been speaking about are commonplace now. And let’s come down to the Earth and pass over to the conversation concerning the gadgets and machines people use in their everyday life. What are they?

P7: There are many of them. TV sets, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, mobile telephones, sewing machines, dishwashers and many others.

P8: Don’t forget about computers.

T: Do you feel like speaking about computers? Why?

P8: You see we live in the age of information. And computers are the most rapidly changing sphere of modern technology. So, I am sure computers will always play the most important part in people’s life.