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Спряжение глаголов в Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense

43. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

  1. My brother reads newspapers every day. 2. Does your uncle go to work every day? – No, he does not. 3. She lives in London, she doesn't live in Moscow. 4. My father does not have supper at 10 p.m. 5. Does she go to school? – No, she doesn't. 6. Who helps your mother? – I do. 7. This old man doesn't open the windows very often. 8. He likes milk. He doesn't like coffee. 9. What does your friend do after school? – He usually has dinner after school. 10. Do you read English books? – Yes, I do. 11. The little girl doesn't play in the street. 12. Does Pete play football? – Yes, he does. 13. When does your mother come home from work? – She comes home at 6 p.m. 14. How many lessons does she have every day? – She has 5 or 6 lessons every day. 15. Does she live in Pushkin Street? – No, she doesn't.

44. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple:

1. She (to learn) English. 2. I (to like) music. 3. Michael (to do) his lessons every day. 4. My brother (to be) a school-boy. He (to go) to school. 5. She (to live) in this house. 6. After supper my sister (to go) for a walk. 7. We (to visit) our grandparents very often. 8. They (to be) our relatives. 9. My sister (to want) to become a teacher. 10. Her child (to like) to read the fairy-tales. 11. The girl (to sing) very well. 12. My father (to work) at school. 13. Usually I (to have) dinner at 3 o'clock. 14. They often (to take) a bus. 15. He (to want) to become a doctor. 16. Our mother (to come) home very late. 17. She (to like) reading very much. 18. His brother (to go) in for sports.

45. Поставьте глаголы в 3-м лице единственного числа:

1. You watch too much TV. (He) 2. The boys hurry home after school. 3. Buses pass my house every half an hour. 4. I always carry an umbrella. (She) 5. Their children go to this school. 6. The rivers freeze in winter. 7. The carpets match the curtains. 8. Do you like onions? (He) 9. They usually catch the eight o'clock train. (She) 10. They clean the flat every week. (My mother) 11. They like to fish in the lake. (Their father) 12. The prices rise every year. 13. These tickets cost $10. 14. They worry too much. (She) 15. They do morning exercises every day. (He)

46. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple:

1. I (not to walk) to work every morning. 2. She (to wash) her car once a week. 3. Where we (to spend) our holidays? 4. He (not to hope) to go there. 5. How much she (to go) to the theatre? 6. Mary (not to live) near the station. 7. You (to take) your dog for a walk? 8. Whom she always (to invite) to her birthday party? 9. Who (to drink) coffee every morning? 10. Her brother (to study) in London? 11. I (not to go shopping) every day. 12. He (to speak) Spanish? 13. I (to visit) my friend every week. 14. Helen (not to read) a lot. 15. Yow long he (to sleep)?