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Тема 13 типы вопросительных предложений

Задание 1. Ознакомьтесь с примерами построения общих вопросов. Переведите предложения на рус­ский язык.

1. Не speaks English well.

  • Does he speak English well?

  • Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.

2. She is a student.

— Is she a student?

— Yes, she is. / No. she is not.

3. They have 2 sisters.

  • Have they 2 sisters?

  • Yes, they have./No,they have not.

4. The weather is fine today.

  • Is the weather fine today?

  • Yes,it is./ No, it isn't.

5. We saw this film yesterday.

  • Did we see this film yesterday?

  • Yes, we did./No, we didn't

6. You can swim well.

  • Can you swim well?

  • Yes ,you can./ No, you can't.

7. There will be a seminar soon.

  • Will there be a seminar soon?

  • Yes,there will/No,there won't.

8. The students were translating the text last lesson.

— Were the students translating the text last


— Yes, they were./ No,they were not.9. They have seen your film.

- Have they seen your film?

  • Yes, they have./ No,they haven't. 10. She didn't leave for Kiev.

  • Didn't she leave for Kiev?

  • No, she didn't.

Задание 2. Составьте письменно общие вопросы к дан­ным предложениям и дайте краткие утверди­тельные и отрицательные ответы.

1. The students were writing tests from nine till ten. 2. His father isn't a doctor. 3. They speak many languages. 4. The Petrovs have a new car. 5. These books were published in France. 6. He wasn't born in Moscow. 7. There are many journals on that shelf. 8. Our friends study at the University. 9. They have been waiting for you since 10 o'clock. 10/ Both engineers are working together now. 11. At present my father works at the plant. 12. She has already passed her exams. 13. Your son will read this book tomorrow. 14. The delegation went to the USA yesterday. 15. By Monday we shall have written our course papers. 16. He doesn't know you.

Задание З. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие ответы.

1. The book was very interesting. 2. The operator has finished his work in time. 3. You know their address. 4. My brother invited us to the cinema. 5. Our friends will visit you next week. 6. I am listening to you attentively. 7. At present Ann works in our laboratory. 8. The Smiths left for London yesterday. 9. We shan't go home together. 10. Her son had worked at the Rostselmash before the army. 11. The assistants will have finished this experiment by 10 o'clock. 12. She has many relatives abroad. 13. The boys have been reading this book since early morning. 14. They aren't at home now. 15. There were many trees in our street. 16.You both have



done the task well. 17. His daughter wasn't watching TV when he returned. 18. Everybody knew this man. 19. She doesn't like detective stories. 20. Our parents live in a small house.

Задание 4. Поставьте предложения в вопросительно-отри­цательную форму.

1. Your friend left for Moscow yesterday. 2. He can speak English and French. 3. This film was interesting. 4. Her son knows me. 5. My sister had many friends at school. 6. We shall return home tomorrow. 7. The operator has just finished his work 8. You were happy to see my sons again. 9. There are many children in the park now, 10. Everybody came to this meeting. 11. The detective asked you some questions. 12. You could do your work in time.

русский язык.

. Neither do I. So can you. Neither have I So shall we. Neither did I. So do I.

Neither have we. So am I. Neither is he. So does Mike.

Задание 5. Переведите предложения на

  1. Не doesn't understand your humour

  2. Your sister can swim very well.

  3. She has never been to France.

  4. You will attend these lectures.

  5. My son didn't see this film.

  6. His friend likes to drive a car.

  7. The builders haven't had a rest.

  8. This writer is famous.

9. I am not working now.

10. Ann studies well.

Задание 6. Составьте утвердительные или отрицательные ответы согласно данным моделям

А. Модель: She is a teacher. (I) — So am I. 1. Mike was a doctor. (Ann). 2. You have many friends (I). 3. The Smirnovs will have a new flat.(We). 4. I like

watching TV. (My brother). 5. Last week my father had much work. (I). 6. Yesterday they went to the cinema.(We).7. She has a younger brother.(He). 8. You have done the exercise well. (I). 9. We shall attend this conference. (You). 10. I am listening to music. (My sister). 11. They love our parents. (We). 12. My friends were writing letters. (I).

В. Модель . They are not workers. (I). — Neither am I.

1. We are not pupils. (They). 2. You have never been to Great Britain. (I). 3. Your children can't do this work. (We).

4. The students have not been translating the text. (I ).

5. They will not go home. (You). 6.1 don't like writing letters.(My brother). 7. She will not take this book in our library. (I).8. The Petrovs didn't move to Moscow. (We). 9. We were notplaying this game yesterday evening. (They). 10. One of myfriends had never travelled by sea. (I). 11. They are notwriting tests now. (We). 12. I am not fond of this music.(My sister).

Задание 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Он живет на вашей улице? Да. 2. Разве вы его не знаете? Нет. 3. Твой брат ждет тебя с утра? Да. 4. Вы — студенты университета? Да. 5. Мои друзья занимаются спортом. Я тоже. 6. Погода в вашем городе хорошая? Да. 7. На вашей улице есть почта? Нет. 8. У нее много под­руг? Да. 9. Они не были в кино. Мы тоже. 10. Разве Пет­ровы не переехали в Москву? Нет. 11. Ты прочтешь эту книгу к понедельнику? Да. 12. Разве он не смотрел фут­больный матч вчера вечером? Нет. 13. У его сына есть хобби. У моего тоже. Т4. Анна уже сдала экзамены? Да. 15. Мы не знаем этого человека. Они тоже. 16. Я не хочу ехать в деревню. Мой друг тоже. 17. Студенты работа-ют сейчас в лаборатории? Да.



Задание 8. Ознакомьтесь с моделью построения специального вопроса к подлежащему пред­ложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. She works as an engineer.

— Who works as an engineer? — She does.

2. They sent me a telegram.

— Who sent me a telegram? — They did.

3. He is playing the piano.

— Who is playing the piano? — He is.

4. You will read this text.

— Who will read this text? — You will.

5. He has finished the task.

— Who has finished the task? — He has.

6. This book is interesting .

— What is interesting? — This book is.

7. She has much work.

— Who has much work? — She has.

Задание 9. Составьте письменно специальные вопросы к подлежащему данных ниже пред­ложений и дайте ответы.

1. Her mother is a teacher. 2. My sister speaks English well. 3. I wrote a letter to my parents. 4. We shall take this book in our library. 5. The students have done the task in time. 6. He will have passed his exams by July. 7. There were many trees in our street. 8. His father had been working at this plant for a long time. 9. Our son has many friends. 10. They will attend these seminars. 11. She was walking along the street. 12. The Ivanovs live in St. Petersburg.

Задание 10. Переведите предложения на английский язык

1. Кто уже перевел этот текст? Мы. 2. Кто играет сейчас в шахматы? Мои друзья. 3. Кто учитель истории?


Его отец. 4. Что работает хорошо? Новая машина. 5. Кто ответил на все мои вопросы? Анна. 6. Что было на столе? Журналы. 7. У кого много братьев? У нас 8. Кто напи­шет статью ко вторнику? Мы. 9. Кто читает газеты с утра? Мой брат. 10. Кто шел в кино, когда мы встретились? Твой друг. 11. Что будет в нашем городе? Новый стадион. 12. Кто переехал в деревню? Смирновы. 13. Кто навестил его вчера? Его брат.

Задание 11. Ознакомьтесь с моделью построения специаль­ных вопросов к сказуемому предложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We study at school.

—What do we do at school? — We study there.

2. He works at the plant.

— What does he do at the plant? — He works here.

3. They are writing tests.

— What are they doing? — They are writing tests.

4. She went home.

— What did she do? — She went home.

5. We shall read this book.

— What shall we do? — We shall read this book.

6. You have answered the letter.

— What have you done? — You have answeredthe letter.

7. I have been watching TV.

— What have I been doing? — I've been watching TV.

Задание 12. Составьте письменно специальные вопросы к сказуемому данных ниже предложений, пере­ведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Usually he gets up at 7 o'clock. 2. We often work in our garden. 3. My younger brother finished school last year. 4. Soon you will go to the cinema. 5. I am reading a book


now. 6. Our parents have just left for the South. 7. The children were swimming in the river. 8. They had been working at this factory since 1980. 9. She has already invited us. 10. We shall translate the text tomorrow. 11. He was watching TV the whole evening. 12. They had passed exams.

Задание 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Что твой брат делает в настоящий момент? Он читает книгу. 2. Что вы только что сделали? Я отправил письмо другу. 3. Что будут делать студенты завтра в 9 часов? Они будут писать контрольные работы. 4. Что он здесь делает с утра? Он работает с утра на компьютере. 5. Что вы делали вчера, когда мы встретились? Я ждал своего отца. 6. Что она сделает к понедельнику? Она напишет доклад. 7. Что мы будем делать завтра? Мы будем переводить новый текст. 8. Что он делал на про­шлой неделе? Он уехал к морю. 9. Что родители сделают в следующем году? Они купят машину. 10. Что ваши дети сейчас делают? Они играют во дворе. 11. Что она недав­но сделала? Она написала книгу.

Задание 14. Ознакомьтесь с моделью построения специаль­ных вопросов ко второстепенным членам предложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. She has many English books.

  • What does she have? — She has many English books.

  • What books has she? — She has English books.

  • How many English books has she? — She has many books.

2. He works at our plant.

— Where does he work? — He works at the plant.

- What plant does he work at? — He works at our plant.


3. They left school in 2001.

  • When did they leave school? — They left it in 2001.

  • What did they leave in 2001? — They left school.

4. Soon he will go to the cinema.

  • Where will he go soon? — To the cinema.

  • When will he go to the cinema? — Soon.

5. We have just passed exams.

  • What have we just passed? — We've passed exams.

  • When have we passed exams? — We've just passed exams.

6. You are writing tests now.

— What are you writing now? — You're writing tests.

— When are you writing tests? — You're writingtests now.

Задание 15. Составьте письменно специальные вопросы ко второстепенным членам предложения и дай­те ответы.

1. His sister studies at the Moscow University. 2. The delegation went to London yesterday. 3. There will be a new school in our street soon. 4. They have been writing their reports for 2 hours. 5. You will take this book in our library tomorrow. 6. The students are making experiments at the moment. 7. Last lesson we translated an interesting text. 8. The Petrovs were at the Drama theatre yesterday. 9. My parents were watching TV the whole evening. 10. She has recently written a letter to her brother. 11. Our partners will have signed the contract by next week. 12. His family lives in a small house in the center of the city.

Задание 16. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Как зовут твоего отца? 2. Он работает? Да. 3. Где °н работает? 4. Когда вы окончили школу? 5. Ты учился


хорошо? 6. Какие предметы ты изучал в школе? 7. У нее много друзей? 8. Они студенты нашего вуза? Нет. 9. Кто твой лучший друг? 10. Где он живет? 11. Что твоя сестра писала, когда я пришел? 12. Он сделает эту работу к сре­де? 13. Как я перевел текст? 14. Мне читать эту статью? 15. Что они делают в лаборатории с утра? 16. Где жили его родители раньше? 17. Вы были когда-нибудь во Франции? 18. Кто знает ее? 19. Что они сделали недавно? Они построили новый дом. 20. Вы любите музыку? Да.

Задание 17. Устно ответьте на предложенные вопросы.