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Eating and drinking



  1. restaurant/ cafe

  2. fast food/ canteen

  3. deli/ pizza/ snack bar / salad bar

  4. takeaway

  5. bar / pub / coffee shop

  6. to eat out ( to dine out )

  7. starter ( appetizer )

  8. tip

  9. dessert

  10. wine list

  11. house wine / red

  12. set menu

  13. course

  14. cocktail

  15. serving

  16. low fat / high fibre diet

  17. food processor

  18. heavy / light meal

  19. full / square meal

  20. mint / parsley / bay leaf

  21. delicious / tasteless/ tasty/ well - done/ overdone

  22. a la carte

  23. baked/ boiled / fried / grilled / mashed / raw / spicy

  24. cornflakes

  25. peanuts

  26. quiche

  27. sausage roll

  28. squash

  29. British ( Russian ) cuisine

  30. health food shop

  31. poached eggs

  32. filling meal

Idioms and expressions

  1. to fool the bill

  2. to wine and dine

  3. doggy bag

  4. to go Dutch with smb

  5. to eat like a bird

  6. to eat one's words

  7. to drink like a fish

  8. to drink a toast to smb

  9. drinking fountain

  10. baker's dozen

  11. to bring home the bacon

  12. to cry over spilled milk

  13. fishy

  14. bread and butter

  15. our daily bread

  16. to know which side one's bread is buttered on

  17. bread - winner

  18. as hungry as a hunter

  19. by clubbing together

  20. Man does not live by bread alone

  21. Bread and circuses!

  22. to live from hand to mouth

  23. to eat one's words

  24. a sweet tooth ( a person with - )

  25. to know smb inside out

  26. jacket potato

  27. sponger, free loader

  28. it makes my mouth water

  29. too much of a good thing

Proverbs and sayings

  1. Needs must go when the devil drives.

  2. Bachelor’s fare: bread and cheese, and kisses (J. Swift).

  3. Do not live to eat, but eat to live.

  4. Eat, drink and be merry (for tomorrow we die).

  5. On the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners.

  6. You are what you eat.

  7. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

  8. Honey catches more flies than vinegar.

  9. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.

  10. Honey is not for the ass’s mouth.

  11. He that will eat the kernel must crack the nut.

  12. He is a poor cook that cannot lick his own fingers.

  13. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

  14. Eaten bread is soon forgotten.

  15. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

  16. Praise is not pudding.

Culture words

Russian salad, English pubs, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, drive-thru window, to eat crow (to suffer a humiliating experience), to eat humble pie, pie in the sky, smorgasbord, to eat someone out of house and home, Last Supper, Lent, Luncheon on the Grass, Land flowing and milk and honey, Krauts (Germans), Frogs (French), fry-up, elevenses, a penalty drink

Vocabulary work

Exercise 1.

Write down the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word- combinations.

Еда на вынос, кафетерий, закусочная, на закуску, на десерт, чаевые, меню, низкокалорийная диета, высококалорийная диета, кухонный комбайн, плотная еда, безвкусный обед, хорошо приготовленное мясо, недожаренный бифштекс, открытый пирог с ягодами и фруктами, сосиски в тесте, печь в духовке, варить, жарить на сковороде, жарить в гриле, острая пища, яйцо - пашот, русская кухня.

Exercise 2.

Study the following examples. Render the sentences into Russian.

Here are some common ideas about food: Eating carrots is good for the eyes.

Fish is good for the brain.

Eating cheese at night makes you dream.

Garlic stops you getting colds.

Drinking coffee stops you sleeping.

Yoghurt makes you healthy.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

A hot milk drink helps you go to sleep.

A cup of tea revives you.

Crusty bread makes your hair curl.

Brown eggs taste better than white ones.

"Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like, and let the food fight it out inside you." (Mark Twain)

"More die in the United States of too much food than too little." (J.K. Galbraith)

"One should eat to live, not live to eat." (Moliere)

"When we consume a large steak we are eating something that may have

used up enough grain to keep a family in the drought-stricken areas of

Africa for a week." (Kenneth Mellandy, Can Britain Feed Itself.)

Exercise 3.

Match the Russian expressions on the left with their English equivalents on the right.

  1. брать свои слова обратно a) to have a sweet tooth

  2. чёртова дюжина b) sponger, free loader

  3. быть себе на уме c) Eat, drink and be merry (for tomorrow we die).

  4. голодный как волк d) bread-winner

  5. добро быстро забывается e) to eat like a bird

  6. кормилец f) it makes my mouth water

  7. собаку съесть g) Dutch treat

  8. Демьянова уха h) to live from hand to mouth

  9. картофель в мундире i) Hunger is the best sauce

  10. понимает, как свинья в апельсинах j) to go Dutch

  11. сладкоежка k) Honey is not for the ass's mouth

  12. перебиваться с хлеба на квас l) to know smb. inside out

  13. халявщик m) baker's dozen

  14. слюнки текут n) Honey catches more flies than vinegar

  15. голод не тётка o) jacket potato

  16. пить будем, гулять будем, а p) to eat one's words

смерть придёт - помирать будем

  1. вскладчину q) Eaten bread is soon forgotten

  2. ласковое слово и кошке приятно r) to know which side one's bread is buttered on

  3. малоежка s)as hungry as a hunter

Exercise 4.

Read the dictionary definitions of some words and phrases from the Topical Vocabulary. Deduce the meaning from these definitions and put them down in your notebook.

  1. a meal taken out of a restaurant to eat at home

  2. list of course or dishes that are available in a restaurant

  3. mixed alcoholic drink, especially one taken before a meal

  4. something served in order to encourage the appetite

  5. style of cooking

  6. sort of food to which a person is limited, e.g. in order to lose weight

  7. cooked too much

  8. not completely cooked throughout

  9. annual period of forty lays before Easter, observed by devout persons as a period of fasting and penitence

  10. cook, be cooked , by dry heat in an oven

  11. cook, be cooked , in boiling fat

  12. (of meat, potatoes, etc) cook , be cooked in a hot oven

  13. cook , be cooked, under or over great heat

  14. one of the several parts of a meal

  15. place (especially in factories, offices , barracks) where food and drink are sold and meals bought and eaten.

Exercise 5.

Sort these dishes out under the heading starters, main courses or desserts.

chicken casserole coffee gateau fresh fruit salad

grilled trout prawn cocktail rump steak

sorbet Irish stew chocolate fudge cake

shrimps in garlic

Exercise 6.

What might you say to the person / people with you in a restaurant if...

1. your chips had too much oil / fat on them ?

2. your dish had obviously been cooked too much / too long?

3. your peace of meat was absolutely perfectly cooked?

4. your dish seemed to have no flavour at all?

Exercise 7. How do you like the following foods prepared? Use the following words (to boil, to fry, to bake, to roast, to grill) and look up others if necessary.

a leg of chicken, eggs, potatoes, sausages, a fillet of cod, prawns, mushrooms

Exercise 8.

Which are fish and which are usually called seafood?

prawns, sardines, squid, oysters, mackerel, mussels, hake, crab, plaice, trout, lobster, cod, sole, whiting

Exercise 9.

What do we call the meat of these animals?

calf, dear, sheep (too names), pig (three names)

Exercise 10.

Which of these fruit grow in your country / region? Are there others not listed here?

Peach, plum, grapefruit, grape, nectarine, star-fruit, blackcurrant, raspberry, melon, lime, kiwi-fruit, mango

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