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Cadence / DSD2 / Лекция2 / intro_tutorial

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Short Tutorial on Cadence

Version 1.0


March 2000

Z. Tao and M. Keramat

Analog & Mixed-Signal Laboratory

Electrical & Computer Engineering Department


Storrs, CT 06269-2157

E-mail: keramat@engr.uconn.edu URL: http://www.engr.uconn.edu/~keramat/

Phone: (860) 486-5047

Fax: (860) 486-2447

Cadence Software Fundamentals

1 Introduction

This short tutorial aims at learning how to run Cadence software on Sun workstation. First, a list of basic UNIX commands is given, and then followed by setting the UNIX environment for the Cadence design tools. Finally, a simple example of simulating a CMOS Inverter is presented.

2 Basic Unix Commands

Some basic UNIX commands that you need to know are listed in Table I.

Table I. Basic Unix commands

List the files in the current directory:



Displays the name of the files in the











ls -l


Displays additional information (eg.


permissions) about the files in the directory.









ls -a


Displays all files in the directory, including


hidden files.











ls -al

Combines the previous two options.

















Change (or move between) directories:



















cd <directory>

Moves to the directory specified by

























cd ..

Moves up a directory - two periods







represent the parent directory.


















cd ~

Moves to your home directory - tilde







represents your home directory.
















- 1 -

Make a new directory:

mkdir <directory>


Makes a new directory called directory







Display the (path of the) current directory you are in:

Displays the name of the current directory


you are in.

Copy a file or directory:


<existing file>



Creates a new file identical to


existingfile but with the name newfile
















-R <existing Dir>



Creates a new directory identical to


existingDir but with the name newDir















Rename or move a file:

mv <oldfile> <newfile>

Renames oldfile to newfile within the same directory.


mv <oldfile> <directory/newfile>


Moves oldfile to a different directory



with the name of newfile













Remove (delete) a file:













rm <file>

Deletes file. The file cannot be recovered.

















Change password:




















Change current password.















3 Setting up an Account to Run Cadence

You need to login a UNIX workstation and set up your UNIX environment to run the Cadence software. If you login for the first time, it would be better to change your password to a new one. To do that, you can use “yppasswd.”

Different Steps:

Step 1:In the home directory, download “.cshrc” and “cds.lib” from the website


Note: if you want to go to your home directory use “cd ~” and type “pwd.”

- 2 -

Step 2:> mkdir cadence

Step 3:> cd cadence

Step 4:> mkdir models

Step 5:> download “models.scs” from the same website above into

~/cadence/models/ .

Step 6: In order to initialize the environment parameters, you have to log out and log in again.

4 Starting Cadence Software

Step 0: > cd ~/cadence (current directory must be cadence)

Step 1: > icms &

A Command Interface Window (CIW) window appears on the screen, shown in

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Main window of Cadence tools.

Step 2: In CIW window, go to File… New… Library

A New Library window appears. Filling out the pop-up form according to Fig. 2, and click OK.

- 3 -

Fig. 2. Creating a new library.

Step 3: In CIW window, go to File… New… Cellview

A Create New File window appears, in Fig. 3. Filling it out and click OK.

Fig. 3. Creating a new file.

Then a new Composer-Schematic window appears in Fig. 4.

- 4 -

Fig. 4. The Composer-Schematic window.

Step 5: In Composer-Schematic window, go to Add… Instance …

An Add Instance window appears like Fig. 5. Click Browse, a Library Browser – Add Instance window appears as Fig. 6.

- 5 -

Fig. 5. Add instance window.

- 6 -

Fig. 6. Instance window.

Step 6: Select AnalogLib in Library, pmos in Cell, and symbol in View. Then go back to Fig. 5 and fill it out, finally stamp pmos device symbol in the ComposerSchematic window, shown in Fig. 7.

- 7 -

Fig. 7. Stamping pmos device.

Step 7: Repeat step 5 – 6, but adding an nmos transistor with properties in Fig. 8.

- 8 -

Fig. 8. Properties of an nmos transistor.

Step 8: Repeat step 5 – 6, but adding a vpulse with properties in Fig. 9.

- 9 -

Соседние файлы в папке Лекция2