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_ПРАВКА_грамматика для всех направлений.doc
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Тема 13. Количественные местоимения

manyс существительными во множественном числе

Много I have many books.

muchс существительными в единственном числе

I have much time.

fewс существительными во множественном числе

Мало I have few books.

littleс существительными в единственном числе

I have little time.

a fewс существительными во множественном числе

Немного I have a few books.

a littleс существительными в единственном числе

I have a little time.

Task 1. Переведите на русский следующие словосочетания.

Much snow, much tea, little time, many cars, few boys, many boxes, little money, much milk, many people, a few minutes, a little water, a little time, a few shirts, many parks, little sand, a few weeks, much work, little light, a little ink.

Task 2. Переведите на английский, обращая внимание на различия в словах fewlittlea fewa little:

1. мало денег – немного денег 2. мало времени – немного времени 3. мало людей – немного людей 4. мало чая – немного чая 5. мало книг – немного книг 6. мало снега – немного снега 7. мало стульев – немного стульев 8. мало песка – немного песка 9. мало кофе – немного кофе 10. мало воды – немного воды.

Task 3. Переведите на русский.

1. She has a few friends in our town. 2. She has few friends in the institute. 3. He has little free time. 4. He can speak English a little. 5. She reads very little. 6. They work much. 7. I have a few English books. 8. He knows much about this writer. 9. I know many people who can help you. 10. My watch is a little fast.

Task 4. Вставьте much или many.

1. I don’t drink … coffee. 2. He eats … fish. 3. My husband likes … salt in his food. 4. She has … photos. 5. There is … sugar in my tea. 6. There are … people in the park. 7. I see … snow on the ground. 8. There are … professors at our university. 9. He has got … free time. 10. There are … sweets in this box.

Task 5. Вставьте little или few.

1. He has got … friends. 2. I drink … coffee. I don’t like it. 3. We have got … free time. 4. There were … people in the theatre. 5. They have … money. 6. She has … English books at home. 7. There is … water in the glass. 8. Nancy has got … tickets. 9. There is … light in the room. 10. There are … apples on the table.

Task 6. Вставьте a little или a few.

This is my mother’s favorite recipe for fruitcake, and everybody says it is delicious!

1. Put 3 cups of flour into a mixing bowl. 2. Add … sugar. 3. Slice … apples. 4. Cut up … oranges. 5. Pour in … honey. 6. Add … baking soda. 7. Chop up … nuts. 8. Add … salt. 9. Mix in … raisins. 10. Bake for 45 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

Task 7. Вставьте much, many, little или few.

1. She is very busy. She has … free time. 2. The city is modern. There are … old buildings. 3. The weather is dry. There is … rain. 4. The museum is overcrowded. There are … people there. 5. It is winter. There is … snow on the ground. 6. This town isn’t interesting. … tourists come here. 7. The fridge is nearly empty. There is … food in it. 8. The tea is very sweet. There is … sugar in it. 9. The essay is very bad. There are … mistakes in it. 10. He isn’t popular. He has … fans.

Task 8. Вставьте few, a few, little или a little.

1. May I ask you … questions? 2. The coffee isn’t sweet. There is … sugar in it. 3. Would you like … salad? 4. She is very lonely. She has … friends. 5. I’m sorry, I have very … money on me. 6. I have got … money so we can go to the café. 7. Can you lend me … dollars? 8. She is so happy. She has … problems.

Task 9. Замените слова в скобках английскими эквивалентами.

1. There are (много) … people in the disco. 2. There is (много) … snow outside. 3. He has (мало) … classes today. 4. There is (мало) … salt in the salad. 5. There is (немного) cheese in the fridge. 6. My mother has (немного) flowers in the garden.