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chair – кафедра

lawзакон, право

scientific research laboratory – научно-исследовательская лаборатория

unite – объединять

senior pupils - старшеклассники

  1. Translate the text.

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

    1. What is the name of the faculty?

    2. When was the faculty founded?

    3. How many chairs are there at the Faculty? What are they?

    4. What kind of scientific research is held on the chairs of the faculty?

    5. What kinds of specialists are trained at the faculty?

    6. What clubs of the faculty do unite pupils and students of Volgograd and Volgograd region?

  1. The faculty of Mathematics, Physics and it

        1. Find out the information of the faculty

The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and IT is situated in Building No. 2, Akademicheskaya Street. It consists of 7 chairs: the chair of Algebra and Geometry, the chair of Maths Analysis, the chair of Methods of Teaching Mathematics, the chair of Common Physics, the chair of Theoretical Physics, the chair of Theory and Methods of Teaching Physics and Computing Science, and the chair of IT in Education.

The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is one of the oldest faculties of VSSPU. Training of Physics teachers and Mathematics teachers was held at the faculty since 1931. The Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Physics became independent faculties in 1933. Then the faculties were united again. Since 1961 the Faculty of Physics became an independent department. But in 1978 it became a part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics again. As independent departments, the Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Physics had being existed since 1992 till 2010.

On the 1st of September 2010 the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Mathematics were united into the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and IT.

The teaching and research are carried out by highly qualified staff of the faculty. There are Academicians, Doctors of Science, Candidates of Science and corresponding members of the Russian Education Academy and other academies.

An active students’ research is held at the faculty. Students take part in university and All-Russia scientific conferences. The results of their research are published in different students’ scientific magazines.

Teachers of the faculty co-operate with teachers of different schools of Volgograd and Volgograd Region to develop modern approach in secondary and higher education.


a chair – кафедра

independent – самостоятельный, независимый

to be united – объединяться

to exist – существовать

All-Russia – Всероссийский

to co-operate – сотрудничать

    1. Translate the text.

3. Answer the questions to the text:

    1. What is the name of the faculty?

    2. When was the faculty founded?

    3. What kind of specialists does the faculty prepare?

    4. When were the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Mathematics united into the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and IT?

    5. What kind of conferences do students take part in?

    6. Who teachers of the faculty co-operate with?

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