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Unit 3.Toothbrushing

  1. Read and translate the following text:

Brushing after meals can only be effective if it removes plaque. The object is to clean every accessible tooth surface, thus removing food debris and plaque and massaging the gum margin.

Toothbrushes with a small head and medium bristles are probably the most effective. The brush is rinsed and toothpaste added. Buccal, lingual, mesial and distal surfaces are cleaned by a rotary motion from gum to tooth. It is important that only about two teeth should be brushed at the same time. Occlusal surfaces are cleaned by scrubbing action. Finally, the gingival margins are cleaned by a backwards and forwards motion which must be done gently to avoid abrasion of the necks of the teeth.

Each jaw is done in turn and the mouth is then thoroughly rinsed with warm water to expel food debris dislodged by the toothbrush. The brush should of course be kept clean, either by permanent immersion in a weak antiseptic solution or by being washed daily with soap and water.

The teeth must be brushed systematically in the morning and in the evening.

It is obvious that the brushing of teeth cannot be relied upon alone to prevent caries, but it should be regarded as an adjuvant to other means of prophylaxis.

Toothbrush Storage Tips

Here are a few storage tips to keep your brush as germ-free as possible:

  • Keep it rinsed. Wash off your toothbrush thoroughly with tap water every time you use it.

  • Keep it dry.Bacteria love a moist environment. Make sure your brush has a chance to dry thoroughly between brushings. Avoid using toothbrush covers, which can create a moist enclosed breeding ground for bacteria.

  • Keep it upright. Store your toothbrush upright in a holder, rather than lying it down.

  • Keep it to yourself. No matter how close you are to your sister, brother, or roommate, don't ever use their toothbrush. Don't even store your toothbrush side-by-side in the same cup with other people's brushes. Whenever toothbrushes touch, they can swap germs.

  1. Answer these questions:

  1. When can brushing be effective?

  2. What is the object of toothbrushing?

  3. What toothbrush is the most effective?

  4. How is the brush used?

  5. By what motion are buccal, lingual, mesial and distal surfaces cleaned?

  6. How are occlusal surfaces cleaned?

  7. Why must the gingival margins be cleaned by a backwards and forwards motion?

  8. Why should the mouth be thoroughly rinsed?

  9. Is it the only way to prevent caries?

  10. What are the main toothbrush storage tips?

  1. Read and translate the following dialogue:

Dentist: I’m afraid that your gums are in rather poor condition. At your age gum diseases are the main cause of tooth loss. How often do you brush your teeth?

Patient : Once a day, in the morning.

Dentist: Oh, that’s not sufficient. You should brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day. What toothpaste do you use?

Patient: Frankly speaking, I don’t remember. Why, is it important?

Dentist: Yes, very. You should use a fluoride toothpaste. And what kind of toothbrush do you use? How often do you replace your toothbrushes?

Patient: As far as I remember, my toothbrush is rather hard-bristled, and I have been using it for about six months.

Dentist: That’s too bad. You shouldn’t use a hard-bristled brush, as it injures your gums. You’d better use a soft-bristled brush and replace it every three-four months.

Patient: Should I also clean between teeth with a dental floss?

Dentist: Yes, you should clean carefully between teeth with a dental floss to remove plaque from those areas which your toothbrush can’t reach. It takes only a few minutes a day! A lifelong healthy smile is really worth your time.

  1. Make up your own dialogues. Use the previous one as a model.

  • Brush, brush, brush your teeth, brush them every day.

Keep them bright, make them shine, clean the plaque away.

Brush, brush, brush your teeth, brush them every day.

Front, back, take off the plaque, now we smile all day.