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1 кур 5 лет / Экономика / Англ.яз.1.Э 5

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        2. По английскому языку

Для студентов заочного отделения

          1. Факультета менеджмента и информатики
            1. I variant

1. Образуйте форму множительного числа существительных: group, work, climate, name, toy, play, year culture, shelf, wife, man, doctor, art, set, mouse.

2. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных (наречий): pretty, short, cold, early, big, interesting, late, efficient, rich, young, wealthy, tall, wide.

3. Заполните пропуски глаголами”to be” или “to have”употребив эти глаголы в форме: Present Simple.

1) They ___ in Europe now.

2) She ___ a good manager.

3) I ____ her secretary.

4) ____ it cold today? Yes, it ____

5) Mr. Smith' s office ___ three large windows.

6) Helen ___ a headache.

7) My friends ___ many things in common.

8) ____ they a new car? No, they ___

9) John ___ angry with you.

10) He and I ____ large flats in the centre of the town.

4. Выберите нужную форму глагола:

1) We (read, are reading) the newspapers in the class every day.

2) I (is, was) busy all day yesterday.

3) Government (decides, decided) wages.

4) The lesson (will be, is) over at 120 o' clock

5) Ann seems to be busy. I guess she (works, is working) at her report.

6) The accident happened while they (travel, were traveling) in the South.

7) It probably (will rain, will be raining) when you get back.

8) The sky (gets, is getting) very dark.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle I и Participle II

1) Engineers working at big plants in our country are trained at our Institute.

2) The leaves touched by the morning sun began to come out.

3) Banks make money accepting it from people for safe keeping and lending it out to others.

4) I like pictures painted by this artist.

5) Once started, the matter will take care of itself.

6) He speaks like a man having his opinion of everything.

6. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:.

1) It often rains in September.

2) Ann had a new camera last summer.

3) It was snowing the whole day yesterday.

4) Every day I leave the house at 7.30.

5) Many businesses are expanding their activities at the present moment.

6) I passed my exam in English.

7) Pete will thank you for your help.

8) It is easy to translate this text.

9) The weather yesterday was very warm.

7. Заполните пропуски активной или пассивной формой глагола.

1) I ___ to my friends every week (invite).

2) She has a very good job. She ___ $ 3000 a month (pay).

3) It is easy to ___ and unpleasant to ___ (criticize)

4) Many Americans watch British TV programmes which ___ on British television (make).

8. Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте:

а) на вопросы по-английски, следующие за текстом;

b) выпишите из текста предложные конструкции с предлогом of и переведите их на русский язык. Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже;

c) выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы, запишите их основные формы и переведите их на русский язык;

d) поставьте глагол-сказуемое одного предложения из текста во все временные формы группы Indefinite в страдательном залоге, произведя все необходимые смысловые изменения;

e) переведите письменно текст на русский язык. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем.


The economy comprises millions of people and thousands of firms as well as the government and local authorities, all taking decisions about prices and wages, what to buy, sell, produce, export, import and many other matters. All these organizations and their decisions play a prominent part when we shape the business environment in which firms exist and operate.

The economy is complicated and difficult to control and predict, but it is certainly important to all businesses. You should be aware that there are times when businesses and individuals have plenty of funds to spend and there are times when they must cut back on their expenditures. This has enormous implications for business as a whole.

When the economy is enjoying a boom, firms experience high sales and general prosperity. At such times, unemployment is low and many firms will be investing funds in order to produce more. They do this because consumers have plenty of money and firms expect high sales. It naturally follows that the state of the economy is a major factor in the success of firms.

However, during periods when people have less to spend, many firms face hard times as their sales fall. At that time, total expenditure declines as income falls and unemployment rises. Consumers will purchase cheaper items and cut expenditure on luxury items such as televisions and cars.

Changes in the state of the economy affect all types of business, though the extent to which they are affected varies. In the recession of the early 1990s the high street banks suffered badly. Profits declined and, in some cases, losses were incurred. No individual firm has the ability to control this aspect of its environment.


1. What does the economy comprise?

2. What is a boom in the economy? What characterizes the state of the economy at that time?

3. What happens when the economy moves into a recession?