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any любой (в утвердительных предложениях).

Лексический минимум к тексту А commercial fertilizers, broadcast application, top dressing, side dressing, lime, mixture, to place, to distribute, injury, to spread (spread, spread), stage, susceptibility, to become (became, become), certain, to consider, to receive, to mean, several, to tend, any, and so on, so that.


  1. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.

  2. Найдите в следующих предложениях сложное подлежа­щее. Переведите предложения (устно):

  1. Application of fertilizers several times throughout the season has been found to be useful with perennial crops.

  2. Too much nitrogen in the soil is known to cause lodging of the crop. 3. Top dressing is considered to be the best way of applying fertilizers to this crop. 4. Such fertilizer mixture is believed to be of great use on this soil. 5. This variety was supposed to be more frost-resistant than the one we were growing before. 6. Phosphatic fertilizers arc expected to produce rather high increase in yield in this soil. 7. Lime is known to be applied to correct soil acidity. 8. Soils of this area are said to be highly deficient in organic matter.


9. Legumes are known to be grown both for human food and for soil improvement. 10. Broadcast application of fertilizers is supposed to spread the material more evenly over the soil surface.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое в страдательном залоге (устно).

  1. Winter cereals are usually given top dressing in spring.

  2. Application of fertilizer mixtures with low amount of nitrogen should be followed by top dressing with liquid nitrogen. 3. The organic matter content of the soil is greatly influenced by the amount of manure applied. 4. The condition of the soil is always affected by soil management practices. 5. The development of this disease was favoured by high humidity. .

IX. В следующих предложениях определите функцию слов с суффиксом - ing. Переведите предложения (устно):

  1. 1. Applying fertilizers, we may essentially increase the yield. 2. Applying fertilizers to this crop usually produces a good effect. 3. Farmers applying fertilizers to this crop usually obtain good results. 4. Farmers applying proper fertilizers, the yields are usually much higher.

  2. 1. Having supplied the soil with organic matter, the collective farm obtained a good yield of small grains. 2. Being adapted to potato growing, these sandy loams will produce tubers of the highest quality. 3. Among the factors influencing crop production climate is the most important one. 4. Preparing the seedbed is one of important operations in crop growing. 5. The method of harvesting used depends On many factors, proper maturity being one of the most important. 6. Planting the seed, we use farm machines in Order to make the work easier.


X. Назовите номера предложений, в которых:

a) which соответствует русскому что.

1. Nitrogen was applied several times during the growing season, which is considered to compensate its losses through leaching. 2. Show me the plants which are to be side-dressed. 3. The method of harvesting corn depends upon the use for which the crop is grown. 4. The soil was plowed in the fall, which means that the planting may begin early in spring.

b) any соответствует русскому любой.

1. Did your agronomist give any new recommendations on fertilization practices? 2. You may apply lime at any stage of the growing period. 3. We shall not grow any root crops this year.

XI. Контроль чтения и перевода текста А.

Задание на дома2

XII. В следующих предложениях вместо пропусков употребите парные союзы the ... the, either ... or, neither ... nor, both ... and, as... as, not so ... as.

1. ... vegetable ... fruit crops are rich in vitamins. 2. ... soils too high in nitrogen ... those too low in this clement are good for cropping. 3. Fertilizers may be applied ... as top dressing... as side dressing. 4. Heavy clays are … … suitable for potato growing ... light sandy soils. 5. ... higher is the moisture content of the soil ... more intensive will be the growth of this plant. 6. This field is said to receive ... much nitrogen ... it requires.

XIII. Заполните пропуски словами из текста А в соответствующей форме (устно):

1. ... fertilizers are of great use for plants, but they should not be applied at a very high rate. 2. The method of sprea­ding fertilizers uniformly over the soil surface is called ...


3. Sometimes nitrogen is applied several times during the

growing season leaching. 4. Broadcasting, top-dressing,

and side-dressing are known as different methods of ... 5. As

growing crops remove plant nutrients from the soil … … requires fertilization. 6. Fertilizers are classified … … their main food element. 7. Corn usually receives … … after the plant has made some growth. 8. Lime may be applied at ... time of the year.

XIV. Переведите на английский язык (письменно):

а) 1. Внесение удобрений, как известно, улучшает плодородие почвы. 2. Удобрения нужно вносить тогда, когда растения в них нуждаются. 3. Иногда удобрения приходится вносить несколько раз в течение вегетационного периода. 4. Существуют различные методы внесения удобрений, главные из них внесение вразброс, поверхностная подкормка и междурядная подкормка. 5. Часто нужно вносить смесь удобрений, содержащую несколько питательных элементов. 5. Слишком большое количество удобрений может оказать вредное воздействие на почву.

б) 1. Удобрения вносятся, как известно, чтобы повысить плодородие почвы. 2. Нужно вносить удобрения, содержащие те питательные элементы, которых недостает в почве. 3. Основные удобрения, которые нужно вносить, азотные, фосфорные и калийные. 4. Время внесения удобрений различно доя различных культур. 5. Основные методы внесения удобрений – внесение вразброс, поверхностная подкормка и междурядная подкормка. 6. Часто используют смеси, состоящие из нескольких удобрений. 7. Некоторые удобрения, как было обнаружено, более эффективны, если их вносят до или после посадки. 8. Иногда внесение удобрений следует за посадкой. 9. Известь можно вносить на любой стадии развития культуры.

XV. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.



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