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Задание на дом № 2

XIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на раз- личные значения for (устно):

1. Students worked on this farm for a month. 2. Seed must have enough moisture for germination. 3. This seed docs not germinate well, for the soil is not moist enough. 4. We could work in the field for some days, for the weather was too rainy for harvesting.

XIV. Переведите предложения, содержащие отрицательное местоимение nо.

1. No plant can grow without water. 2. There will be no germination if the soil is not warm enough. 3. Seed requires no light for its germination. 4. There has been no rain for 2 months.

XV. Найдите в тексте синонимы к выделенным словам:

the proper depth, to influence the yield, to need, to be high in nutrients, at a due time, crops should be cut, in best condition, highly important.


XVI. Переведите на английский язык (письменно):

а) 1. Ни одна культура не будет расти, если она посеяна в плохую пашню. 2. Семена должны заделываться на соответствующую глубину. 3. Время и норма посева семя зависят от многих факторов. 4. Культуры должны быть убраны вовремя. 5. Время уборки различно в зависимости от вида культуры. 6. Уборка машинами позволяет быстрее собрать урожай. 7. Не все сорта приспособлены для уборки машинами. 8. Применение правильных приемов обработки почвы помогает получить более высокие урожаи.

б) 1. Правильные приемы возделывания культур имеют большое значение. 2. Чем крупнее семена, тем глубже они должны заделываться. 3. Время посева зависит от состояния почвы и от длительности вегетационного периода культуры, которая должна быть посеяна. 4. Если почва содержит много питательных веществ, норма высева увеличивается. 5. Уборка должна производиться вовремя, при этом время уборки зависит от вида культуры. 6. Уборка машинами производится быстрее и позволяет сократить потери вследствие плохой погоды. 7. Чтобы получить хороший урожай, нужно применять соответствующие приемы обработки почвы.

XVII. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.


XVIII. Проверка домашнего задания.

XIX. Расположите вопросы в таком порядке, чтобы они могли служить планом к тексту А, и ответьте на них.

  1. Why are proper soil management practices important?

  2. What does the proper time of sowing depend on?

  3. Do different crops require the same kind of seedbed?


  1. Is crop production affected by the time of harvesting?

  2. Why is machanical harvesting used?

  3. What does the sowing rate vary with?

XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Определите значение выделенных слов по контексту.

Text В


One way of drainage is the natural property of the soil to allow water to pass deeply into the ground. The ease with which water can pass through a soil is influenced by soil texture. The coarser the particles, the more rapidly the water passes through the soil. So, light sandy soils are more water permeable than heavy clays.

Another way is artificial (искусственное) drainage, that is the removal of water which is not needed in order to maintain correct balance of air and water in the soil. Good drainage makes a soil easier to cultivate and increases the feeding area for plant roots. A well drained soil will also have enough air for aerobic bacteria to decompose organic matter into humus and so to provide food for the plant.

Where and when the supply of water is insufficient, irrigation is needed. There are two main sources of irrigation water: surface water and ground water. The former may be obtained from different rivers (реки) and other water reservoirs, while the latter is provided by the underground water stores.

The amount of water required for irrigation depends on a number of factors. These are the type of soil, the water deficit in the soil, the type of crop and its phase of growth. The irrigation requirement of a crop is not the same


throughout its growing period, most plants requiring larger quantities of water during the later periods of growth.

  1. Найдите в первых двух абзацах текста В предложения, в которых говорится об основных способах осушения почвы.

  2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту В (по-английски).

  1. When is drainage necessary?

  2. When is irrigation necessary?

  1. Do plants need the same amount of water during the growing season?


ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА: 1. Сложное подлежащее.

  1. ing-forms (повторение).

  2. Особые случаи употребления пассивного залога (по­вторение).

  3. any в утвердительном пред­ложении.

Задание на дом № 1

  1. Проработайте в разделе «Грамматика и словообразова­ние» § 19.

  2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее (устно):

1.Legumes are known to improve soil fertility. 2. This soil has been found to be deficient in some plant nutrients. 3. This seedbed is believed to contain too much moisture. 4. The farm «Rassvet» was said to produce high quality cotton. 5. Alfalfa and clover are known to belong to forage crops. 6. This area was considered to be suitable for growing cereals. 7. Our farm


is expected to produce high yield of rye this year. 8. He is thought to become an experienced agronomist in some years.

III. Найдите в тексте A:

  1. сложное подлежащее (3-й абзац);

  2. инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели (3-й аб­зац);

  3. инфинитив в функции подлежащего (3-й абзац);

  4. независимый причастный оборот (4-й абзац).

IV. а) Определите по суффиксам, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

  1. application, applicable, applied, applying;

  2. nitrogen, nitrogenous;

  3. phosphorus, phosphatic;

  4. effect, effective, effectively, effectiveness;

  5. soluble, solubility;

  6. mixture, mixed, mixing.

б) Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов с отрица­тельными префиксами: unnecessary, insufficient, immature, irregular, ineffective, irrational, unplowed.

V. Переведите текст А (устно).

Text A


As crops are known to remove nutrients from the soil, the latter may become deficient in some elements. Application of commercial fertilizers is to improve soil fertility and to ensure better quality of the crops to be grown.

Fertilizers are usually classified according to the food element which forms their main constituent.. So, they may be


grouped as nitrogenous fertilizers, phosphoric fertilizers, potassic fertilizers and so on.

To be effective, fertilizers should be applied where and when the plant needs them. Single yearly applications were found to be insufficient for some crops, being unnecessary for others. Young growing plants should not be given concentrated, highly soluble fertilizers because of salt injury. To make repeated applications throughout the season is of great use in case of perennials or long-season annuals.

There are various methods of fertilization. Broadcast application means spreading the material uniformly over the soil surface, usually before the crop is planted. Sometimes the fertilizer is placed directly over the growing crop, which2 is known as top dressing. When plants arc subject to injury fertilizers can be put alongside the plants as a side-dressing, the latter being often made along with cultivation.

Sometimes a mixed fertilizer containing two or more fertilizer elements is to be applied, the time of placement being highly essential. Mixtures with low amount of nitrogen are usually applied to the soil before or during planting, followed by a top dressing or side-dressing with a liquid or granulated nitrogen fertilizer. Winter cereals usually receive a top dressing in spring. Row crops, such as corn, receive a side dressing after the plants made some growth. With many crops nitrogen is applied several times during the growing season because it is known to be subject to leaching and conversion to unavailable forms. But one should not forget that too much nitrogen tends to cause lodging, late maturity, poor seed development in some crops, and greater susceptibility to certain diseases. Phosphatic fertilizers are considered to be most effective when they are applied before the crop is sown, so that they can be worked into3 the soil and be evenly distributed by plowing. Lime used to correct soil acidity can In- applied at any time of the year and to a crop at any stage of growth.


Пояснения к тексту

1) and so on — и так далее;

2) which ... что (обычно which после запятой соответствует в русском языке слову «что»);

3) to work into — заделывать (удобрения).

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