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FK_3,5_2013_sem01 / Английский язык-Денисович. Ю.В / Анг. язык для самостоятельной работы.doc
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Английский язык

Учебно-методическое пособие

к проведению самостоятельной работы для студентов

экономических специальностей всех форм обучения

Красноярск 2008

Автор-Составитель: Денисович Ю.В.

Английский язык.

Учебно-методическое пособие к проведению самостоятельной работы для студентов

экономических специальностей всех форм обучения. – Красноярск :АТ иСО,2008г.-21с

Учебно-методическое пособие к проведению самостоятельной работы для студентов экономических специальностей всех форм обучения.

Пособие включает тренировочные упражнения, тексты для чтения, грамматический и лексический материал в пределах изучаемых тем, а также контрольные работы для самостоятельного выполнения.

«Академия труда и социальных отношений»

Красноярский филиал 2008

Цель данного пособия - обеспечить практическое овладение студентами заочной формы обучения английского языка в пределах грамматических и лексических тем. С помощью пособия студенты должны овладеть навыками письма, разговорной речи, а также навыками чтения и перевода текстов, отображающих страноведческую и профессиональную направленность экономистов.

Пособие состоит из IV разделов.

В разделе I представлен лексический материал по темам.

1) Знакомство.

2) Профессия.

3) Разговор по телефону.

В разделе II представлен грамматический материал по темам.

1) Времена действительного залога.

2) Времена страдательного залога.

3) Инфинитив / Герундий.

4) Причастие.

Раздел III содержит контрольные работы для студентов 3,5; 5,5 лет обучения.

Раздел IV включает тексты для чтения.

1) Let me introduce myself.

2) Economics.

3) Marketing.

4) Management.

5) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.



-Hello! - Hi! ( Привет! - Привет! )

-How do you do?-How do you do? ( Здравствуйте- Здравствуйте )

-What is your name? – My name is Natalie. ( Как вас/ тебя зовут? – Меня зовут Наталья )

- Nice to meet you! ( Рад познакомиться )

-How are you? ( Как дела ? )- I am fine. ( Прекрасно ) / Not bad.( Нормально ) /

So so. ( Так себе ) / Not very well. ( Не очень хорошо ).

-How old are you?- I am 25.(Сколько вам/ тебе лет? – Мне -25 лет )

-Where are you from? / Where do you come from? ( Откуда вы / ты )

- I am from Russia / I come from Russia ( Я из России )

-I can speak Russian ( Я могу говорить по- русски )

Spain- Spanish / France-French / The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-English /

The USA-English/ Australia-English/ New Zealand-English/ Canada-English, French/

Germany- German / Turkey-Turkish / Italy-Italian / Portugal- Portuguese/ Brazil-Portuguese/

Finland-Finish / Sweden-Swedish / Hungary-Hungarian / China-Chinese / Japan-Japanese/

Poland-Polish / India-Hindi / The Netherland (Holland)-Dutch / Denmark- Danish

You look great. – Thanks a lot. ( Вы / ты выгляди(те)шь великолепно.- Большое спасибо )

I am glad to see you.- Me too. ( Я рад вас / тебя видеть.- Я - тоже )

Let’s meet in the evening.- ( Давай встретимся вечером ).- With pleasure.( С удовольствием) /

Sorry, but I am busy in the evening. ( Мне очень жаль, но вечером я занят )

Good bye. – Bye bye. ( До свидания .– Пока )

- Have a nice day! ( Хорошего дня ! ) Good luck to you! ( Удачи! ) See you soon. ( Увидимся вскоре. )

I will call you. ( Я вам / тебе позвоню )

Диалог №1

-Hi! What is your name?

-Hi, my name is Julie.

-And my name is Irina.

-Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you too. Where do you come from, Julie?

-I come from France, Paris. But I can also speak English.

-And I come from Russia, Moscow. I studied English at University.

-What are you by profession, Irina?

-I am a journalist. And you?

-I am a teacher of French.

-Perhaps we can meet in the evening and go to a café?

-With pleasure. I will call you.



An accountant – бухгалтер-аналитик

An auditor- аудитор

A bookkeeper –бухгалтер-счетовод

A banker –владелец или директор банка

A businessman\ businesswoman- бизнесмен \ бизнеследи

A computer operator- системный администратор

An economist- экономист

A financier- финансист

A financial analyst- финансовый аналитик

A lawyer- юрист

A manager- менеджер

A receptionist- администратор

A secretary- секретарь

A social worker-социальный работник

A tycoon- промышленный или финансовый магнат

Диалог № 2

- Hello Nick!

- Hello, Pete! Where do you study?

-I study at the Technological University.

-And what are you going to be?

-I am going to be an engineer.

-Really? Do you like your subjects?

-Yes, of course but some of them are rather difficult, mathematics, for example. And what about you?

-Well, I am a student of the Academy of Labour and Social Relations and I am going to be an economist.

-You know, to be an economist is very prestigious.

-Good luck to you.

-Ok. See you, bye.


I’d (I would) like to speak to – Я бы хотел поговорить с…

To talk on the phone – Говорить по телефону

Hold on, please – Подождите секунду, пожалуйста

Could you call back later? –Не могли бы вы перезвонить позже?

The line is engaged (busy) – Линия занята

I can’t get through – Я не могу дозвониться

To dial the wrong number – Набрать неправильный номер

Sorry to trouble you – Извините за беспокойство

Any message? / Will you leave a message for …?–Что-нибудь передать? / Не хотите оставить сообщение для…?

Could you take a message? – Не могли бы вы передать?

I can hardly hear you – Я вас едва слышу

What is your telephone number? –Какой у вас ( тебя ) номер телефона?

Could you put me through?- Не могли бы вы меня соединить?

Диалог № 3

-Good afternoon. This is Mr.Klimenko speaking.

-Good afternoon, Mr.Klimenko.

-Can I talk to the Advertising Manager ?

-Unfortunately Ms.Brown is out. She is having lunch with our designer. Will you leave a message for her?

-Yes, please. I would like to invite her to dinner and to listen to her ideas about the project.

-Ok. I will tell her that you have phoned.

-Thank you, good bye.

-Good bye, Mr.Klimenko.


The Present Simple Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, we, they work I, you, we, they do not work Do I, you, we, they work?

He, she, it works he, she, it does not work Does he, she, it work?

The Past Simple Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Did I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they worked we, you, they did not work we, you, they work?

(work-правильный глагол)

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Did I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they forgot we, you, they did not forget we, you, they forget?

( forget- неправильный глагол )

The Future Simple Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Will I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they will work we, you, they will not work. we, you, they work?

The Future-in-the Past Tense ( Simple )

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Would I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they would work we, you, they would not work we, you, they work?

The Present Continuous Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I am working, I am not working, Am I working?

you, we, they are working, you, we, they are not working, Are you, we, they working?

he, she, it is working he, she, it is not working Is he, she, it working?

The Past Continuous Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I was working, I was not working, Was I working?

you, we, they were working, you, we, they were not working, Were you, we, they working?

he, she, it was working he, she, it was not working Was he, she, it working.

The Future Continuous Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Will I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they will be working. we, you, they will not be working. we, you, they be working?

The Future-in-the Past Tense ( Continuous )

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, we, I, you, he, she, it, we, Would I, you, he, she, it,

you, they would be working. you, they would not be working. you, they be working?


The Present Perfect Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I , you, we, they have worked, I, you, we, they have not worked, Have I, you, we, they worked

he, she, it has worked. he, she, it has not worked. Has he, she, it worked?

The Past Perfect Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Had I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they had worked. we, you, they had not worked. we, you, they worked?

The Future Perfect Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Will have I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they will we, you, they you, we, they

have worked. will not have worked. worked?

The Future-in-the Past Tense ( Perfect )

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, we, I, you, he, she, it, we, Would I, you, he, she, it,

would have worked. you, they would not have worked. you, they have worked?

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I , you, we, they I, you, we, they Have I, you, we, they

have been working, have not been working, been working?

he, she, it he, she, it Has he, she, it

has been working. has not been working been working?

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Had I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they we, you, they we, you they

had been working. had not been working. been working?

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Will I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they we, you, they we, you they

will have been working. will not have been working. have been working?

The Future-in-the Past Tense ( Perfect Continuous )

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Would I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they we, you, they we, you they

would have been working. would not have been working. have been working?

!!! State verbs do not normally have continuous tense because they describe a state rather than an action: like, love, hate, prefer, believe, know, understand, need, belong, want, have-иметь.

In the phrases “to have a shower, to have breakfast/dinner, to have fun” the verb have may take continuous tense, e.g. I am having fun now.

Упражнение № 1. Раскройте скобки.

1) Have you finished this report? -Yes I…( to give ) it to you in a minute.

2) What are your plans for the weekend?

- I….( to spend ) some time with my friend.

3) There’s a lovely smell coming from the kitchen. What have you been doing there?

I …. ( to cook ) biscuits.

4) When he ….( to spend ) a lot of money, he bought a car.

5) She …(to lie ) in bed when she ….( to hear ) a sudden noise.


The Present Simple Tense

To be + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I am visited \ drawn, I am not visited \ drawn, Am I visited \ drawn? you, we, they are visited \ drawn, you, we, they are not Are you, we, they visited \ drawn?

he, she, it is visited \ drawn, visited \ drawn, Is he, she visited \ drawn?

he, she, it is not visited\drawn

The Past Simple Tense

To be ( was, were ) + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, he, she, it was visited \ drawn, I, he, she, it was not Was I, he, she, it visited \ drawn?

visited \ drawn, you, we, they were visited \ drawn, you, we, they were not Were you, we, they visited \ drawn?

visited \ drawn

The Future Simple Tense

Will be + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, he, she, it, I, he, she, it, Will I, he, she, it, you, we, they will be you, we, they will not be you, we, they be visited\ drawn, visited \ drawn visited \ drawn?

The Future-in-the Past Simple Tense

Would be + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, he, she, it, I, he, she, it, Would I, he, she, it, you, we, they would be you, we, they would not be you, we, they be visited \ drawn, visited \ drawn visited \ drawn?

The Present Continuous Tense

To be + being + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I am being visited \ drawn, I am not being visited \ drawn, Am I being you, we, they are being you, we, they are not visited \ drawn? being visited \ drawn, Are you, we, they being Is he, she, it being

he, she, it being he, she, it is not being visited \ drawn?

visited \ drawn visited \ drawn

The Past Continuous Tense

To be ( was\were ) + being + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, he, she, it was being I, he, she, it was not being Was I, he, she, it being

visited \ drawn, visited \ drawn, visited \ drawn?

you, we, they were being you, we, they were not being Were you, we, they being

visited \ drawn visited \ drawn visited \ drawn

The Future Continuous, the Future -in-the Past Continuous

в Страдательном залоге не используются

The Present Perfect Tense

Have\has + been + Past participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I , you, we, they have , I, you, we, they have not , Have I, you, we, they

been visited \ drawn, been visited \ drawn been visited \ drawn?

he, she, it has he, she, it has not Has he, she, it

been visited \ drawn. been visited \ drawn. been visited \ drawn?

The Past Perfect Tense

Had + been + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Had I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they had we, you, they had not we, you, they

been visited \ drawn been visited \ drawn been visited \ drawn?

The Future Perfect Tense

Will + have + been + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Will I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they will have we, you, they will not have we, you, they have

been visited \ drawn been visited \ drawn been visited \ drawn?

The Future-in-the-Past Perfect Tense

Would + have + been + Past Participle

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, you, he, she, it, I, you, he, she, it, Would I, you, he, she, it,

we, you, they would have we, you, they would not have we, you, they have

been visited \ drawn been visited \ drawn been visited \ drawn?

The Present Perfect Continuous, the Past Perfect Continuous,

The Future Perfect Continuous, the Future-in-the Past Perfect Continuous

в Страдательном залоге не используются

Упражнение № 2.

Переведите предложения, укажите временную форму глагола в страдательном залоге.

1) Fairy-tales are read by children all over the world.

2) That book was written in 1876.

3) The book is being discussed now.

4) The film will be shown next year.

5) Some modern houses have been built in our region.


Герундий представляет собой неличную глагольную форму; выражающую название действия и обладающую как свойствами существительного, так и свойствами глагола.

( She is fond of travelling ).

Инфинитив( неопределенная форма глагола ) представляет собой неличную глагольную форму, которая только называет действие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа. Инфинитив отвечает на вопросы “Что делать? Что сделать?”( I promise to buy you a ring ).

Глаголы, после которых употребляется Глаголы, после которых употребляется Герундий Инфинитив

to love to decide

to enjoy to forget

to hate to promise

to be fond of to choose

to insist on swimming to help to come

to be famous for to try

to depend on to hope

to apologize for to want

would like

would love

Глаголы, после которых употребляется как Герундий, так и Инфинитив без изменения смысла предложения

to finish

to like to work / working

to start

to continue

to prefer

Глаголы, после которых употребляется как Герундий, так и Инфинитив, но при этом меняется смысл предложения

to stop, to remember, to forget

He stopped smoking. ( Он перестал курить ) /

He stopped to smoke. ( Он остановился, чтобы закурить)

I remember posting a letter. ( Я помню, что отправил письмо) /

I remember to post a letter. ( Я помню, что надо отправить письмо )

He forgot opening the window. ( Он забыл, что открыл окно ) /

He forgot to open the window. ( Он забыл открыть окно )

Упражнение № 3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What do you like doing/ to do on holiday?

2) Where would like to be right now?

3) Do you like learning / to learn English?

4) Would you like to learn any other language?

5) Where did you decide to go?


Причастие в английском языке представляет собой неличную глагольную форму, которая наряду со свойствами глагола имеет свойства прилагательного или наречия.

Существует два вида причастий: Причастие I (Participle I / Present Participle)

Причастие II (Participle II/ Past Participle)

Participle I / Present Participle имеет категорию времени и залога.


Active Passive

Present writing being written

Perfect having written having been written

E.g. Having written the letter, he left his room.

Participle II/ Past Participle не изменяется и не имеет категории времени и залога.


written ( для неправильных глаголов – 3-я колонка таблицы неправильных глаголов )

watched ( для правильных глаголов- добавляется окончание –ed )

E.g. I read the note written in French

Упражнение № 4. Обратите внимание на перевод предложений, подчеркните причастия.

1) When I entered the room, I gave the letter to the woman sitting at the window. ( Когда я вошел в комнату, я отдал письмо женщине, сидевшей у окна ).

2) When you enter the room, you will give the letter to the woman sitting at the window. ( Когда вы войдете в комнату, вы отдадите письмо женщине, сидящей у окна ).

3) Having lived in St.Petersburg for many years he knew the city very well. (Прожив в Санкт Петербурге много лет, он знал город очень хорошо ).

4) The large building being built in our street is a new school-house. ( Большое здание, строящееся на нашей улице, новая школа ).

5) A broken cup was lying on the table. ( Разбитая чашка лежала на столе ).

Контрольная работа

(для студентов 3.5 лет обучения )

Вариант 1

1. Выберите правильное определение.

Business is

1) supervising people in an organization,

2) production, distribution and sale of goods and services for a profit,

3) defining the problem and research objectives.

2.Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1) He is going to switch the contract.

to swirl

to sign

2) Public Relations is used to increase products, people, activities.

to promote

to improve

3) Our office costs of 5 rooms.



3. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others.

2) The law of demand and supply was first worked out by D.Lardner, an Irish professor of philosophy.

3) The World Bank Group has had a significant positive effect on the flow of capital to the poorer countries of the world.

4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами.

( Can, may, must, have to, should )

1) I …go. I have the business meeting.

2) You … always come on time.

3) We …see the lake from our bedroom window.

5. Употребите глагол, данный в скобках в форме герундия или инфинитива.

1) He asked me ( to inform ) him about it immediately.

2) She hopes ( to find ) an interesting and a well-paid job.

3) We insisted on ( to continue ) the experiment.

6.Письменно переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы.

What Is A Manager?

A number of different terms are used for “manager”, including “director”, “administrator” and “president”. The term “manager” is used more frequently in profit making organizations, while the others are used more widely in government and non-profit organizations such as universities, hospitals and social work agencies.

What, then is a manager?

When used collectively the term “management” refers to those people who are responsible for making and carrying decisions within a system. An individual manager is a person who directly supervises people in an organization.

Some basic characteristics seem to apply to managers in all types of organizations; they include hard work on a variety of activities, preference for active tasks, direct personal relationships.

Almost everything a manager does involves decisions. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists. In decision making there is always some uncertainty and risk.

Managing is a hard job. There is a lot to be done and relatively little time to do it. The engineer can finish a design on a particular day, and the lawyer can win or lose a case at a certain time. But...


1) How is management defined?

2) What is the main responsibility of managers?

3) What types of problems do they deal with?

Контрольная работа

(для студентов 3.5 лет обучения )

Вариант 2

1. Выберите правильное определение.

Management is

1) exchange of goods and services between different countries,

2) a function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling,

3) a means of payment for goods and services and in settlement of debts.

2. Выберете правильный вариант ответа.

1)The success of any company refers on its personnel and management.



2) Could you fulfil this form?

fill in

check in.

3) I am looking for a manager.



3. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Monopoly is a market structure with only a single seller of a commodity or service dealing with a large number of buyers.

2) The law of demand was discovered by A.A. Cournot (1801-1877), a professor of mathematics at the University of Lyon.

3) The managers of the steel company are discussing a new project at the moment.

4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами.

( Can, may, must, have to, should )

1) We … choose the most efficient way to solve the problem.

2) This hotel is not very expensive. You …stay here.

3) My brother … speak two foreign languages.

5. Употребите глагол, данный в скобках в форме герундия или инфинитива.

1) He wanted ( to discuss ) some economic theories.

2) Would you like ( to learn ) any foreign language?

3) They succeeded in ( to make ) all necessary arrangements.

6.Письменно переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы.


Inflation is generally defined as a persistent rise in the general price level with no corresponding rise in output, which leads to a corresponding fall in the purchasing power of money.

Inflation varies considerably in its extent and severity. Hence, the consequences for the business community differ according to the circumstances. Mild inflation of a few per cent each year may pose few difficulties for business.

However, hyperinflation, which entails enormously high rates of inflation, can create great problems for the government, business, consumers and workers.

Economists argue at length about the cause of, and “cure” for, inflation. They recognize that two different types of inflation exist:

  • demand –pull inflation ( инфляция спроса )

  • cost-push inflation ( инфляция издержек )

Demand –pull inflation occurs when demand for a nation’s goods and services outstrips that nation’s ability to supply these goods and services.

Cost-push inflation can be of the cost-push variety. It takes place when firms face increasing costs. This could be caused by an increase in wages or companies pushing up prices to improve their profit margins.


1) What is inflation?

2) What types of inflation do you know?

3) Explain the difference between these types.

Контрольная работа

(для студентов 5.5 лет обучения )

Вариант 1

1.Используйте артикль где необходимо.

1) My mother is …accountant.

2) London is situated on … river Thames.

3) New York is one of… biggest business centres in…world.

2.Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу неопределенными местоимениями (some, any, no).

1) Do you know ...tourist companies which deal with business tourism?

2) There are not… foreign students in our group.

3) …companies offer holiday tours to their employees and cover all travel expenses.

3. Образуйте правильную степень сравнения.

1) She gets up…than I do ( early ).

2) He as …as me ( educated ).

3) My job is not very interesting .I want to do something…. ( interesting ).

4. Укажите временную форму глагола сказуемого.

1) The term market refers to any arrangement that allow people to trade with each other.

2) We attended international exhibition last week.

3) Jill will be 2 years old next month and her parents think she will become an economist one day.

5.Подберите подходящее определение к словам ( одно определение-лишнее).

The act of giving or delivering something to a number of people; profit

the process of making goods or materials; distribution

work for which you receive regular money. production


6. Письменно переведите текст и ответьте на вопрос.

Careers in Business

Business is an increasingly important activity throughout the world today. The opportunities for a business career have grown in variety and number. There are now five broad fields of business that offer exciting careers:

-Management (general managers, personnel managers)

-Marketing ( researchers, sellers, distributors)

-Accounting ( bookkeepers, public accountants, private accountants, auditors)

-Finance (bankers, financial analysts, stockbrokers)

-Computers and data processing (computer operators, system analysts).

Business today is full of risk and opportunity. Many people need to plan, prepare and practice to create a successful business. The task is to minimize risk and make the most of opportunities. Employees must be skilled in allocating time, money and other resources needed to carry out a job. They must understand how one task may effect the others. They should learn new skills and adapt to changing technology.

What business career do you like best of all? What are you going to be?

Контрольная работа

(для студентов 5.5 лет обучения )

Вариант 2

1.Используйте артикль где необходимо.

1) My nephew is …economist.

2) …United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is … parliamentary monarchy.

3) New York is one of… biggest business centres in…world.

2.Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу неопределенными местоимениями (some, any, no).

1) Do you know …any good hotels in Beijing?

2) He made …necessary phone calls and went out of the office.

3) …students in our group are going to take part in the competition.

3. Образуйте правильную степень сравнения.

1) Australia is the world’s … continent ( small ).

2) He as …as me ( talented ).

3) My friend is …than me ( sociable).

4. Укажите временную форму глагола сказуемого.

1) Business will need to reappraise its own role in designing new ways of preparing young people for the entrepreneurial challenge of the 21st century.

2) Last week they signed a contract with a food company.

3) The present day world status of English is primarily the result of two factors: the expansion of British colonial power, whish peaked toward the end of the 19th century and the emergence of the United States as the leading economic power of the 20th century.

5. Подберите подходящее определение к словам ( одно определение-лишнее).

To tell the public about a product or service in order to work

to encourage people to buy or to use it;

a move to a more important job or rank in a company competition

or an organization;

to do something that requires physical or mental effort, to advertise

especially as part of a job.


6. Письменно переведите текст и ответьте на вопрос.

Advertising As A Career In The USA.

Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of products, services or ideas by an individual or organization. It flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented countries. It is one of the most important factors in distributing product. It helps to raise the standard of living. Advertising can not turn a poor product or service into a good one. But what it can do and does- is to create an awareness about both old and new products and services. So three main objectives of advertising are: 1) to produce knowledge about the products and services;2) to create preference to it;3)to stimulate thought and action about it.

Careers in advertising may involve working for advertisers, media, advertising agencies, or suppliers and special services. In opinion of American specialists at most, only 35 colleges and universities in the USA have effective programs of advertising education.

However, advertising draws people from a variety of educational backgrounds.

What is your opinion about advertisement? Is it useful or useless for customers?



Hello, friends. My name is Vera . My surname is Voronina. I was born on the 5th of April

in Krasnoyarsk. Krasnoyarsk is situated in Siberia. It stands on the both banks of the river Yenisei. It was founded in 1628 by Andrei Dubenskii. There are a lot of institutions of higher education, colleges and schools here. I study at the Academy of Labour and Social Relations.

It was founded in 1919 in Moscow and used to be “The Higher Institute of Trade Union Movement”. There is a branch of it in Krasnoyarsk. We study many different subjects: Economics, Mathematics, History, Philosophy, Psychology, English…

I am interested in learning English. I would like to be an economist or a manager. That is why I think it is necessary to know at least one foreign language. Besides, knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life.

My family consists of four members: my father, my mother, my younger brother and me.

My father’s name is Alexander Evgenyevich. He is a mathematician but he works in a bank.

My mother is an accountant. She works in a hotel.

My younger brother is a pupil. He goes to school.

Our family is very friendly and every summer we go travelling. Usually we travel to the sea because we like swimming and sunbathing.

I have a boy-friend. Soon we are going to get married and to live in our own flat.