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Красноярский филиал

Образовательного учреждения профсоюзов



Кафедра социально-экономических дисциплин

Денисович Ю.В.


Методические указания к практическим занятиям по английскому языку

(Для студентов всех форм обучения по направлению 080100.62 «Экономика»)

Красноярск - 2013



Денисович Ю.В. Английский язык. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по английскому языку для студентов всех форм обучения по направлению 080100.62 «Экономика»/ ст.преподаватель Денисович Ю.В.- Красноярск: ИП «Азарова Н.Н»,2013. –с.40.

Методические указания предназначены для студентов всех форм обучения, обучающихся по направлению 080100.62 «Экономика».

Главная задача методических указаний – обеспечить развитие общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций (ОК/ПК), оказать практическую помощь студентам в самостоятельном изучении и использовании на занятиях, в будущей профессии, на личном опыте материала по дисциплине «Иностранный язык».

Рассмотрено на заседании УМС.22.02.2013 Протокол №6

© Красноярский филиал ОУП ВПО

Академии труда

и социальных отношений, 2013

Денисович Ю.В., 2013


Общие методические указания к практическим занятиям

по английскому языку

Английский язык – язык бизнеса и международного общения.

Цель изучения дисциплины "Иностранный язык" состоит в формировании у студентов теоретических знаний и практических навыков,

в осознании учащимися многообразных способов выражения мысли, присутствующих в иностранном языке, что делает мыслительный процесс более гибким, развивает речевые способности учащихся, обогащает их речь языковыми средствами для выражения мыслей, улучшает память. Использование иностранного языка необходимо для повышения общей культуры учащихся: знание культуры, истории и современной ситуации.

Студент должен к концу обучения обладать функциональной грамотностью – уметь самостоятельно изучать новые материалы, использовать полученную информацию.

Задачей курса является реализация требований, установленных Федеральным Государственным Общеобразовательным Стандартом Высшего Профессионального Образования (степень/квалификация «Бакалавр») по дисциплине «Иностранный язык».

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» является специальной, устанавливающей базовые знания для получения навыков, необходимых для дополнительной квалификации специалистов экономической направленности.

Владение основами и особенностями теории и практики английского языка, умение ориентироваться в современном мире является принципиально важным для эффективной и качественной работы будущих специалистов в области бухгалтерского учета, а также аудиторов и финансовых менеджеров.

Данная методическая разработка преследует достижение поставленных целей изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык», направлена на формирование и закрепления навыков чтения, письма, перевода, разговорной речи.

Полученные знания могут быть использованы в практической деятельности при работе с иностранными источниками.

Учебные материалы предназначены для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов всех форм обучения.

Задания в данной работе помогут учащимся овладеть как общекультурными, так профессиональными компетенциями. (ОК/ПК ФГОС).

Лексический материал, используемый в текстах, предоставляет студентам возможность овладеть культурой мышления; ответ на вопрос обеспечивает возможность постановки цели и выбора путей ее достижения, обеспечивает возможность саморазвития (ОК-1,ОК-9).

Грамматический материал формирует способность логически верно, аргументировано строить устную и письменную речь (ОК-6).

Задания позволят учащимся анализировать социально и личностно значимые проблемы (ОК-2), прогнозировать возможное их развитие в будущем (ОК-4), осознать место и роль своей страны в истории человечества и в современном мире (ОК-3), обеспечат готовность к работе в коллективе (ОК-7), возможность критически оценивать свои достоинства и недостатки (ОК- 10) .

Методические указания также помогут студентам, используя отечественные и зарубежные источники информации, собрать необходимые данные и подготовить информационный обзор (ПК-9).

Методические указания содержат 2 основных раздела:

Lexis (Лексика), Grammar (Грамматика).

Лексический материал представлен в пределах следующих тем:

1) Economics/Accounting (Экономика /Бухгалтерский учет)

2) Travelling & staying at a hotel (Путешествие и размещение в отеле)

3) Career (Карьера)/ Business (Бизнес)

4) The State (Государство)

5) Having a meal (Питание)

6) At home (Домашняя обстановка)

7) Direction (Направление)

8) Medicine (Медицина)

9) Crime (Преступления)

10) Writing a letter (Написание письма)

Работа с лексикой осуществляется с помощью диалогов, текстов для чтения, заданий к ним, что позволит учащимся закрепить навыки устной речи, навыков перевода, а тема «Написание письма» направлена на развитие навыков письменной речи.

Лексико-грамматический материал направлен на развитие грамотности речи, содержит разделы:

1) Глагол:

общие сведения, неправильные глаголы, спряжение глагола to be , фразовые глаголы, глагольные формы, наклонение;

2) Имя Существительное:

общие сведения, суффиксы, артикли.




Economy-экономика (страны) /Economics-экономика (наука)



An economist-экономист

Employment-занятость/ unemployment-безработица

Accounting-бух.учет /an accountant-бухгалтер аналитик/ a bookkeeper-бухгалтер счетовод


To open an account with a bank-открыть счет в банке

An auditor-аудитор





A tax-налог





Profit- прибыль

An asset-актив, tangible assets- материальные активы

To own-владеть

To owe-быть должным

To earn-зарабатывать

To spend-тратить

To pay-платить

To increase-увеличивать / to decrease-уменьшать

Balance sheet-бухгалтерский баланс

Liability-ответственность, обязательство

Assessment-сумма обложения


Bookkeepers- (work in a company’s back office) they record everything the organization earns or spends.

Tax accountants- (help their clients fill out tax return)

Internal auditors- (check their employer’s records for accuracy)

Budget analysts- (manage a company’s financial plans)

Management accountants are business supervisors- (they study business operations and help maximize profit)

Financial advisors- (help people make smart investment)

Read and translate the text.


An economic policy is a course of action that is intended to influence or control the behavior of the economy. Economic policies are normally implemented and administrated by the government.

There are three widely accepted goals of economic policy.

1) Economic growth. It means that the incomes of all consumers and firms are increasing over time.

2) Full employment. It means that every member of the labour force who wants to work is able to find work.

3) Price stability. It should prevent increase in general price level known as inflation, as well as decrease in the general price level known as deflation.

Answer the questions.

1. What is an economic policy?

2. What are the goals of an economic policy?

Read and translate the text.


Traditionally, accounting has been a relatively narrow profession. There were only a few potential career paths. Accountants generally worked in public practice for accounting firms, or as financial record-keepers in private businesses. But societal and economic changes are bringing new opportunities.

Many countries in the world have transitioned from manufacturing and production to a service-based economy. This shift is opening the doors to a variety of new opportunities. In addition to the traditional asset services accountants will be in greater demand in the following areas:

-Strategic Planning

-Litigation Support

-Financial Services

-Audit Fraud

-Risk Assessment

-Electronic Commerce

In conclusion, the prospects are bright. The opportunities are expanding.

The working conditions are becoming more favorable.

Answer the questions.

1. Would you like to work in the field of accounting?

2. What job (profession) attracts you most of all? And why?

Read and translate the text.


Income statements show financial information over a period of time. Balance sheets, on the other hands, show a company’s financial status at a certain moment in time.

Balance sheets follow this equation:

Assets= Liabilities+ Owner’s Equity

Assets are what a company owns. Liabilities what a company owes. Equity is what a company is worth. Assets include cash, inventory, accounts receivable, and fixed assets like land and property. Liabilities include accounts payable and debts. Owner’s equity is the total value of the company. The sum of the assets should be equal to the sum of the liabilities plus the owner’s equity.

Answer the questions.

1. What is income?

2. What do balance sheets show?



To reserve (to make a reservation, to book) a room - забронировать номер

To reserve a room in advance - забронировать номер заранее

To cancel a reservation-отменить бронь

To stay (to put up) at a hotel – остановиться в отеле

A single room – одноместный номер, a double room – двухместный номер

A (chamber) maid – горничная, a bell-boy – посыльный

A receptionist - администратор

Room service – обслуживание номера

To be available – быть в наличие

Modern conveniences – современные удобства

Car hire – прокат автомобиля

Free of charge - бесплатно

Entertainment - развлечение

Travel expenses – дорожные расходы

To go swimming / to go sunbathing – купаться / загорать

To go skiing / to go skating – кататься на лыжах / на коньках

A sightseeing tour – тур по осмотру достопримечательностей

To be situated – быть расположенным

To pay (in) cash – платить наличными, to pay by credit card-платить по кредитной карте

Hospitality – гостеприимство


Read and translate the dialogue.


R1 - Good evening, sir.

S - Good evening.

Have you got any rooms available? I’d like a single room.

R1 - I’m sorry we are full .

S - Oh, is there another hotel nearby?

R1 - Yes, the Royal Hotel is not far from here.

S - Good evening, madam.

R2 - Good evening.

S - I’d like a single room for two nights.

R2 - There are only double rooms available.

S - Ok, how much is it?

R2 - 100 pounds per night.

S - Ok, a double room for two nights.

R2 - Certainly, can you fill in this form, please.

S - Sure, thank you.

R2 - Here is your key.


An employer-работодатель

An employee- служащий, сотрудник


A skill-навык

A part –time job-частичная занятость на работе /a full-time job-полная занятость

To get salary-получать зарплату (ежемесячно)

Wage(s)-оплата за проделанную работу

Curriculum Vitae-резюме

Staff-штат /personnel-персонал

To look for a job-искать работу

To come to work on time-приходить на работу во время

To be late-опаздывать

To have experience-иметь опыт

To climb up a career ladder-подняться вверх по карьерной лестнице

To open one’s own business-открыть собственный бизнес

To promote- продвигать человека по службе или продвигать (товар)

To make a phone call-сделать звонок по телефону

Working conditions-условия работы

A well-paid job-хорошо-оплачиваемая работа

A low-paid job-низкооплачиваемая работа

A job interview-собеседование при устройстве на работу


To be sociable-быть общительным

To be responsible-быть ответственным

To be punctual-быть пунктуальным

To be reliable-быть надежным

To be creative-быть креативным (творческим)

To be rude-быть грубым

To deal with people easily-легко ладить с людьми

Advertising-рекламный бизнес

Read and translate the dialogue.


1-Why is he always late for meetings? We’d never get away with it!

2-Just because he has more experience he thinks our ideas and suggestions are worth nothing.

3-I know my name sounds foreign, but that’s no reason to tell me go back to where I come from, I’m so depressed I want to leave.

2-I’m finding it difficult to work with someone who is so arrogant.

4-A nice chap deep inside, too direct though. Some of us find him rude, even.

5-If I missed half each meeting like he does; I’d have time to make as many calls as he does.

6-He does not propose or suggest-he dictates.

Read and translate the text.


Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of products, services or ideas by an individual or organization. It flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented countries. It is one of the most important factors in distributing product. It helps to raise the standard of living. Advertising can not turn a poor product or service into a good one. But what it can do and does- is to create an awareness about both old and new products and services. So three main objectives of advertising are: 1) to produce knowledge about the products and services;2) to create preference to it;3)to stimulate thought and action about it.

Careers in advertising may involve working for advertisers, media, advertising agencies, or suppliers and special services. In opinion of American specialists at most, only 35 colleges and universities in the USA have effective programs of advertising education.

However, advertising draws people from a variety of educational backgrounds.

Answer the questions.

1. What is your opinion about advertisement?

2. Is it useful or useless for customers?

Read and translate the text.


Business is an increasingly important activity throughout the world today.

The opportunities for a business career have grown in variety and number.

There are now five broad fields of business that offer exciting careers:

-Management (general managers, personnel managers)

-Marketing (researchers, sellers, distributors)

-Accounting (bookkeepers, public accountants, private accountants, auditors)

-Finance (bankers, financial analysts, stockbrokers)

-Computers and data processing (computer operators, system analysts).

Business today is full of risk and opportunity. Many people need to plan, prepare and practice to create a successful business. The task is to minimize risk and make the most of opportunities.

Employees must be skilled in allocating time, money and other resources needed to carry out a job. They must understand how one task may affect the others. They should learn new skills and adapt to changing technology.

Answer the questions.

1. Why is business full of risk?

2. What should a person do to start his/her own business?


A state-государство, штат / Government-правительство


Executive - исполнительная / Legislative -законодательная/Judicial branch- судебная власть (ветвь)

A citizen-гражданин


Monarchy-монархия /democracy-демократия

An official language-официальный язык

The head of the state-глава государства


Power- сила, власть, мощность

Public transport-общественный транспорт

Social work-социальная работа


The Prime Minister-Премьер Министр

Street – улица /avenue-проспект /boulevard-бульвар/lane-переулок

A church-церковь

A square-площадь

Entrance visa-виза

Read and translate the dialogue.


Officer -Your passport, please. How long are you going to stay at the country?

Sir -Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity?

O -Sure. Your company should take care of it. Well, bags on the table and your customs form, please.

S -How much do they weigh?

O -23 kilos. I am sorry, but you will have to pay an excess luggage charge.

S -Oh, it is only 3 kilos overweight.

O -Yes, sir…that’s only 6 pounds. Thank you. Have you anything to declare?

S -What?

O -Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants.

S -Oh, no only for personal needs.

O - Open your suitcase? Any gifts?

S -Only one bottle of vodka.

O -All right. It’s duty free. As you probably know, it’s forbidden to bring more than two bottles of alcohol and two blocks of cigarettes to England. And no limitation as to currency. Here is your form.

S -Thank you.

O -Not at all.

Read and translate the text, divide the text into paragraphs, give the titles to them.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( UK ) consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (Ulster). Several islands off the British coast are also part of the United Kingdom (for example, the Isle of Wight, the Orkneys, Hebrides and Shetlands, and the Isles of Scilly).

English language developed from Anglo-Saxon and is a Germanic language. However, all the invading people, particularly the Norman French, influenced the English language and you can find many words in English which are French in origin. Nowadays all Welsh, Scottish and Irish people speak English, but all the counties have their own special accent and dialects.

About 2,000 years ago the British Isles were inhabited by the Celts who originally came from continental Europe. During the next 1,000 years there were many invasions. The Romans came from Italy in AD 43 and gave Britain its name. The Angles and Saxons came from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands in the 5th century, and England gets its name from this invasion (Angle - land). The Vikings arrived from Denmark and Norway throughout the 9th century, and in 1066 the Normans invaded from France. These invasions drove the Celts into what is now Wales and Scotland, and they remained, of course, in Ireland. The English are the descendants of all the invaders, but are more Anglo-Saxon than anything else.

London is the capital of England and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

London was not built as a city in the same way as Paris or New York. It began life as a Roman fortification at a place where it was possible to cross the River Thames. A wall was built around the town for defence, but during the long period of peace which followed the Norman Conquest, people built outside the walls. In 1665 there was a terrible plague in London, so many people left the city. In 1666 the Great Fire of London ended the plague.

The gradual growth of London helps to explain the fact that the city has a number of centres, each with a distinct character: the financial and business centre called the City, the shopping centre in the West End, the industrial centre in the East End and the government centre in Westminster.

The City of London is one of the major banking centres of the world. The centre of the country’s judicial system is to be found in the western part of the City.

The West End is the area of central London. It includes Trafalgar square, the main shopping areas of Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street and the entertainment centres of Soho.

The East End is a part of London where people from abroad come to find job. It is an industrial and the poorest part of London.

Westminster is a part of London where most governmental buildings are situated. On the left bank of the Thames is Westminster Palace, famous as the House of Parliament. It is the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower with the hour-bell called ’Big-Ben’ is known all over the world. Opposite the House of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey. Many outstanding painters, writers and poets are buried there. (For example Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling). There are also memorials to William Shakespeare, Robert Burns and Walter Scott.

The famous people of England are: William Shakespeare, Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens….

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh .Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and its industrial centre. Glasgow is also the home of the Scottish National Orchestra, the Scottish Opera and Scottish Ballet. The Scottish Highlands contain some of the most magnificent scenery in Europe. A typical sight in many Highland valleys is the white buildings of the malt whisky distillers. There are more than 100 malt whisky distilleries in the Highlands and it is not surprising that the word ‘scotch’ is used to mean whisky in the world.

The famous people of Scotland are Robert Burns, Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson.

The capital of Wales is Cardiff, a major industrial town and an important port. One of the biggest power-station in the world is being built in the heart of a Welsh mountain. It uses neither oil nor coal to produce electricity, but the water of a large mountain lake.

The capital of Ireland is Dublin and Ireland is an independent state. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast and the Northern Ireland belongs to ‘UK’. Belfast is known for such industries like linen, engineering, tobacco and the sea-trade.

Read and translate the text. (Tell the group about your country).


The USA lies in the central part of the North American continent with the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Pacific to the West, Canada to the North, and Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the South.

The USA is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia (the territory under the capital Washington), the seat of the national government.

The American States

1. Alabama, 2.Alaska, 3.Arizona, 4.Arkansas, 5.California. 6. Colorado, 7.Connecticut, 8. Delaware, 9.Florida, 10.Georgia, 11.Hawaii, 12.Idaho, 13.Illinois, 14.Indiana.15.Iowa, 16. Kansas, 17.Kentucky, 18.Louisiana, 19.Maine. 20. Maryland, 21.Massachusetts, 22. Michigan, 23.Minnesota, 24.Mississippi, 25.Missouri, 26.Montana, 27.Nebraska, 28. Nevada, 29.New Hampshire, 30. New Jersey, 31.New Mexico, 32.New York, 33. North Carolina, 34.North Dakota, 35.Ohio, 36.Oklahoma, 37.Oregon, 38.Pennsylvania, 39. Rhode Island, 40.South Carolina, 41. South Dakota, 42.Tennessee, 43.Texas, 44.Utah, 45. Vermont, 46.Virginia, 47.Washington, 48.West Virginia, 49.Wisconsin, 50.Wyoming.

The USA flag has 13 horizontal (7 red and 6 white) stripes and 50 white stars on the blue background representing 50 states. The red stripes proclaim courage, the white stripes proclaim liberty, the field of blue stands for loyalty.


An appetite - аппетит

To be hungry- быть голодным / to be thirsty - испытывать жажду

To pay the bill- оплатить счет

To order-сделать заказ

Cuisine – кухня (национальная)

Junk food –нездоровая пища

Healthy food-здоровая пища

An ingredient – составная часть, ингредиент

A napkin-салфетка

A recipe - рецепт

A snack – закуска

Delicious – очень вкусный



Meat dumplings-пельмени / dumplings- клецки

Baked potatoes – печеный картофель

Fried potatoes – жареный картофель

Jacket potato- картофель в мундире

Mushrooms – грибы


Cheese –сыр

Ham - ветчина / beef- говядина/ pork- свинина

Salt - соль / sugar -сахар / pepper - перец

Sauce- соус

Dressing- приправа

Seafood - морепродукты

Shrimps, prawns - креветки

Salmon- лосось

Herring- сельдь

Trout- форель

Flounder- камбала

Mussels- мидии

Oysters- устрицы

Lobsters- омары

A crab -краб

A crayfish- рак

A squid- кальмар

Vegetables- овощи

Sorrel- щавель

Horseradish- хрен

A carrot –морковь / a cucumber – огурец

A beetroot-свекла / radish -редис/ cabbage- капуста

Fruit- фрукты

A pine-apple -ананас/a pear-груша/ grapes -виноград/ an apple -яблоко /an orange-апельсин

A melon –дыня /a water-melon –арбуз

An apricot- абрикос

Drinks- напитки

Juice -сок/ iced coke –охлажденная кола/ mineral water –минеральная вода/ tea-чай / coffee -кофе/ cocktail – коктейль

Alcohol drinks

Beer-пиво / wine -вино/ champagne-шампанское / cognac-коньяк / whiskey-виски/ martini-мартини / vodka-водка / brandy-бренди /tequila-текила/ rum-ром /liqueur-ликер

Biscuit-печенье /candy -конфета / halvah- халва

To fry-жарить

To boil-варить

To bake-печь

To stew-тушить

To grill-жарить на гриле

Read and translate the dialogue.


Waiter - Good afternoon.

Madam, Sir - Good afternoon.

W - Are you ready to order, madam?

M- Yes. I’ll have the mushroom soup as a starter, and the grilled trout for the main course.

W- Ok. What about you, sir?

S - Well, I’ll have one prawn cocktail and the roast beef.

W - Anything else?

S - No, thanks.

W - What would you like to drink?

M - A bottle of red wine, please.

W - Ok.

S - Could we have the bill, please?

W - Yes, of course. Here you are.

S - Is service included?

W - Yes. Was everything all right?

M - Everything was very delicious. Thank you. Good bye.

W - Good bye.


Street - улица





In the Kitchen – на кухне

A cooker- плита

A cupboard- полка для посуды

A fork-вилка / spoon -ложка/ knife- нож

A kettle -чайник/ plate -тарелка/ pan -сковорода/ saucepan- кастрюля

A tea set- чайный сервиз

A tablecloth- скатерть

A sink- раковина

An oven- духовка

A freezer- морозильная камера /а fridge-холодильник

A tin opener –консервный нож/ a corkscrew- штопор

Curtains- занавески

A dishwasher/dishwashing machine-посудомоечная машина

In the Living-room- в гостиной комнате

Wall-paper- обои

A wardrobe- шкаф для одежды

A bookcase- книжный шкаф

A carpet-ковер

A chair-стул / an armchair-кресло

A fireplace-камин


In the bedroom- в спальне

A single bed - одноместная кровать / double bed – дву(х)местная

A dressing-table-туалетный столик

Linen- бельё /pillows- подушки / cushions-диванные подушки/ a blanket -одеяло

A mirror-зеркало


In the bathroom- в ванной комнате

A bathtub- ванна / a shower- душ

Toilet paper- туалетная бумага

A toilet table- туалетный столик с зеркалом

A shelf-shelves-полка / полки

A TV set-телевизор

To keep the room tidy – поддерживать порядок в комнате

To make noise- шуметь

To have parties in the room- проводить вечеринки в комнате

To have overnight guests- оставить гостей ночевать

To keep pets- держать домашних животных

To make the bed- заправлять постель

To wash clothes – стирать одежду

Read and translate the dialogue.


1- Hello, tell me about your flat, please.

2-Well, I have a nice flat not far from the city centre.

1-What is your favourite place in the flat?

2-This is a kitchen. It is very cosy. It is big, but not huge. It is the main place for family and friends. It is big enough to have a good-sized rectangular table in the centre, which is a focal point of the room. There is also a fridge in the corner; there is a cupboard and a dishwashing machine there.

1-Do you have a TV set there?

2-Oh, yes. I like to watch it when I cook something.

1-So you spend much time in the kitchen, don’t you?

2-Yes, cooking is my hobby….Do you like cooking?

1-Not very much. My favourite place is my living room. It is light and comfortable

and there is a large soft carpet on the floor. Would you like to visit me?

2-With pleasure!

1Ok, see you soon.

2-Bye, bye!


How can I find?-как я могу найти?

How can I get?-как я могу добраться?

Where is the nearest….?-где ближайший…..?

Could you show me the way to…..-не могли бы вы показать мне дорогу к ….

How long does it take me to get to….?- сколько потребуется времени чтоб добраться до?

It takes you 10 minutes- вам потребуется 10 минут

To turn left- to turn right-повернуть направо/налево

To go straight-идти прямо

To go ahead-идти вперед

To walk/go along ….-идти вдоль……..

To cross the road-пересечь дорогу

To get to- добраться до….

To take a bus/a taxi-поехать на автобусе/взять такси

To go up/to go down-идти вверх/вниз

Traffic lights-светофор

A crossroad-перекресток

A bus stop- автобусная остановка


Read and translate the dialogue. Ask your partner to explain you the way to

1.the nearest bank,



4. post office,

5. cinema.




1-How are you?

2-Just fine! And you?

1 –Me too! I wait for you in the evening. Do you know where I live?

2-Oh, no. Could you explain me how to find your house?

1-Go out of the school and turn left. Walk along the Station Road, past the Railway Station and the Bank.

2- Turn left again at the traffic lights and walk over the bridge and up the hill. Turn right into Park Avenue.

1-My house is the first on the left. It’s № 50. It takes 10 minutes.

2-Ok I’ll come. See you soon.


To take the temperature-мерить температуру

To take the blood pressure-измерить давление

To prescribe/to give a prescription-выписать рецепт

To open the mouth- открыть рот

To breathe deeply-дышать глубоко

To take a pill-принимать лекарство

To undress to the waist- раздеться до пояса

To have a headache-иметь головную боль

To have a toothache- иметь зубную боль

To have heart attack- имеет сердечный приступ

To have a heart burn-иметь изжогу

To have a cold- быть простуженным

To catch a cold простудиться

To twist the ankle-вывихнуть лодыжку

To cough-кашлять

To be allergic to smth.-иметь аллергию на что-то

To be healthy-быть здоровым

To be ill- болеть


The chemist’s-аптека

A sleeping pill-снотворное средство

An anaesthetic-обезболивающее средство


A surgeon- хирург

A therapist- терапевт

An ophthalmologist-офтальмолог

A psychiatrist-психиатр

A dentist-зубной техник

Translate the sentences paying attention to Grammar.

I do not feel very well.-If you go to the doctor he will examine you and give you a prescription.

I have a cold. Could you go to the chemist’s with me, please?.- If I have time I will go with you.

I feel terrible! My head hurts, and I feel dizzy. - If I were you I would go to bed.

My friend has got a toothache.- I think he should go to the dentist.

She has twisted her ankle. –She should phone the doctor’s surgery and make an appointment.

I have a sore throat. - You must take the temperature. If it is necessary you should take an aspirin.

He should have taken a sleeping pill to have a good sleep!


A crime-преступление

A criminal-преступник

Murder-убийство, a murderer-убийца, to murder-убивать

Shoplifting-кража в магазине, a shoplifter- вор, to shoplift- своровать в магазине

Burglary- кража со взломом, a burglar-взломщик ,грабитель, to burgle-украсть, взломав замок

Robbery-кража, robber-вор, to rob-украсть

Smuggling-контрабанда, a smuggler-контрабандист, to smuggle-провозить контрабандой

Arson-поджог , an arsonist- поджигатель, to set fire to- поджечь

Kidnapping- похищение людей (детей), a kidnapper- похититель, to kidnap-похищать

Violence-грубость, насилие



To commit a crime- совершить преступление

To commit a suicide- совершить самоубийство

To accuse smb. of smth.- обвинить кого-то в чем-то

To plead guilty-признать виновным

To send smb. to prison-отправить в тюрьму

To release smb. from prison/jail- освободить из тюрьмы

A judge-судья, jury- присяжные

A solicitor/ lawyer-адвокат

A prosecutor –прокурор

A lawyer/legal expert- юрист

A pickpocket-карманный вор

Bribe- взятка, to bribe-подкупать

A thief- вор, to thieve/steal-воровать

To send a case to court-отправить дело в суд


A witness- свидетель

To prove- доказывать, a proof-доказательство

Read and translate the text (give a new title to the text).


1) Some of the world’s most accommodating businessmen specialize in getting you what you want at a fair market price. But they’re businessmen with a difference-they are smugglers who deal only with what is illegal. A smuggling operation is complex, so it has to be businesslike. it has managers who plan trips, make deals and arrange for purchases and pick ups. It has travelers who deliver the goods, and specialists who recruit and train them. In fact smugglers have legitimate business on the side.

A travel agency is helpful because the modern smuggler is a world traveler. When a gold smuggler was arrested, he had airline tickets from Geneva to Bangkok by way of Frankfurt Istanbul, Tokyo…

2) The best places for smuggling operations are border cities and seaports. In one such city, annual sales at local stores amounted to $6,900 for every person in town. But the average person only made $3,575 per year. A tiny seaport is the world’s third largest importer of Swiss watches-every year it buys 50 watches for every person in the city. The people in these cities are not buying all this merchandise –it is being bought by smugglers.

3) As one expert wrote “The ingenuity of the smuggler’s mind is virtually limitless”. In addition to special vests for carrying gold there are other types of smuggling equipment.A diplomat was arrested in London with 298 watches sewn into his coat lining. British officials discovered a car with a special gas tank containing 2,581 illegal watches. A good diamond smuggler can hide two or three small diamonds in his mouth and still carry on a normal conversation.

4) What makes people smuggle? Profit is definitely a motive. Over 1.5 billion in illegal gold is smuggled every year not to mention a multi- million dollar art smuggling trade. But many smugglers love excitement as much as profit. As someone said: ”You don’t feel happy unless somebody is making a run for you”.

Say what is true.

-smugglers work only for profit

-the best merchandise for smugglers is Swiss watches

-s has a lot in common with other businesses

-a large city is the best city for a smuggling operation

What idea is written in the text?

-a lot of smugglers have a creative mind

-smugglers deal with registered companies

-smuggling is worldwide but it amounts to less than 1 billion

-smuggling business has special people to work for it

Answer the question. “Why do you think smuggling business hasn’t been stopped yet?”.

-it’s difficult to catch smugglers in big cities

-the people of small border cities and seaports help smugglers

-it is easy for s to hide goods to remain above suspicion because they do not need special equipment

-the smuggling business is very profitable. Witty smugglers use special devices to hide smuggled goods

How do smugglers hide the illegal goods? (2/4/1/3)

What is the main idea of the text?

-art smuggling is one of the most profitable ones

-smuggling business can help their clients to get all goods they want at a reasonable price

-modern smugglers carry on business around the world

-smuggling is a worldwide it is profit business which amounts billions of dollars

Read and translate the text.


The UK Peace Index attempts to answer a fascinating question: why has our country become "substantially and significantly" more peaceful?

The Institute for Economics and Peace cannot come up with a convincing answer, not least because the decrease in violence is not confined to Britain. In fact, a similar phenomenon can be seen in almost every developed nation.

The report notes that "there is no commonly accepted explanation by criminologists for the fall in violence in many of the world's regions including the US, Western Europe, Eastern and Central Europe, as well as the UK".It goes on to admit that "many of the more common theories" refuse to stand up to scrutiny.

The global financial crisis has seen many countries suffer severely in economic terms and yet levels of peacefulness have increased. The idea that violent crime goes up when the economy goes down is not backed by the evidence.

The analysis searches for correlations between violence levels and other factors. Looking at the list of most and least peaceful local authorities, it is obvious that relatively prosperous rural areas are more peaceful than deprived urban areas.

Could it be that global communication, particularly the Internet, is having a civilising and calming effect on people's behaviour? We live in an age when, for the first time in history, people from all backgrounds can get an understanding of how the rest of the world lives.

This mass socialising may be changing attitudes. In the UK there is good evidence that people are becoming more tolerant of difference and less tolerant of violence.

Answer the questions.

1. Can the Internet help people become more peaceful?

2. Do you think that people in Russia become more tolerant to each other in the 21st century?




  • Dear Mr. Brown

  • Dear Ms White

  • Dear Sir

  • Dear Madam

  • Dear Sir or Madam

  • Gentlemen


  • We are writing 

    • to inform you that ...

    • to confirm ...

    • to request...

    • to enquire about ...

  • I am contacting you for the following reason.

  • I recently read/heard about ..... and would like to know ....

  • Having seen your advertisement in ..., I would like to ...

  • I would be interested in (obtaining / receiving) ...

  • I received your address from ... and would like to ...

  • I am writing to tell you about ...

Referring to previous contact

  • Thank you for your letter of March 15.

  • Thank you for contacting us.

  • In reply to your request, ...

  • Thank you for your letter regarding ...

  • With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday...

  • Further to our meeting last week ...

  • It was a pleasure meeting you in London last month.

  • I enjoyed having lunch with you last week in Tokyo.

  • I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed on Tuesday.

Making a request

  • We would appreciate it if you would ...

  •  I would be grateful if you could ...

  • Could you please send me ...

  • Could you possibly tell us / let us have ...

  • In addition, I would like to receive ...

  • It would be helpful if you could send us ...

  • I am interested in (obtaining / receiving) ...

  • I would appreciate your immediate attention to this

Offering help

  • Would you like us to ...?

  • We would be happy to ...

  • We are quite willing to ...

  • Our company would be pleased to ...

Giving good news

  • We are pleased to announce that ...

  • I am delighted in inform you that ..

  • You will be pleased to learn that ...

Giving bad news

  • We regret to inform you that ...

  • I'm afraid it would not be possible to ...

  • Unfortunately we cannot / we are unable to ...

  • After careful consideration we have decided (not) to ...


  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ...

  • I am writing to complain about ...

  • Please note that the goods we ordered on ( date ) have not yet arrived.

  • We regret to inform you that our order n° ----- is now considerably overdue.

  • I would like to query the transport charges which seem unusually high.


  • Sincerely yours, Poala Carbony

  • Yours sincerely, Paola Carbony ( if you know the person’name you are writing to)

  • Faithfully yours (if you don’t know the name)


Study the examples and write an informal and a business letter.


Example № 1

Nicola Jones,

234 Kingston Avenue,

New York,

the USA

22nd May, 2009

Ann Smith,

Bond Street 28,



Dear Ann,

Thanks a lot for your letter. You are going to have a great summer. Your plans sound fantastic.

I have got a lot of plans for the summer, too. Firstly I am going to relax for a while because I‘m very tired, then I’m going to have some fun! I’m going on holiday with my friend in June. We’re going to spend two weeks in exotic Hawaii. Then I’m going to join my drama group, as you know, I want to become an actress one day! At the end of the summer I’m going to visit my sister in L.A. She is getting married. Isn’t that fantastic?

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll send you a postcard from Hawaii! Have a great summer!

Best wishes,



Example № 2

Atmos Air-Conditioning Equipment

Avenida de la Playa 108

SP-03 -080-Alicante


October 23, 2010

Ms. Margaret Smith, Director of Tour Operations

Sun & Fun Tours

25 Hammersmith Road

Hallow, Essex, CM19 5AA


Dear Ms. Smith,

Thank you for your fax.

I was sorry to hear that you have had some problems with the WR458. We do all we can to make sure that products leave our factory in perfect condition, but unfortunately a bad one slips through. If you can arrange for it to be returned to me, I’ll let you have a replacement by return.

Hope that you are keeping well.

Sincerely yours,

Antony Hopkins.

Example № 3

Dear Mr. North,

Thank you for your inquiry. We are of course very familiar with range of vehicles and are pleased to inform you that we have a new line in batteries that fit your specification exactly.

I enclose a detailed quotation with prices and delivery terms.

If you would like further information, please telephone me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours, sincerely

Fred Stock.



Глаголом называется часть речи, которая обозначает действие или состояние лица или предмета.

Глагол отвечает на вопрос ы: что делает лицо (предмет)?-what does a person do?/что делается с лицом (предметом)?-what is done to a person?

Формы английского глагола делятся на личные и неличные.

Личные формы глагола выражают лицо, число, наклонение, время, залог.

К личным формам относятся формы глагола в трех лицах единственного и множественного числа во всех временах действительного и страдательного залогов в изъявительном и сослагательном наклонениях.

К личным формам глагола относится также форма повелительного наклонения.

Неличные формы глагола – инфинитив (the Infinitive), герундий (the Gerund) и причастие (Participle) выражают действие без указания лица, числа и наклонения.

По способу образования прошедшего времени и причастия прошедшего времени глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные.