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Дополнительная литература на иностранных языках

  1. Adams J.P.R., Whalky J. The International Taxation of Multinational Enterprises in Developed Countries. London, 1997.

  2. Arnull A. The European Union and its Court of Justice. — 2nd ed. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

  3. Ault Hugh J. International Issues in Corporate Integration, 10 Law and Policyin International Business 461,2006.

  4. Baker Ph. Double Tax Conventions and International Tax Law. Sweetand Maxwell, 2ndedition. London, 2005.

  5. Chretien M. Existe-t-il un Droit International Fiscal Commun. Librairie au RecueilSirey.Paris, 2003.

  6. Chretien M. A la Recherche du Droit International Fiscal Commun (The Search of CommonInternational Tax Law). Librairie au Recueil Sirey. Paris, 1985.

  7. Doemberg Richard L. International Taxation. St. Paul. Minnesota, WestPubl. Co., 1993.

  8. Doitvier P.-J. Droit fiscal dans les relations intemationales. Pedone. Paris, 1996.EC Tax Law. David W. Williams. Longman. London, N.Y, 1998.

  9. Essays on International Taxation. Deventer, Boston, 1993.

  10. Farmer P., LyalR. EC Tax Law. Clarendon press. Oxford. London, 1994.

  11. Fitxmaurice J. The General Principles of International Law, Rdc. 1957-П.