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Практика перекладу

Завдання 1. Перекладіть речення українською мовою, беручи до уваги збіг прислівника і прийменника.

1. This | is the weak spot | of the Keynesian system | which | is usually slurred over | by the Keynesians.

2. The suggestion | that | nations | should go out | of their way | to protect | business and industry | made no sense | at all.

3. Thus, | their method | is tied up | with their very special assumptions, | and | cannot be adapted to deal | with the more general case.

4. A large proportion | of the debt | is made up | of Government bonds.

5. Most sellers | try to push | these higher costs | on | into higher prices | even if | there is no change | in aggregate demand | in the economy.

weak spot — слабке місце

slur over — стирати

assumption — припущення

aggregate demand — сукупний попит

Завдання 3.

а) Розділіть умовне речення, в якому корені всіх повнозначних частин мови замінені умовними позначеннями (V — дієслово, N — іменник, А — прикметник), на словосполучення та незалежні слова.

б) Визначіть підмет та присудок за формальними ознаками та постав­те відповідне питання до присудка

X-tion can V0 a N’s N by Ving a A-er NN on one N in order to V0 Ns for another.

Завдання 2.

1) Знайдіть в реченнях прийменники та визначіть, до яких слів вони відносяться.

2) Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

1. According to a widely held view, the possibility of underemployment equilibrium has been defined by the «classical» school and demonstrated by Keynes.

2. Food production increased far beyond anything he could have foreseen, owing to scientific and technical advances in farming.

3. According to Marx, goods and services had value because of the efforts of labourers.

4. Every discussion concerning fluctuations of employment, of which there have been many, has been concerned with it.

5. Since 17th century economists have developed methods for studying and explaining how nations use their economic resources.

6. Shares may be bought without any charges beyond those payable to a stockbroker.

7. Interestingly, the 200-year-old argument between those favoring regulation of the economy and those supporting laissez faire (невтручання) is still with us.

widely held view — широко розповсюджений погляд

underemployment equilibrium — рівновага безробіття

define (v) — визначати

because of — через

fluctuation — коливання

share — акція

payable — оплачуваний, прибутковий

stockbroker — біржовий маклер

8. The traditional theory | maintains, | in short, | that | the wage bargains | between the entrepreneurs and the workers | determine | the real wage; | so that, | assuming | free competition | amongst employers and no restrictive combination | amongst workers, | the latter | can, | if | they | wish, | bring | their real wages | into conformity | with the marginal disutility | of the amount | of employment | offered | by the employers | at that wage.

free competition — вільна конкуренція disutility — непотріб­ність, незручність

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