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Вправа 87 стр.139(1-3)

1.The sooner you do it the better.

Чим раніше ви це зробите, тим краще.

2.The more you read on the subject the better you will know it.

Чим більше ти читаєш, тим більше ти знаєш.

3.The hotter it was the more miserable I felt.

Чим гарніше було, тим нещастнішим я себе почував.

Вправа 46 стр.71(1-10)

1.Be kind to him. Будь добрим до них.

2.Let us be honest about it. Давайте чинно про це.

3.Don't be a child. Не будь дитиною.

4.Let us be quick. Давайте будемо швидшими.

5.Don't be so curious. Не будь таким цікавим.

6.Let the dog in.

7.Be our guide. Будь нашим гідом.

8.Don't be nervous. Не нервуй.

9.Let me help you. Допоможи мені.

10.Let me speak to him about it.

Вправа 73 стр.126

1.I know (його) but I can't remember (його) name.

2.(Вона) was very happy because (ми) invited (її) to say with (нами)in (нашому)house.

3.Have (ти)seen (їх)?

4.(Вони) are playing with (своїми) friends.

5.Thet pen is (моя)give (її)to (мені).

6.Is this (твоя) umbrella? No, it's (твоя).

7.(Я) gave (йому)(мою)address and (він)gave (мені)(свою).

Вправа 75 стр.128

1. We have some friends living there.

2. There is no milk left.

3. We found some new words in the text.

4. We have heard some news that might interest you.

5. Have you any books on the subject?

6. Have you noticed any changes?

7. Have you got any money on you?

8. Is there any letter for me?

9. There is not any butter left.

Вправа 86 стр.139(1-5)

1.This novel is one of the best books available in our library.

2.It is not cold enough to wear a heavy jacket.

3.His speech was loud enough for everybody to hear it.

4.We were reported that the men present were his supporters.

5.Is there anything interesting in the papers?

Вправа 77 стр.129(1-4)

1.This hotel is very expensive.

2.Do you like these shoes?

3.This is a nice hotel.

4.Who is that?