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Отдельные случаи употребления герундия

Герундий употребляется

1. После таких фраз, как:

It's no use ...

It's useless...


It's no good ...

не стоит ...

I can't help ...

не могу не ...

It's no good leaving the work incompleted.

He стоит оставлять работу незавер­шенной.

I can't help being surprised at their success.

He могу не удивляться их успеху.

2. после прилагательных: like, busy, worth (worth-while)

One more fact is worth mentioning.

Не is busy checking the equipment' for the experiment.

Стоит упомянуть еще один факт.

Он занят проверкой оборудования для проведения эксперимента

3. после глаголов, требующих после себя предлога: rely on, depend on, insist on, think of, thank for, devote to, object to, succeed in, prevent from.

Our success depends on being supplied with the necessary equipment.

They succeeded in obtaining all the instruments they needed.

Успех наш зависит от обеспечения необходимым оборудованием.

Им удалось получить все необходимые приборы.

4. после прилагательных и причастий прошедшего времени, требующих после себя предлога: fond of, tired of, proud of, used to [ju:st].

He is used to working under such conditions.

Он привык работать в таких условиях.

5. После таких существительных, как: idea, method, way, pleasure, требующих после себя предлога of.

I like your idea of spending the evening at home.

Мне нравится твоя идея провести вечер дома.

6) После предлогов in, on (upon), after, before, by, without.

On pressing the button you will get the information desired.

Нажав кнопку, вы получите необходимую информацию.

1. Choose the correct form of the verb in the brackets in the following sentences.

  1. The teacher decided (accepting/to accept) the paper.

  2. They appreciate (to have/having) this information.

  3. His father doesn't approve of his (going/to go) to Europe.

  4. We found it very difficult (reaching/to reach) a decision.

  5. Donna is interested in (to open/opening) a bar.

  6. George has no intention of (to leave/leaving) the city now.

  7. We are eager (to return/returning) to school in the fall.

  8. You would be better off (to buy/buying) this car.

  9. She refused (to accept/accepting) the gift.

  10. Mary regrets (to be/being) the one to have to tell him.

  11. George pretended (to be/being) sick yesterday.

  12. Carlos hopes (to finish/finishing) his thesis this year.

  13. They agreed (to leave/leaving) early.

  14. Helen was anxious (to tell/telling) her family about her promotion.

  15. We are not ready (to stop/stopping) this research at this time.

  16. Henry shouldn't risk (to drive/driving) so fast.

  17. He demands (to know/knowing) what is going on.

  18. She is looking forward to (return/returning) to her country.

  19. There is no excuse for (to leave/leaving) the room in this condition.

  20. Gerald returned to his home after (to leave/leaving) the game.

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