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1. Translate paying attention to the form and function of infinitives.

My hobby is to read books. I like to read books everywhere – at home, at the institute, but mostly in the bus on my way home or to the institute. If I want to read a book I always remember that some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed (глотать), and some few to be chewed (об­думывать) and digested. I also know well that there is a great difference between the eager man who wants to read a book, and the tired man who wants a book to read.

2. Translate the phrases given below paying attention to the form and function of the infinitives.

I am happy to help you.

I am glad to have helped him.

He was glad to have been helped.

I am glad to be helping them.

I am glad to be helped.

I am glad to be helping them.

I am glad to be helped.

to send the letter to inform them

the house to be built

to build the road to connect two towns

3. Translate the phrases and say how the attribute is expressed.

the remark made

the distance travelled

the money paid

the delayed train

the translated article

the problem to be solved

the new device to be introduced

the theory to be considered

the instrument to be used

the bridge to be constructed

4. Translate the sentences below paying attention to the form and function of the infinitives.

  1. They were happy to take part in our expedition.

  2. She wanted to be answered at once.

  3. He was happy to be working with the famous scientist.

  4. It's very difficult to drive a car in a big city.

  5. Water may be used to drive dynamos which generate electricity.

  6. Sputniks do not need any additional energy to move along their orbit.

  7. Newton made use of the three laws of motion to explain the movement of the Moon around the Earth and of the planets around the Sun.

  8. To extend the main street they had to destroy some old buildings.

  9. The workers will use powerful machinery to assemble these huge units.

  10. He was saving money to travel about the country.

5. Translate the sentences below paying attention to the form and function of the infinitives.

  1. The problem to be discussed is connected with the city water supply system.

  2. This method is not good enough to be used everywhere.

  3. A new comfortable coach was developed to transport people over long distances.

  4. It did not take much time to pave the road.

  5. The internal combustion engine to be used in this lorry is of a new design.

  6. The road surface to be repaired was destroyed many years ago by heavy vehicles.

  7. Goods to be transported to the north are stored at the railway station.

  8. He was too tired to be asked any questions.

  9. England looks like one well ordered park. Englishmen like to preserve various old trees. There are some trees which were even too old to be cut for building ships in the seventeenth century.

  10. A high speed electronic machine has introduced great changes in carrying out various mathematical calculations. This electronic machine works according to a programme to be prepared in advance and can carry out several thousand arithmetic operations per second.

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