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Середа Татьяна Константиновна МОУ СОШ №20 г.Белгород

Контрольная работа №4


Базовый уровень А2+

Установите соответствие между заголовками AD и параграфами 1 – 3.

Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один лишний заголовок. Если вы затрудняетесь соотнести какой-либо текст с темой, то ставьте в таблице знак Х под номером этого текста.

A. Violence and teens

B. Being a teenager is great fun

C. Humorous and serious things

D. Do what you want

John McCarthy, 17

1. Teenagers today have a lot more to worry about than their parents ever did. The world is becoming a very scary place. Violence, teen pregnancy, and AIDS cases are increasing. More and more teens are turning to drugs and alcohol. I'm sure that almost every teenager will at one time or another have an experience with drugs, alcohol or sex. These things combined with personal problems and mates' influence make being a teenager very difficult. I don't have a single friend who has never had a drink of alco­hol. Some of them don't drink at all now, but some do. It seems to me that adults are generally quite indifferent to what their children do. Once you reach the age of sixteen or seventeen, your parents think you are old enough to decide for yourself and let you do what you want.

Estelle Hammersley, 16

2. It's true that there are so many problems facing teens today. I go to an all-girls private school which makes my school life easier. I focus more attention on doing my work than on impressing a cute guy. But when I go out on weekends there is a lot of pressure to drink and smoke. There are no teen clubs close to where I live so weekend activities are limited. My friends and I don't do anything exciting, but we usually have fun just being around each other. We usually talk v about humorous things. On the other hand, we also talk about serious things like abortion, sex, and politics. My friends and I try to help each other if we can, because a lot of the time, being a teenager isn't fun. It's a chore (duty). You have to go to school and your parents want you to get good grades, which are hard enough in itself, and you have to deal with your own problems too.

Bart Naik, 16

3. Where I live teenagers have few dangers, but even in my town kids can get alcohol easily. I personally do not drink alcohol. I don't think drinking is exciting. But I know some guys who do. My view is that if they want to, then they can-it's their life, they are free to decide and nobody can forbid them to do what they want.

The people I hang about with don't really put any pressure on me or anyone else.

Dating is not a big deal .We usually go out with a bunch of friends, both girls and boys.

Social events such as discos and parties are a very popular conversation topic among teenagers. At school, politics are discussed quite a lot but along with this there are conversations about boyfriends, girlfriends, and plans for the weekend ahead. I feel also that the majority of boys are football-mad and the girls are very conscious of their appearance and clothes. Being a teenager is great fun. Take it easy.




Повышенный уровень В 1

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 – 6 частями предложений, обозначенных буквами А - G. Одна из частей в списке А – G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

John McCarthy, 17

1. Teenagers today have a lot more to worry about than their parents ever did. The world is becoming a very scary place. Violence, teen pregnancy, and AIDS cases are increasing. More and more teens are turning 1 …………….. I'm sure that almost every teenager will at one time or another have an experience with drugs, alcohol or sex. These things combined with personal problems and mates' influence make being a teenager very difficult. I don't have a single friend who has never had a drink of alco­hol. Some of them don't drink at all now, but some do. It seems to me that adults are generally quite indifferent to what their children do. Once you reach the age of sixteen or seventeen, your parents think you are old enough 2 ……………

Estelle Hammersley, 16

2. It's true that there are so many problems facing teens today. I go to an all-girls private school which makes my school life easier. I focus more attention on doing my work than on impressing a cute guy. But when I go out on weekends there is a lot of pressure 3 ………………There are no teen clubs close to where I live so weekend activities are limited. My friends and I don't do anything exciting, but we usually have fun just being around each other. We usually talk v about humorous things. On the other hand, we also talk about serious things like abortion, sex, and politics. My friends and I try to help each other if we can, because a lot of the time, being a teenager isn't fun. It's a chore (duty). You have to go to school and your parents want you to get good grades, which are hard enough in itself, and you have 4 ………………….

Bart Naik, 16

3. Where I live teenagers have few dangers, but even in my town kids can get alcohol easily. I personally do not drink alcohol. I don't think drinking is exciting. But I know some guys who do. My view is that if they want to, then they can-it's their life, they are free 5 …………………..

The people I hang about with don't really put any pressure on me or anyone else.

Dating is not a big deal .We usually go out with a bunch of friends, both girls and boys.

Social events such as discos and parties are 6 ………............... At school, politics are discussed quite a lot but along with this there are conversations about boyfriends, girlfriends, and plans for the weekend ahead. I feel also that the majority of boys are football-mad and the girls are very conscious of their appearance and clothes. Being a teenager is great fun. Take it easy.

A to drink and smoke

B to get alcohol easily

C to drugs and alcohol

D to decide for yourself and let you do what you want

E a very popular conversation topic among teenagers

F to decide and nobody can forbid them to do what they want

G to deal with your own problems too

№ текста








Высокий уровень В 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А1 – А3, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

John McCarthy, 17

Teenagers today have a lot more to worry about than their parents ever did. The world is becoming a very scary place. Violence, teen pregnancy, and AIDS cases are increasing. More and more teens are turning to drugs and alcohol. I'm sure that almost every teenager will at one time or another have an experience with drugs, alcohol or sex. These things combined with personal problems and mates' influence make being a teenager very difficult. I don't have a single friend who has never had a drink of alco­hol. Some of them don't drink at all now, but some do. It seems to me that adults are generally quite indifferent to what their children do. Once you reach the age of sixteen or seventeen, your parents think you are old enough to decide for yourself and let you do what you want.

Estelle Hammersley, 16

It's true that there are so many problems facing teens today. I go to an all-girls private school which makes my school life easier. I focus more attention on doing my work than on impressing a cute guy. But when I go out on weekends there is a lot of pressure to drink and smoke. There are no teen clubs close to where I live so weekend activities are limited. My friends and I don't do anything exciting, but we usually have fun just being around each other. We usually talk about humorous things. On the other hand, we also talk about serious things like abortion, sex, and politics. My friends and I try to help each other if we can, because a lot of the time, being a teenager isn't fun. It's a chore (duty). You have to go to school and your parents want you to get good grades, which are hard enough in itself, and you have to deal with your own problems too.

Bart Naik, 16

Where I live teenagers have few dangers, but even in my town kids can get alcohol easily. I personally do not drink alcohol. I don't think drinking is exciting. But I know some guys who do. My view is that if they want to, then they can-it's their life, they are free to decide and nobody can forbid them to do what they want.

The people I hang about with don't really put any pressure on me or anyone else.

Dating is not a big deal .We usually go out with a bunch of friends, both girls and boys.

Social events such as discos and parties are a very popular conversation topic among teenagers. At school, politics are discussed quite a lot but along with this there are conversations about boyfriends, girlfriends, and plans for the weekend ahead. I feel also that the majority of boys are football-mad and the girls are very conscious of their appearance and clothes. Being a teenager is great fun. Take it easy.

A1. Every teenager will have an experience with drugs, alcohol or sex because

1. violence is increasing

2. the world is terrible

3. adults are quite indifferent to them

4. they have their own problems

A2. Being a teenager isn't fun because

1. there are no teen clubs

2. we have duties and our own problems

3. there are many serious problems

4. schools make our lives difficult

A3. Very popular conversation topics among teenagers are about

1. their appearance and clothes

2. football

3. violence, teen pregnancy, and AIDS cases

4. social events, politics, conversations about boyfriends, girlfriends, and plans for the weekend


Student Cards

Task 1 (3-4 min)

Give a talk on the topic “Is it easy to be young?”

Remember to speak about:

  • what right is right for you;

  • what the law allows or forbids you to do;

  • what problems young people of your age have;

  • if you have enough freedom;

  • what you think about relations with parents and adults;

  • if you have problems.

Task 2 (1, 5 -2 min)

You would like to make a project “Teenage years- do they bring luck?”

You are discussing the most important points of your work with your friend. You want to know:

  • how she/he feels about the life of today’s teenagers;

  • what problems teens face at school and at home;

  • if he/she finds all problems serious;

  • if friends influence teens’ lives much;

  • if parents or adults influence young people lives

You will start the conversation

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • ask all the questions to get the necessary information.

Task 3 (4-5 min)

You and your friend are discussing different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of school life.

There are some options to choose from. You have to decide on one of them and explain why:

  • to go dancing;

  • to stay at home and watch TV;

  • to listen to music;

  • to some exercise.

You begin the conversation. Use specific details and examples in your answer.

Remember to:

  • discuss all the points;

  • take an active part in the conversation and be polite;

  • come up with suggestions;

  • give reasons;

  • invite your partner to come up with suggestions;

  • find out your partner’s attitudes and take them into account;

  • come to an agreement.

Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4 – B10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4 – B10.