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Topics%20for%20credit / British history

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The history of Great Britain

  1. About 500- 600 BC Celts [kelts] - кельты settled in GB. They were tall red-haired people who came from the territory of the present day France. The Romans called them Britons – and the country – Britannia. The Celts made things of bronze and silver, made golden and silver money, built roads, started to buy and sell things.

  2. 2000 years ago Romans (римляне) came to Britain. Romans built a lot of excellent roads, ports and towns, dug (рыли колодцы) wells, and constructed walls to protect from Scots and Picts. Romans stayed in Britain for 350 years.

  3. Then Anglo-Saxons, wild and aggressive people came from Germany and settled in Britain and mixed with Celts.

  4. 8-11th centuries – Vikings - pirates from Scandinavian countries made raids (нападали) on Britain, so Anglo-Saxon kings decided to unite the country and called it England.

  5. 1066 – William the Conqueror from Normandy (in France) won a battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest (норманнское завоевание) started. It lasted about 400 years The Normans built a lot of castles and made French the official language of school, administration, army, church. English was the spoken language, later Normans mixed with English people.

  6. The Parliament appeared in the 13th century.

  7. In the 15th century there was the War of the Red and White Roses and Henry the VΙΙΙth set up Church of England.

  8. In 1666 there was the Great Fire. It was 5 days, it destroyed the wooden London, after it London became stone and much more beautiful.

  9. In the 18th century there was the American War of Independence and England lost American colonies, but got India and African colonies.

  10. In the 18th century the Industrial Revolution started, England was the most industrially developed country in the world.

  11. From 1837 to 1907 Queen Victory ruled Britain and British Empire with colonies took 1/5 of the world land and 1/4 of the world population.

  12. In 1946 Britain lost India.

  13. In 1975, 1986 Special low prohibited sex discrimination between men and women.

  14. 1976 laws prohibited discrimination on ground of colour, race and nationality.

Celts – кельты

Tribes – племена

Settle – оседать

Conquer – завоевать

Dig (dug) – копать

Well – колодец

Mix – смешиваться

Vikings – викинги

Raids - налеты, набеги

Defeat – разбить, победить

Battle – битва

Castle - замок

Set up – создать

Church – церковь

Destroy – разрушать

Independence – независимость

Developed – развитая

Rule – править

Prohibit – запрещать.

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