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Higher School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Language education in modernization of humanitarian knowledge

Organised by the Russian University of Economics (RUE)

Moscow, Russia, 15-19 April 2024

Call for papers’ deadline: 15 April 2024

First Circular — Call for Papers

We would like to announce that the First International Scientific and Practical Conference on Modernization of Humanitarian Knowledge will take place in Moscow, Russia, on April 15–19, 2024.

Our sessions are going to be held in a mixed format: you can attend remotely or just promote your research papers without actually being present at the conference. Later, we will append the articles to the collection of materials from the conference, which can also be submitted in absentia. All of your research and innovative thoughts on the topic are very welcome.

The main goal of the event is to team up with professionals, including PhDs and younger researchers, to uncover the new methodology in the spheres of language interpretation science and linguistic analysis. The audience will learn about the perspectives and problems that arise in the field, and the participants are expected to share with the audience their recent, hopefully revolutionary, methods that will be considered modernization in the field of natural language sciences.

To ensure the event flows smoothly, your reports must meet the requirements described below:

  • The maximal number of co-authors can be no more than two;

  • The multimedia representation of your report is highly suggested;

  • The typical report chronology is about 7–10 minutes.

Every participant will receive an attendance certificate to confirm their presence at the event.

We are concerned about the professional development of employees of leading universities, including their scientific and pedagogical staff. And for them specifically, we have designed a refresher course on the additional professional program "English for Scientists: Improving the Level of Proficiency in Academic Writing," with a duration of 72 hours. Standing within the framework of the conference, it is intended to help professionals improve their academic writing skills, which are indispensable in the field. To get started with the course, you must be at least level B1 in the English language. Your course-graduate proficiency level will be confirmed after the last session with the state-issued certificate. The course is aimed at supporting the active scientific activities of universities and business companies.

For more detailed information, you can use the resource at https://forms.yandex.ru/cloud/65c3e663f47e7309ab0e267c/

The conference program will be delivered to the participants via the email mentioned in their application notice.

We welcome contributions from all of the following areas: linguistics, sociology, political studies, psychology, journalism and media studies, advertising, culture studies and business communication.

Confirmed keynote speakers:

- Professor Ivan Petrov

- Dr Nikolay Grigoriev

- Professor Elena Belova

Abstract submission

The language of the conference is Russian and English. The important part of the submission is the keywords set (ideally, in the range of 5–7). Abstracts must be sent by email as a Word attachment to langsci@mail.ru before April 15, 2024. Please include your name, affiliation, email address and paper title in the body of the email. Notification of acceptance decisions will be communicated via email in a couple of days.


We organize the process of promoting and posting the selected publications in the RSCI database with the assignment of the UDC, BBK, and the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).


No registration or participation fee is required.