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4 сем / 4 сем дз задания / Задания для автомата по англ

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Задание 4 ( марта) I’m a beginner programmer with basic knowledge in Python programming focused on learning and growing my skills in software development. My expertise is in a number of areas including basic coding, simple script automation, and introductory web development. Most of my work is with small projects and learning exercises to build a strong foundation in programming. I’m always looking for introductions to mentors, beginner-friendly projects, and communities like these. Any insight about how to make connections like that would be great! A: I’ve received a scholarship from the Erasmus Programme. B: Where are you going? A: To Austria.

A: We couldn’t find Mike last night. B: Where was he? A: He said he met his old university friend and they ended up in one of the cafés.

A: It was the best holiday we’ve ever had. B: What did you do? A: We rented a car and travelled all around the country.

A: There’s going to be a prize-giving ceremony at the end of the conference. B: How did you manage to organize it? A: Because I have a lot of contacts.

TASK 2 Man: So, how do you know Justin? Woman: We worked on the project two years ago in Tomsk. Man: Aha, you must be a teacher from Russia! Woman: 1. Well, I’m an engineer. Man: And what does your husband do? Woman: 2. Uhm, I’m divorced. Man: Oh, sorry. Anyway, so tell me, why do you, Russians, celebrate two New Years? Does it have any religious implications? Woman: 3. That’s something, it’s just an excuse for a longer public holiday. Man: Hmm, interesting. 4. By the way, what do you think about your new prime minister? Woman: 5. I’d love to discuss with you, but can we do it at another time? TASK 3

Interviewer: Hi, thanks for coming in today.

Candidate: Hi, thank you for having me.

Interviewer: How many years of experience do you have with Python?

Candidate: I have three years of experience.

Interviewer: Wow, that’s fantastic! Can you tell me about some of the projects you’ve worked on?

Candidate: Sure! I recently developed a web application for inventory management.

Interviewer: How nice! What challenges did you face?

Candidate: Integrating various APIs was particularly challenging.

Interviewer: You must be delighted with the result.

Candidate: Yes, it was very rewarding to see it work well.

Interviewer: How do you keep your skills up-to-date?

Candidate: I read blogs, participate in coding challenges, and take online courses.

Задание 6 (марта)

  1. to announce

  2. take place

  3. to provide a platform

  4. interdisciplinary

  5. welcome contributions

  6. areas of research

  7. Abstracts

  8. to submit papers

  9. registration fee

8 резюме 17 (апрель) 1 Couture, M., Hearing Voices, Select Technology Group

2 Hearing Voices

3 The aim of the article is to show how financial rewards will inspire telecommunications providers to convert from Intelligent Network (IN) to Voice over IP (VoIP).

4 The research method used in the article is analysis.

5 The article highlights the financial incentives for service providers to transition from traditional circuit-switched networks to IP-based systems. This transition is driven by the potential for new applications and services that enhance the communication experience for consumers and businesses, offering greater efficiency and lower costs. The text also discusses the challenges faced by service providers, such as the need for improved billing systems and the regulatory environment.

6 The article describes the period of late 1990s to early 2000s.

7 The author's conclusion is that the success of IP telephony depends on overcoming technical and regulatory challenges, with a focus on innovation and effective billing solutions.

9 резюме 18 (апр)

1 Author not mentioned, A tutorial introduction to optical modulation techniques

2 A tutorial introduction to optical modulation techniques

3 The aim of the article is to explain the basic principles and methods of optical modulation, both simple and direct, used in optical communications.

4 The research method used in the article is description.

5 The article describes simple optical experiments for signal transmission, such as Morse Code. It explains direct modulation, where digital signals control a laser diode’s current, and indirect modulation, where complex circuitry modulates the light beam without affecting the light source. The methods' advantages and limitations in terms of frequency response, signal-to-noise ratio, and implementation challenges are discussed.

6 The article focuses on techniques developed during the period of significant advancements in optical communications technology.

7 The author's conclusion is that while simple and direct modulation techniques are fundamental to optical communications, they come with specific limitations and complexities that require careful consideration and optimization in practical applications.

7 Резюме 16 (март) Ward, D., The Latest News in the Field of Number Portability, European Billing Association

The aim of the article is to show the reader that number portability is essential for enhancing competition and reducing costs in the telecommunications industry.

The research method used in the article is analysis.

In September 1999, 200,000 calls were ported in the US, highlighting the growing importance of number portability. The article discusses the challenges and costs for both start-ups and established operators, emphasizing its benefits for businesses and consumers through competition and price reduction.

The article describes the period of late 1990s and early 2000s.

The author's conclusion is that number portability, while beneficial, requires careful financial and technical planning to implement effectively.